Freelance 兼職

$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, $40k - 50k, Hotel 酒店業, JSCMPT1, Freelance 兼職, Gaming & Entertainment 博彩及娛樂, Design 設計, CS 客戶服務, HR 人力資源, Marketing 市場行銷及傳播, M07BJ

SJM Resorts, S.A. 澳娛綜合度假股份有限公司招聘


SJM Holdings Limited is the holding company of SJM Resorts, S.A. , one of the six companies authorized to operate casino games of fortune and other games of chance in casinos, under the terms of a concession granted by the government of the Macau Special Administrative Region in March 2002. SJM is the only casino gaming concessionaire with its roots in Macau.


Learning & Development 培訓及發展部

  1. 助理經理 - 培訓及發展 Assistant Manager - Learning & Development

  2. 主任 - 培訓及發展 Executive - Learning & Development

角子機營運部 Slot Operations

  1. 服務代表 Service Representative

  2. 技術員 Technician

行政辦公室 Executive Office

  1. 行政助理 Administrative Assistant

轎車服務 Limousine Services

  1. 司機 - 轎車服務 Driver - Limousine Services

  2. 代客泊車員 Valet

零售及營運支援 Retail & Operations Support

  1. 高級專員 - 零售營運 Senior Officer - Retail Operations

  2. 專員 - 零售營運 Officer - Retail Operations

  3. 服務臺專員 - 零售營運 Concierge Officer - Retail Operations

人力資源部 Human Resources

  1. 經理 - 薪酬及福利 Manager - Compensation & Benefits

  2. 協調員 - 人力資源資訊系統 Coordinator - HR Information System

  3. 協調員 - 僱員關係 Coordinator - Employee Relations

電子博彩運作部 Electronic Gaming

  1. 服務代表 Service Representative

  2. 技術員 Technician

會計部 Finance & Accounts

  1. 經理 - 博彩審計 Manager - Gaming Audit

  2. 高級審計員 - 博彩審計 Senior Auditor - Gaming Audit

  3. 助理 - 成本會計Associate - Costing

保安部 Security

  1. Manager - System Control - 經理 - 系統控制

  2. Supervisor - Operations - 主任 - 營運

  3. System Operator - 系統操作員

  4. Security Officer - 保安員

項目建設管理部 Project and Construction Management

  1. Assistant Project Manager (Construction) - 助理項目經理 (建造)

  2. Assistant Project Manager (Fitting Out) - 助理項目經理 (室內設計)

  3. Assistant Project Manager (Building Services) - 助理項目經理 (屋宇設備)

  4. Engineer (Construction) - 工程師 (建造)

  5. Supervisor (Construction) - 主管 (建造)

  6. Site Supervisor - 督導員

  7. Safety Supervisor - 安全督導員

貴賓服務 VIP Services

  1. 主任 - 客戶服務 Executive - Guest Services

度假村服務 Resort Services

  1. 服務專員 - 度假村服務 Service Agent - Resort Services

電話市場營銷 Telesales

  1. 服務專員 - 電話市場營銷 Service Agent - Telesales

餐飲部 - 新葡京酒店 Food & Beverage - Grand Lisboa Hotel

  1. 行政餅房主廚 Executive Pastry Chef

  2. 侍酒師 Sommelier

賭具組 Gaming Equipment Department

  1. 技術員 Technician

審計部 Internal Audit

  1. 審計員 Internal Auditor

零售租賃及營運部 Retail Leasing & Operations

  1. 服務臺專員 - 零售營運 Concierge Officer - Retail Operations

供應鏈 (營運及服務) Supply Chain (Operations & Services)

  1. 助理經理 - 供應鏈 Assistant Manager - Supply Chain

  2. 主任 - 供應鏈 Supervisor - Supply Chain

  3. 專員 - 供應鏈 Officer - Supply Chain

銷售部 Sales

  1. 經理 - 銷售部 (會展、商務及宴會) Manager - Sales (MICE & Corporate & Events)

  2. 經理 - 宴會管理 Manager - Event Management

  3. 主任 - 銷售 (會展、商務及宴會) Executive - Sales (MICE & Corporate & Events)

策略分析部 Strategic Analysis

  1. 經理 (市場及銷售分析) Manager (Marketing & Sales)

  2. 助理經理(市場及銷售分析) Assistant Manager (Marketing & Sales)

  3. 高級分析員 (市場及銷售分析) Senior Analyst (Marketing & Sales)

  4. 分析員 (市場及銷售分析) Analyst (Marketing & Sales)

  5. 高級分析員(酒店盈利效益優化) Senior Analyst (Hotel Revenue Optimization)

  6. 分析員(酒店盈利效益優化) Analyst (Hotel Revenue Optimization)

  7. 高級分析員 (商業及數據分析) Senior Analyst (Business Intelligence & Database Analytics)

  8. 高級分析員 (博彩) Senior Analyst (Gaming)

  9. 高級分析員 (市場數據分析及積效優化) Senior Analyst (Market Research & Performance Optimization)

  10. 分析員 (市場數據分析及積效優化) Analyst (Market Research & Performance Optimization)

  11. 問卷調查員 Surveyor

度假村臻尚市場拓展部 Resort Premium Market Development

  1. 助理經理 - 客戶忠誠管理 Assistant Manager - Loyalty Marketing

  2. 主任 - 項目及活動推廣 (數據)助理 Supervisor - Events and Promotions (Data)

  3. 主任 - 廣告及支援 Supervisor - Advertising & Support

  4. 主任 - 娛樂視聽 Supervisor - Audio Visual

品牌發展及市場部 Brand Development & Marketing

  1. 助理經理 - 客戶關係管理及數據分析 Assistant Manager - Digital CRM and Analytics

  2. 高級主任 - 數碼平台及創新 Senior Executive - Digital Platform and Innovations

  3. 助理經理 - 項目推廣及娛樂策劃 Assistant Manager - Events & Entertainment

  4. 助理經理 - 娛樂視聽 Assistant Manager - Audio Visual

  5. 行政 - 項目推廣及娛樂策劃 Administrator - Events & Entertainment

水療及康體部 Spa & Recreation

  1. 理療師 - 水療 Therapist - Spa

  2. 禮賓服務員 - 水療及康體 Concierge - Spa & Recreation

  3. 服務員 - 水療及康體 Attendant - Spa & Recreation

資訊科技部 Information Technology

  1. 經理 - 巿場發展解決方案 Manager - Marketing Solution

  2. 高級分析員 - 巿場發展解決方案 Senior Analyst - Marketing Solution

  3. 分析員 - 巿場發展解決方案 Analyst - Marketing Solution

  4. 經理 - 部門及衛星場服務 Manager - Department & Satellite Service

  5. 助理經理 - 博彩系統方案 Assistant Manager - Gaming Solution

  6. 助理經理 - 前台系統方案 Assistant Manager - Front of House Solution

  7. 分析員 - 前台系統方案 Analyst - Front of House Solution

  8. 高級分析員 - 企業軟件開發 Senior Analyst - Enterprise Software Development

  9. 高級分析員 - 質量保證 Senior Analyst - QA

  10. 分析員 - 數據庫架構管理 Analyst - DAM

  11. 分析員 - 後台營運系統方案 Analyst - BOH Solution

  12. 分析員 - 安全營運 Analyst - Security Operations

機電工程部 Electrical and Mechanical

  1. 督導 - 機電 Supervisor - Electrical and Mechanical

  2. 技術員 - 酒店機電 Technician - Hotel Electrical and Mechanical

  3. 技術員 - 木工、油漆工 Technician - Joiner & Painter

  4. 技術員 - 給排水系統 Technician - Plumbing & Drainage System

管家部 Housekeeping

  1. 主任 - 公共區域 Supervisor - Public Area

  2. 主任 - 房務 Supervisor - Rooms

  3. 管家部調度員 Housekeeping Dispatcher

  4. 協調員 - 管家 Coordinator - Housekeeping

酒店營運部 Hotel Operations

  1. 服務員 - 前台 Agent - Front Office

餐飲部 Food and Beverage

  1. 行政助理 - 餐飲 Administrative Assistant - F&B

  2. 主任 - 食品安全及衛生 Officer - Food Safety & Hygiene

  3. 助理經理 - 餐廳Assistant Manager - Restaurant

  4. 葡萄酒侍酒師 Wine Sommelier

  5. 主任 - 餐飲 Supervisor - F&B

  6. 領班 - 餐飲 Captain - F&B

  7. 茶藝專家 - Tea Master

  8. 茶藝領班 Captain - Tea

  9. 調酒師Bartender

  10. 接待員 Host - F&B

  11. 專員 - 電話銷售 Agent - Telephone Sales

  12. 服務員 - 餐飲 Server - F&B

  13. 總廚 (麵點) Senior Sous Chef (Noodle)

  14. 高級助理總廚 (中餐 / 西餐 / 麵點) Senior Sous Chef (Chinese / Western / Noodle)

  15. 主廚 (糕點 / 中餐 / 西餐) Chef de Partie (Pastry / Chinese / Western)

  16. 助理主廚 (糕點 / 中餐 / 西餐) Demi Chef(Pastry / Chinese / Western)

  17. 廚師 (中餐 / 西餐 / 日本餐) Commis Chef (Chinese / Western / Japanese)

  18. 管事員 Steward


有興趣應徵者,可透過以下方式申請 Interested parties, please apply via:

APPLY NOW 快速申請職位:


$10k - 20k, JSCM16R2, Retail 零售業, M07BJ



全職售貨員 Full Time Sales


  • 負責產品銷售及整理商品

  • 提供優質顧客服務

  • 負責日常店舖運作


  • 具1-2年銷售工作經驗

  • 歡迎各行業有興趣人士申請

  • 操流利廣東話,基本普通話及英語

  • 如可於氹仔工作, 可獲額外津貼


  • 每天工作8小時

  • 每月7天例假

  • 假期福利包括:年假12-14天、婚假及生日假等

  • 優厚底薪及佣金

  • 新人獎金MOP$5000、勤工獎金、推薦人獎金、最高銷售獎

  • 年終雙糧

  • 超時津貼

  • 員工購物優惠

  • 良好晉升機會

  • 完善醫療福利 (包括中西醫門診、住院及牙科)

兼職視覺陳列員 Part Time Visual Merchandiser


  • 負責店內視覺陳列的設定與實施,適時更新商品擺放,為新產品及推廣活動更新產品陳列

  • 通過展臺,固定裝置,牆面的多種擺放提高銷售和視覺陳列表現

  • 協助分店開張和關閉時有關視覺陳列之工作、管理視覺陳列工具品、視覺陳列方面的培訓教育


  • 持有澳門身份證,中學畢業或以上,具相關工作經驗優先


  • 每週工作2天,每天9小時


  • Skechers澳門門巿


  • 致電/whatsapp 852-9686-5953

  • 致電 852-2485-8895

  • 將個人履歷電郵至

  • 微信(ID: SKH201710) 或掃描下方 WeChat QR code



Freelance 兼職, JSCMPT2, M04EJ, Retail 零售業



1. 長期兼職

➤ Details 了解詳情

2. 誠聘大量兼職收銀員

➤ Details 了解詳情

3. 誠聘大量兼職

➤ Details 了解詳情

4. 急聘兼職廚房助理

➤ Details 了解詳情




$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, Hotel 酒店業, Gaming & Entertainment 博彩及娛樂, $30k - 40k, CS 客戶服務, M07AJ



$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, $40k - 50k, Construction 建築業, Freelance 兼職, Hotel 酒店業, F-JSCM1, JSCMPT1, M06BJ



$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, JSCM16R1, Retail 零售業, Marketing 市場行銷及傳播, Gaming & Entertainment 博彩及娛樂, HR 人力資源, GM 綜合管理, Design 設計, Freelance 兼職, JSCMPT2, M07BJ

Forward Fashion (International) Holdings 尚晉(國際)控股有限公司澳門招聘


Forward Fashion (International) Holdings Company Limited, a Hong Kong Listing Group, principally engages in the retail of fashion apparel of international brands ranging from established designer label brands, popular global brands to up-and-coming brands through our multi-brand and multi-store business model in Greater China. The fashion apparel of the Group includes social apparel, suits, outerwear, intimate lingerie, athleisure wear and sportswear.
It also offers footwear, cosmetic and skincare, designer home accessories, artistic ornaments and other lifestyle products, so as to cater different needs and tastes of the customers.

As at early 2020, the Group operated over 200 retail stores in Mainland China, Macau, Hong Kong and Taiwan. The brand portfolio had over 100 brands, including international brands and self-owned brand. The workforce reached a total of 1,500. Under the leadership of the management, the Group has grown into a well-established fashion apparel retail company in Greater China with a high degree of product differentiation, a broad brand portfolio and stores strategically located in premium locations in Greater China.




Visual Merchandiser 陳列設計員

➤ Details 了解詳情

Creative Designer

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Corporate PR Manager

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Admin & Project Executive

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Marketing Executive/Senior Executive

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(Moschino、WF Fashion、POPMART (泡泡瑪特)、BE@RBRICK、UM Junior(童裝)、 Macau Fashion Outlet、Under Armour、Neil Barrett、Ed Hardy,法國品牌 Officine Universelle Buly 1803)

➤ Details 了解詳情

高級銷售員 – Pop Mart泡泡瑪特

➤ Details 了解詳情

全職 / 兼職店員 (FIVE GUYS)

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Gallery Art Ambassador

➤ Details 了解詳情

Manager / Assistant Manager / Senior Executive – Events & Public Relations
(Multiple Positions) 

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Visual Merchandiser 陳列設計員

➤ Details 了解詳情

Application 申請方式:

To apply for this position, please send your resume to


$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, F&B 餐飲業, CS 客戶服務, M07CJ




全職 - 服務員(5 名)

月薪:MOP$13,000 - $20,000

  • 男女不限

  • 工作時間:13:00 - 22:00 或 22:00-06:30

全職 - 傳菜員(2 名)

月薪:MOP$13,000 - $20,000

  • 男女不限

  • 工作時間:12:30 - 21:30

全職 - 洗碗工(3 名)

月薪:MOP$13,000 - $20,000

  • 男女不限

  • 工作時間:12:30-21:30

全職 - 店長助理(1 名)

月薪:MOP $18,000起

  • 學歷要求:大學本科及以上

  • 語言要求:普通话/英語流利

  • 證件要求:持有澳門身份證年齡

  • 要求:30歲以內

全職 - CEO助理(1 名)

月薪:MOP $20,000起






**以上職位經驗不拘,享有全勤獎 $500,通宵班津貼 $500**


包醫療保險、餐食、員工就餐折扣、生日福利、滿 3 年享受子女教育補貼、優秀員工享績效獎金和分紅,更多福利詳情可面試諮詢。



$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, Admin 行政, HR 人力資源, Investment 投資, Marketing 市場行銷及傳播, M05AJ


全職 / 兼職

$10k - 20k, JSCM16R1, Retail 零售業, Freelance 兼職, JSCMPT2, M07BJ

Rainbow Group 彩虹集團澳門招聘


彩虹集團是中國澳門著名的國際時尚品牌特許零售商之一,品牌組合包括 Bally, Jimmy Choo, Marcelo Burlon, MCM, Off-white, Rene Caovilla 和 Rainbow 品牌綜合店等逾 20 個品牌;集團透過設立不同的品牌專門店和品牌綜合店,包括一系列國際品牌服裝,鞋類,珠寶,手袋及配飾,建立起龐大的歐洲高級品牌零售網絡。近年集團更積極配合零售數字化轉型大趨勢,開拓了多方電子零售合作,並且更多元化發展集團業務,包括:物流、活動策劃、零售管理等新領域,不斷為澳門及大灣區廣大的消費市場積極引進優秀的新興時尚品牌,潮流產品及項目,與時並進。

全職/兼職 司機


  • 接載公司管理人員或客人,配合人員用車需求

  • 負責往來澳門、香港、內地之間的行程接送

  • 熟悉澳門、香港及內地道路情況、路標及交通規則等

  • 處理車輛的日常清潔及維修保養, 確保車輛狀況良好及運作正常


  • 誠實有禮、勤奮可靠、守時且有責任心

  • 無不良嗜好、駕駛態度良好

  • 接受彈性工作時間,配合上司行程活動,調整當值安排

  • 持有澳門、香港及內地有效的駕駛執照

  • 具備二年或以上車輛商務接待經驗及三地(澳門、香港及內地)駕駛經驗


  • 年終獎金

  • 有薪年假、婚假、產假、侍產假、病假及恩恤假

  • 團體醫療保險、員工購物優惠



電話:2837 1392

$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, Medical 醫療, M05BJ






  • 擁有牙科相關專業學位及澳門執業資格,碩士畢業優先

  • 3年及以上牙科臨床工作經驗,熟悉並能獨立高效地完成各類常見牙科疾病的診療

  • 能夠根據患者的具體情況,量身定製安全、有效的治療方案

  • 具備良好的溝通能力、耐心細緻的工作作風,詳細解答患者的各類問題

  • 與護理人員密切配合,確保診療過程的順利進行,保障患者的就診體驗

  • 有較強的責任心和團隊合作精神,能夠與同事和諧共事,為診所的發展貢獻力量,樂於參與診所的各類醫療相關活動


  • 依據經驗、學歷及技能水平,每月薪酬待遇可達MOP$30,000-$100,000

  • 享有帶薪年假、病假、醫療福利等

  • 良好的職業發展空間,能夠獲得持續的培訓和進修機會



$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, Beauty 美容, Freelance 兼職, JSCMPT3, M07CJ, Marketing 市場行銷及傳播, Retail 零售業, JSCM16R1




Beauty Consultant 美容顧問


  • 負責店內日常運作及銷售護膚品、化妝品

  • 了解顧客需求,提供專業的護膚及產品建議,推薦合適的產品

  • 保持貨場整潔,商品陳列,盤點,處理貨品庫存

  • 協助經理處理門店運營的各項職責

  • 積極促進銷售目標的實現,確保提供最高水平的客戶體驗

  • 熱情開朗,有責任心,具備獨立處事能力,注重團隊合作精神


  • 需持有澳門居民身分證

  • 基礎電腦應用,POS系統及excel

  • 流利廣東話和國語,基礎英語能力

  • 對美容零售行業充滿熱誠,積極主動及勇於學習

  • 具有銷售護膚品、化妝品相關經驗者優先


  • 每天工時9小時(含1小時吃飯時間)

  • 每月銷售額佣金,小遊戲津貼,勤工假

  • 另有花紅,員工購物折扣,生日假,婚假等假期福利



  • 負責店內日常運作及護膚品銷售工作

  • 保持貨場整潔,商品陳列,盤點,處理貨品庫存

  • 協助經理處理店舖運營的各項職責

  • 熱情開朗,有責任心,具備獨立處事能力,注重團隊合作精神


  • 需持有澳門居民身分證

  • 基礎電腦應用,POS系統及excel

  • 流利廣東話和國語

  • 有相關經驗者優先



  • 負責店內日常運作及銷售工作

  • 保持貨場整潔,商品陳列,盤點,處理貨品庫存

  • 協助經理處理店舖運營的各項職責

  • 熱情開朗,有責任心,具備獨立處事能力,注重團隊合作精神


  • 需持有澳門居民身分證

  • 基礎電腦應用,POS系統及excel

  • 流利廣東話和國語

  • 有相關經驗者優先


Marketing and PR assistant (Full time& Part time)


  • 為社交平台創建及撰寫內容

  • 宣傳材料的編輯,設計及排版

  • 公司網站策劃、運行管理及資訊內容更新與維護

  • 協助策劃及推廣品牌活動

  • 分析市場趨勢

  • 構思造型搭配或拍攝


  • 擁有本科學位

  • 具備良好中、英文溝通能力

  • 熟練使用Photoshop及AI等軟件

  • 對時裝,生活及美容產品,美學有認知及具敏感度

  • 具備組織及管理多任務能力

  • 做事細心,有責任心及溝通應變能力,具備獨立處事能力並能承受工作壓力,注重團隊合作精神

  • 需持有澳門居民身分證

  • 投遞簡歷請附上2-3個文案或作品集


申請者請 email cv 和薪金要求至


$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, Freelance 兼職, JSCMPT1, Retail 零售業, JSCM16R3, M05AJ


全職 / 兼職

$20k - 30k, $10k - 20k, Freelance 兼職, JSCMPT1, TL 交通運輸與物流, M05BJ

Menzies Macau Airport Services Ltd 澳門招聘

Menzies Macau Airport Services Ltd 澳門招聘-01.png


明捷澳門於 1994 年成立,是首間澳門國際機場的地勤服務公司。為配合發展需要,於 2001 年更名為明捷澳門。主營業務包括客運服務、貴賓服務、地勤及行李服務、機艙清潔及飲用水補足、航空貨運及倉儲、飛機過站及地面設備維修等全面的航空地勤服務,為來往澳門國際機場的所有航班提供全面的地面支援服務。


Established in 1994, Menzies Macau Airport Services Company Limited formally adopted its name in the year 2001.

Menzies Macau is a full-scope ground services provided at Macau International, offering Passenger services; Operations Control; Ramp and Baggage services; Aircraft cleaning; Cargo handling and warehouse; Aircraft line maintenance.

Menzies Macau is a strategic joint-venture corporation by leading companies both in Asia and worldwide. Through year of continued efforts, Menzies Macau has developed a successful business system with extensive international ground handling experience. There is one thing we never change: striving to deliver a consistent and reliable operation for our airline’s customer.

Airport Logistic Business Center, Room 52, Macau International Airport, Avenida do Aeroporto, Taipa, Macau



Security Officer


  • Monitor and supervise the maintenance and the implementation of the Local Security Programme through regular on-the-spot audit/inspection.

  • Assist in assessing security threats.

  • Conduct the investigation of incident/accident involving failure in the implementation of security controls.

  • Assist in preparing a contingency plan that is appropriately responsive to aviation security incidents.

  • Assist liaise with the relevant civil aviation authorities, airport authorities and airline representatives in matters of civil aviation security.

  • Facilitate meetings with the relevant department heads in matters of internal and airport security issues.

  • Recommend appropriate security measures to be incorporated in the Local Security Programme as the need arises.

  • Monitor the implementation of security preventive measures on the facilities of the company, such as Offices, Warehouse, Hangar, etc.

  • Conduct Security Awareness briefing & training as required.

  • Conduct periodic security inspection/audit to ensure appropriate risk assessments are completed at department level.

  • Co- responsible for ensuring an effective security risk management system

  • Any other duties assigned by the manager.


  • Degree holder in any discipline

  • Macau Car driving license require

  • Good computer skill in Words, Excel and PowerPoint

  • Self-motivated, disciplined, organized and able to work under pressure

  • Able and willing to work outside office hours, weekends and holidays

  • Good presentation skill

  • Good command of both written and spoken English and Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese)

  • Relevant experience in courier field will be definitely an advantage

I.T. Technician


  • Supports the Assistant IT Manager on administrative and routine tasks

  • Ensure IT Policy is signed by all staff

  • Perform or check Windows Updates on Laptops and Workstations

  • Retrieve Radio Records from the Radio Recording System if required

  • Provide hardware and software support for Menzies Ticketing Counter

  • Supports the Assistant IT Manager on Network and Server diagnostics and configuration

  • Perform routine check on Customer Survey machines at the Airport Terminal Building

  • Generates Customer Survey Reports for Passenger Service Department and Finance Department for analyst

  • Performs General IT support

  • Install or repair IT equipment (workstation, laptop, printer and etc.)

  • Maintains and updates General IT records

  • Assists in the implementation of technical solutions

  • Responsible for local domain credentials maintenance


  • Degree or relevant disciplines in Computer Science / IT

  • Good command of English, Cantonese and Mandarin

  • Ability to work in multitask and to prioritize

  • Excellent organizational, coordination, communication, listening skills and a good team player

Benefits include:

  • Transportation Allowance

  • 10 days Annual Leave (addition 1 day every year up to 15 days)

  • Birthday Leave

  • Group Medical Insurance

  • Provident Fund

Clerical Assistant


  • Implement the safety and security programme to all level.

  • Produce periodical safety report, such as safety performance, trends, statistics, summary of accidents/incidents reports etc.

  • Conduct periodical inspections of workplace health and safety.

  • Manage records, maintenance and retention of safety related documents.

  • Assist in review and deliver health and safety training.

  • Assist in safety activities/exercises and campaign.

  • Communicate and coordinate with appropriate authorities, customer airlines, subcontractors and operational managers for the company’s safety programme

  • Assist in manage risk assessments are completed at department level.

  • Any other duties assigned by the manager.

  • Promotion opportunities


  • Degree holder in any discipline

  • Good computer skill in Words, Excel and PowerPoint

  • Self-motivated, disciplined, organized and able to work under pressure

  • Able and willing to work outside office hours, weekends and holidays

  • Good presentation skill

  • Good command of both written and spoken English and Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese)

Employee Relations Officer

We are inviting a personable, adaptable, and dynamic Employee Relations Officer to join our Human Resources department. The ideal candidate will have experience in the Employee Relations functions with experience in leading change and building lasting employee relationships within the organization, as well as a good understanding of the HR functions and operations. The focus of this role is to identify requirements within the department and develop new and innovative ways to reduce staff turnover rates and improve overall morale.


  • Collaborating and communicating with employees to understand their concerns.

  • Counselling and providing guidance and support to the employees and resolving their issues.

  • Understanding and knowing the company’s benefits and compensation programs and packages.

  • Investigating and identifying the root cause of issues and misunderstandings within various departments.

  • Keeping an up-to-date record of promotions and benefits given to the employees.

  • Organizing and attending employee off-the-job training / workshop / staff activities.

  • Assisting with the HR recruitment in hiring new, suitable, competence employees.

  • Assisting with termination decisions and attending and recording exit interviews and taking on board feedback.

  • Performing background checks for new hires were required.

  • Aiding communication between management and employees and resolving issues.

  • Ensuring the company’s policies are kept up to date, in line with industry best practices and comply with local labor law.

  • Attending conferences and events as an employee liaison to keep up to date with current trends and possible improvements.


  • Bachelor’s degree in Human Resources or related discipline, or equivalent work experience and education

  • Demonstrated work experience as an Employee Relations specialist, or a similar role, position

  • In-depth understanding of Macau Labor Relations Law

  • Ability to multitask and effectively prioritize own workload

  • Outstanding communication skills both written and verbal, with excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to converse with various types of people from multiple backgrounds and cultures

  • Good listening and communication abilities

  • Proficiency in MS Office

  • Well-developed critical thinking and problem-solving abilities

  • Ability to lead, delegate effectively and motivate a team

  • Sound approach and understanding of the importance to maintain sensitive and confidential information

Part Time Passenger Services Agent 


  • Provide Special Services to passengers, such as disabled passengers, unaccompanied minor, etc

  • Logging baggage left over from flights

  • Guiding passengers and providing information


  • Good command of English, Cantonese and Mandarin

  • Ability to work in multitask and to prioritize

  • Good organizational, coordination, communication, listening skills and a good team player

Safety Officer


  • Ensue the implementation of the safety programme is established at all level.

  • To ensure health and safety information and actions are taken in each department consistently.

  • Provide health and safety advices and guidance to operational managers.

  • Produce periodical safety report, such as safety performance, trends, statistics, summary of accidents/incidents reports etc.

  • Conduct periodical inspections of workplace health and safety.

  • Conduct periodical audit for quality assurance.

  • Manage records, maintenance and retention of safety related documents.

  • Assist in review and deliver health and safety training.

  • Organize and assist in safety activities and exercises.

  • Performance of the company’s safety programme, and for ensuring communication and coordination with appropriate authorities, customer airlines, subcontractors and operational managers.

  • Ensure appropriate risk assessments are completed at department level.

  • Review all accident and incident reports; ensure that serious accidents and incidents are investigated; risk assessments are completed to ensure necessary actions are taken to prevent a recurrence.

  • Any other duties assigned by the manager.


  • Degree holder in any discipline

  • Good computer skill in Words, Excel and PowerPoint

  • Self-motivated, disciplined, organized and able to work under pressure

  • Able and willing to work outside office hours, weekends and holidays

  • Good presentation skill

  • Good command of both written and spoken English and Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese)

  • Relevant experience in courier field will be definitely an advantage



  • 負責駕駛拖車運輸貨品,確保準時安全運送到指定位置


  • 需持有效澳門汽車駕駛執照

  • 體格強健、能刻苦耐勞

  • 須24小時輪班及戶外工作

  • 小學程度或以上

Part Time TCO 兼職航班協調服務員


  • 協調所有信息,並準確及時傳遞給相關部門

  • 確保飛機安全及準時起飛

  • 處理及確保飛行文件準確

  • 確保記錄和處理航班所有資料及時間

  • 滙報所有不正常運作情況及協調處理相關問題


  • 高中或以上程

  • 能操流利英語、廣東話或普通話

  • 熟識電腦文書操作

  • 能對數字有靈敏的觸覺

  • 能獨立處理一切文件

  • 需要24小時輪班及在戶外、惡劣天氣及颱風下工作

  • 必需持有半年以上有效澳門駕駛執照並按部門需要考取機場駕照


  • 交通津貼

  • 年終花紅

  • 每年10天年假(每工作滿1年即增加1天年假,直到15天爲止)

  • 生日假

  • 醫療保險

  • 退休金計劃

Benefits include:

  • Transportation Allowance

  • Discretionary Bonus

  • 10 days Annual Leave (addition 1 day every year up to 15 days)

  • Birthday Leave

  • Group Medical Insurance

  • Pension Fund

Interested parties please email your resume with expected salary to us at

Candidates not notified within one month should consider their application unsuccessful. Personal data collected is solely for recruitment purpose only and will be treated in strictly confidential.