Great Job Ads, Attract Better talents!

僱 主 品 牌 策 略
Employer Branding Strategy

我們為企業建立僱主品牌, 對外展示一貫的企業文化, 吸引更多目標人才加入企業。無論您的公司處於任何階段, 建立僱主品牌是招攬人才的長遠策略, 助您實踐策略。

For the sake of introducing professionals to your industry, we endeavour to establish employer branding as well as expose the consistent enterprise culture to the public. Whichever stage your company is at, building up employer branding is your long-term strategy to recruit talents, and you are assured that will help your company to reach its fullest potential.

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Simply fill the request form below, we will follow up your job post within 2 hours.  


1. 銀行轉帳:

  • 銀行名稱:中國銀行 (澳門分行)

  • 帳戶名稱:澳門好工作有限公司

  • 帳戶號碼:00182811100400107

  • 付款完成後,請電郵銀行轉帳證明至 即可。

2. 郵寄支票:

  • 支票抬頭:澳門好工作有限公司

  • 郵寄地址:澳門畢仕達大馬路 26 - 54B 中福商業中心 4 樓 E 座
    (信封面請註名 廣告部收)
