$10k - 20k, CS 客戶服務, Freelance 兼職, JSCMPT3, Urgent Hiring 急聘職位, Others 其他行業, M07AJ

Sandbox VR 澳門招聘


Sandbox VR於2017年成立,業務範圍涵蓋澳門、香港、上海、新加坡、洛杉磯、三藩市、奧斯汀、芝加哥、聖地亞哥、拉斯維加斯和溫哥華等地,全球設有50個據點還會不斷增加。Sandbox VR與家用虛擬實境設計的技術不一樣,可以提供全身的虛擬實境體驗。玩家們可以在同一場境裡,全身融合在虛擬實境體驗之中,達致真正的沉浸式體驗。因目前市面上未有同類型遊戲能做到類似的體驗,所以需要自行設計遊戲產品。無論由故事發展、場境、裝備等均須自行研發。而Sandbox VR的體驗使用最新VR硬件技術及荷里活電影級別實時動作捕捉裝備。VR玩家須佩戴頭戴式耳機、VR眼罩、體感衣、長槍、短槍或拳套等,就能進入其虛擬實境遊戲,除了跟隊友無間溝通,更實時呈現遊戲動態。例如當玩家受襲或中彈時,身上便會同步感受震動。遊戲室內全方位安裝感應相機,場地亦設有風扇效果等設備,令玩家更有投入感,締造出了全球目前最逼真的 VR 體驗。

Sandbox VR was established in 2017. Its business scope covers Macau, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Singapore, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Austin, Chicago, San Diego, Las Vegas and Vancouver. It has 50 locations around the world and will continue to increase. . Sandbox VR is designed with different technology than home virtual reality and can provide a full-body virtual reality experience. Players can be in the same scene and fully integrated into the virtual reality experience to achieve a truly immersive experience. Because there are currently no games of the same type on the market that offer a similar experience, you need to design your own game products. Regardless of the story development, scenes, equipment, etc., all must be developed by ourselves. The Sandbox VR experience uses the latest VR hardware technology and Hollywood movie-level real-time motion capture equipment. VR players must wear headsets, VR goggles, body-sensitive clothing, long guns, short guns or boxing gloves to enter their virtual reality games. In addition to seamless communication with teammates, game dynamics can also be presented in real time. For example, when a player is attacked or shot, his body will feel vibrations simultaneously. Sensor cameras are installed throughout the game room, and the venue is also equipped with fan effects and other equipment to make players feel more immersed, creating the most realistic VR experience in the world.


【全職】客戶服務員Full-time Customer Service Representative

薪金MOP13000或以上 (Salary MOP 13,000 or Above)

  • 持澳門居民身份證 (請附上身份證影印本)

    Macau ID only (attachment soft copy needed)

  • 學士學位或有相關工作經驗

    Bachelor’s degree or equivalent experience is an advantage.

  • 至少一年或以上工作經驗,有營銷和銷售相關經驗者較佳

    Having above one-year working experience as an advantage, especially marketing and sales experiences.

  • 需負責館內日常和行政運作 (包括:客人預約、客戶服務、電腦操作、以及其他日常營運內容等等

    In charge of daily administrative duties (include: Customer Booking, Customer service, Computer operation, and Daily operation, etc ).

  • 良好英文、普通話和廣東話

    Good command of English, Mandarin, and Cantonese.

  • 良好的溝通技巧、問題解決和學習能力

    Having great communication skills, problem solving and learning abilities

  • 主動和盡責處理工作

    Be active and be responsible for the job.

  • 願意輪班和周末工作

    Willing to work shifts and weekends

全職基本待遇 Full-Time Basic Benefit

  • 1 週 1 日有薪假期 (One Paid Day off Per Week)

  • 年終花紅 (Year End bonus)


**有意者請將「個人履歷表+身份證影印本」透過電郵發送至 info@mindvr.net,合則約見。