[ 即將開業 ] 南灣區泰國餐廳澳門招聘



1. 廚師

薪金:$30,000 - $80,000,另設年尾花紅

Requirements :

  • Assist at all times in the preparation of cooking in the kitchen

  • Maintain a constant standard in kitchen

  • Thai restaurant experiences is a plus

  • Good knife skills, good food and ingredient knowledge, and knowledge of proper sanitation practices

  • Able to work independently and as part of a team

  • Able to work to current health and safety requirements


  • 隨時協助廚房的準備

  • 保持廚房的標準

  • 相關工作經驗優先

  • 良好的刀工、食品和配料知識,以及衛生知識

  • 能夠獨立工作

2. 助理廚師

Job Descriptions :

  • Responsible for cooking

  • Prepare supplies and ingredient for the kitchen

  • Maintain quality and standard of food

  • Assist in keeping the working environment clean and tidy


  • 負責在廚房的所有烹飪及製作

  • 預備廚房毎天徵用的用品

  • 保持食品的效益及質量及展示

  • 協助保持工作環境清潔及整齊

3. 餐廳水吧

4. 餐廳經理

Job Descriptions :

  • Ensure that the restaurant operates in accordance with operating procedures

  • Supervise the cost-effective operation of the restaurant

  • Monitor the cleanliness of all hardware, utensils and tableware

  • Maintain inventory control and order equipment and supplies within budget

  • Report to management regularly


  • 確保餐廳按照操作程序運行

  • 監督餐廳的經濟高效運作

  • 監控所有硬件,器皿和餐具的清潔衛生

  • 處理文書工作

  • 維持控制庫存並在預算範圍內訂購設備和用品

  • 定期向管理層匯報

5. Waiter / Waitress 服務生

Job Descriptions :

  • To take orders from the customers in a courteous manner  

  • To serve food and beverages to the customers efficiently 

  • To perform any duties assigned by the supervisor 


  • 禮貌地接待和服務賓客之落單

  • 高效地遞送食物及飲料給賓客

  • 執行由主管安排的其他工作任務


有意者請將個人履歷電郵至 thelodge.mo@gmail.com,請註明申請職位。

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