Supervisor 主任級別

$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, Hotel 酒店業, M06BJ



澳門雅詩閣是凱德集團成員雅詩閣有限公司 (The Ascott Limited) 旗下管理的精品物業之一。擁有超過30年專業經驗的雅詩閣,物業遍佈美洲、亞太、歐洲及中東地區超過25個國家100多個城市,並屢獲殊榮。

澳門雅詩閣 (Ascott Macau) 位於澳門半島皇朝區海濱地段,擁有110間格調雅緻的豪華客房及套房,並配有多種休閒會所設施,致力於為全球商旅人士創造尊貴無憂的入住體驗,在澳門眾多頂級酒店中獨樹一幟。若您有志從事酒店行業,我們誠摯邀請獨一無二的您加入雅詩閣之家,與我們一同創造卓越,並肩成長!

Finance 財務部

  • Manager, Finance 財務部經理

  • Senior Officer, Finance 高級財務部專員

Human Resource 人力資源部

  • Officer, Human Resource 人力資源部專員

Loss Prevention 財物保障部

  • Executive, Loss Prevention 財物保障部主管

Procurement 採購部

  • Executive, Procurement 採購部主管

Housekeeping 房務部

  • Room Attendant 房務員

Engineering 工程部

  • Technician (painting & wallpaper) 技工 (油漆及牆紙)

Interested parties please send your detailed resume with recent photo and expected salary.

* All personal data collected would be treated in strict confidence and be used for recruitment purposes only.

For enquiries, please dial 8290 3300.

$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, $40k - 50k, $50k - 100k, Marketing 市場行銷及傳播, Gaming & Entertainment 博彩及娛樂, M04DJ

澳門萬國控股集團 Multinational (Holdings) Group 招聘


$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, $40k - 50k, Hotel 酒店業, JSCMPT1, Freelance 兼職, Gaming & Entertainment 博彩及娛樂, Design 設計, CS 客戶服務, HR 人力資源, Marketing 市場行銷及傳播, M07BJ

SJM Resorts, S.A. 澳娛綜合度假股份有限公司招聘


SJM Holdings Limited is the holding company of SJM Resorts, S.A. , one of the six companies authorized to operate casino games of fortune and other games of chance in casinos, under the terms of a concession granted by the government of the Macau Special Administrative Region in March 2002. SJM is the only casino gaming concessionaire with its roots in Macau.


Learning & Development 培訓及發展部

  1. 助理經理 - 培訓及發展 Assistant Manager - Learning & Development

  2. 主任 - 培訓及發展 Executive - Learning & Development

角子機營運部 Slot Operations

  1. 服務代表 Service Representative

  2. 技術員 Technician

行政辦公室 Executive Office

  1. 行政助理 Administrative Assistant

轎車服務 Limousine Services

  1. 司機 - 轎車服務 Driver - Limousine Services

  2. 代客泊車員 Valet

零售及營運支援 Retail & Operations Support

  1. 高級專員 - 零售營運 Senior Officer - Retail Operations

  2. 專員 - 零售營運 Officer - Retail Operations

  3. 服務臺專員 - 零售營運 Concierge Officer - Retail Operations

人力資源部 Human Resources

  1. 經理 - 薪酬及福利 Manager - Compensation & Benefits

  2. 協調員 - 人力資源資訊系統 Coordinator - HR Information System

  3. 協調員 - 僱員關係 Coordinator - Employee Relations

電子博彩運作部 Electronic Gaming

  1. 服務代表 Service Representative

  2. 技術員 Technician

會計部 Finance & Accounts

  1. 經理 - 博彩審計 Manager - Gaming Audit

  2. 高級審計員 - 博彩審計 Senior Auditor - Gaming Audit

  3. 助理 - 成本會計Associate - Costing

保安部 Security

  1. Manager - System Control - 經理 - 系統控制

  2. Supervisor - Operations - 主任 - 營運

  3. System Operator - 系統操作員

  4. Security Officer - 保安員

項目建設管理部 Project and Construction Management

  1. Assistant Project Manager (Construction) - 助理項目經理 (建造)

  2. Assistant Project Manager (Fitting Out) - 助理項目經理 (室內設計)

  3. Assistant Project Manager (Building Services) - 助理項目經理 (屋宇設備)

  4. Engineer (Construction) - 工程師 (建造)

  5. Supervisor (Construction) - 主管 (建造)

  6. Site Supervisor - 督導員

  7. Safety Supervisor - 安全督導員

貴賓服務 VIP Services

  1. 主任 - 客戶服務 Executive - Guest Services

度假村服務 Resort Services

  1. 服務專員 - 度假村服務 Service Agent - Resort Services

電話市場營銷 Telesales

  1. 服務專員 - 電話市場營銷 Service Agent - Telesales

餐飲部 - 新葡京酒店 Food & Beverage - Grand Lisboa Hotel

  1. 行政餅房主廚 Executive Pastry Chef

  2. 侍酒師 Sommelier

賭具組 Gaming Equipment Department

  1. 技術員 Technician

審計部 Internal Audit

  1. 審計員 Internal Auditor

零售租賃及營運部 Retail Leasing & Operations

  1. 服務臺專員 - 零售營運 Concierge Officer - Retail Operations

供應鏈 (營運及服務) Supply Chain (Operations & Services)

  1. 助理經理 - 供應鏈 Assistant Manager - Supply Chain

  2. 主任 - 供應鏈 Supervisor - Supply Chain

  3. 專員 - 供應鏈 Officer - Supply Chain

銷售部 Sales

  1. 經理 - 銷售部 (會展、商務及宴會) Manager - Sales (MICE & Corporate & Events)

  2. 經理 - 宴會管理 Manager - Event Management

  3. 主任 - 銷售 (會展、商務及宴會) Executive - Sales (MICE & Corporate & Events)

策略分析部 Strategic Analysis

  1. 經理 (市場及銷售分析) Manager (Marketing & Sales)

  2. 助理經理(市場及銷售分析) Assistant Manager (Marketing & Sales)

  3. 高級分析員 (市場及銷售分析) Senior Analyst (Marketing & Sales)

  4. 分析員 (市場及銷售分析) Analyst (Marketing & Sales)

  5. 高級分析員(酒店盈利效益優化) Senior Analyst (Hotel Revenue Optimization)

  6. 分析員(酒店盈利效益優化) Analyst (Hotel Revenue Optimization)

  7. 高級分析員 (商業及數據分析) Senior Analyst (Business Intelligence & Database Analytics)

  8. 高級分析員 (博彩) Senior Analyst (Gaming)

  9. 高級分析員 (市場數據分析及積效優化) Senior Analyst (Market Research & Performance Optimization)

  10. 分析員 (市場數據分析及積效優化) Analyst (Market Research & Performance Optimization)

  11. 問卷調查員 Surveyor

度假村臻尚市場拓展部 Resort Premium Market Development

  1. 助理經理 - 客戶忠誠管理 Assistant Manager - Loyalty Marketing

  2. 主任 - 項目及活動推廣 (數據)助理 Supervisor - Events and Promotions (Data)

  3. 主任 - 廣告及支援 Supervisor - Advertising & Support

  4. 主任 - 娛樂視聽 Supervisor - Audio Visual

品牌發展及市場部 Brand Development & Marketing

  1. 助理經理 - 客戶關係管理及數據分析 Assistant Manager - Digital CRM and Analytics

  2. 高級主任 - 數碼平台及創新 Senior Executive - Digital Platform and Innovations

  3. 助理經理 - 項目推廣及娛樂策劃 Assistant Manager - Events & Entertainment

  4. 助理經理 - 娛樂視聽 Assistant Manager - Audio Visual

  5. 行政 - 項目推廣及娛樂策劃 Administrator - Events & Entertainment

水療及康體部 Spa & Recreation

  1. 理療師 - 水療 Therapist - Spa

  2. 禮賓服務員 - 水療及康體 Concierge - Spa & Recreation

  3. 服務員 - 水療及康體 Attendant - Spa & Recreation

資訊科技部 Information Technology

  1. 經理 - 巿場發展解決方案 Manager - Marketing Solution

  2. 高級分析員 - 巿場發展解決方案 Senior Analyst - Marketing Solution

  3. 分析員 - 巿場發展解決方案 Analyst - Marketing Solution

  4. 經理 - 部門及衛星場服務 Manager - Department & Satellite Service

  5. 助理經理 - 博彩系統方案 Assistant Manager - Gaming Solution

  6. 助理經理 - 前台系統方案 Assistant Manager - Front of House Solution

  7. 分析員 - 前台系統方案 Analyst - Front of House Solution

  8. 高級分析員 - 企業軟件開發 Senior Analyst - Enterprise Software Development

  9. 高級分析員 - 質量保證 Senior Analyst - QA

  10. 分析員 - 數據庫架構管理 Analyst - DAM

  11. 分析員 - 後台營運系統方案 Analyst - BOH Solution

  12. 分析員 - 安全營運 Analyst - Security Operations

機電工程部 Electrical and Mechanical

  1. 督導 - 機電 Supervisor - Electrical and Mechanical

  2. 技術員 - 酒店機電 Technician - Hotel Electrical and Mechanical

  3. 技術員 - 木工、油漆工 Technician - Joiner & Painter

  4. 技術員 - 給排水系統 Technician - Plumbing & Drainage System

管家部 Housekeeping

  1. 主任 - 公共區域 Supervisor - Public Area

  2. 主任 - 房務 Supervisor - Rooms

  3. 管家部調度員 Housekeeping Dispatcher

  4. 協調員 - 管家 Coordinator - Housekeeping

酒店營運部 Hotel Operations

  1. 服務員 - 前台 Agent - Front Office

餐飲部 Food and Beverage

  1. 行政助理 - 餐飲 Administrative Assistant - F&B

  2. 主任 - 食品安全及衛生 Officer - Food Safety & Hygiene

  3. 助理經理 - 餐廳Assistant Manager - Restaurant

  4. 葡萄酒侍酒師 Wine Sommelier

  5. 主任 - 餐飲 Supervisor - F&B

  6. 領班 - 餐飲 Captain - F&B

  7. 茶藝專家 - Tea Master

  8. 茶藝領班 Captain - Tea

  9. 調酒師Bartender

  10. 接待員 Host - F&B

  11. 專員 - 電話銷售 Agent - Telephone Sales

  12. 服務員 - 餐飲 Server - F&B

  13. 總廚 (麵點) Senior Sous Chef (Noodle)

  14. 高級助理總廚 (中餐 / 西餐 / 麵點) Senior Sous Chef (Chinese / Western / Noodle)

  15. 主廚 (糕點 / 中餐 / 西餐) Chef de Partie (Pastry / Chinese / Western)

  16. 助理主廚 (糕點 / 中餐 / 西餐) Demi Chef(Pastry / Chinese / Western)

  17. 廚師 (中餐 / 西餐 / 日本餐) Commis Chef (Chinese / Western / Japanese)

  18. 管事員 Steward


有興趣應徵者,可透過以下方式申請 Interested parties, please apply via:

APPLY NOW 快速申請職位:


$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, $40k - 50k, Hotel 酒店業, Freelance 兼職, Gaming & Entertainment 博彩及娛樂, CS 客戶服務, M06AJ

Sheraton Grand Macao 澳門喜來登大酒店招聘

招聘範疇:全職 / 兼職 / 實習

$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, $40k - 50k, Retail 零售業, JSCM16R4, M04EJ, Marketing 市場行銷及傳播, Design 設計

NEW YAOHAN 澳門新八佰伴招聘

超過 40 個職缺位空缺!

Hotel 酒店業, $20k - 30k, $10k - 20k, Gaming & Entertainment 博彩及娛樂, $30k - 40k, M06AJ

The St. Regis Macao 澳門瑞吉酒店招聘


瑞吉品牌於 110 多年前首次設立豪華酒店,當時紐約瑞吉酒店開業。自約翰·雅各·阿斯特四世在紐約第五大道開設了其布雜建築藝術風格的酒店之後,瑞吉已經成為絕對典雅和定制服務的象徵。如今,瑞吉在全球 40 多個繁華都市開設了酒店。這些地方是潮流的誕生地,地域限制被打破,客人可體驗精緻的生活。我們誠邀您與瑞吉攜手譜寫未來的職業生涯。

The St. Regis brand first established luxury hospitality more than 110 years ago, with the opening of the St. Regis New York. From the moment John Jacob Astor IV opened the doors of his Beaux-Arts masterpiece on New York’s Fifth Avenue, St. Regis has stood as a symbol of uncompromising elegance and bespoke service. Today, with more than 40 of the best addresses around the world, St. Regis is a place where trends are born, boundaries are broken and guests can simply live exquisite. We invite you to explore careers at St. Regis.

Apply Now :

For application, please send CV to
For requires, please call 8113 3332 .

Apply Now :

For application, please send CV to
For requires, please call 8113 3332 .

$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, Hotel 酒店業, $30k - 40k, Gaming & Entertainment 博彩及娛樂, $40k - 50k, M06AJ

Global Hotels 澳門環宇集團 (金龍酒店) 招聘


$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, M07CJ, Property 地產業



Ambiente Properties is a Macau-based property agency consultancy. For the past 16 years we have been offering real estate-related consultancy services which include analysis and interpretation of market trends, market assessments, broker opinion valuation reports and marketing strategies.

We also provide agency services to support local and international investors, individuals, and corporates, in leasing, sales, purchase and property management in all asset sectors. Ambiente’s clients include retail companies, real estate and investment firms, hotel- casino operators, relocation companies and expatriates moving to Macau.

奧比安物業是一家位於澳門的房地產代理諮詢公司。在過去的 16 年裡,我們一直提供與房地產相關的諮詢服務,包括市場趨勢分析和解釋、市場評估、經紀人意見估值報告和營銷策略。 我們也提供代理服務,為本地和國際投資者、個人和企業提供所有資產領域的租賃、銷售、購買和物業管理的支援。奧比安的客戶涵蓋零售公司、房地產和投資公司、酒店賭場運營商、運輸公司和移居澳門的外籍人士。

More information on our website 想了解更多:

Find Us | 聯繫我們

Facebook Rent Page | Facebook Sale Page | YouTube | LinkedIn | Instagram

Junior Real Estate Consultant

Job Description:

We are seeking an energetic, enthusiastic Junior Real Estate Consultant to join our expert team in Macau. The successful candidate will support our operations by assisting senior consultants, conducting market research, and learning the ropes of real estate deal negotiation. In-house training will be provided.

Keys Responsibilities:

  • Assist clients under the guidance of senior consultants throughout the transaction process, ensuring a pleasant and professional experience.

  • Conduct market research to gain a solid understanding of real estate trends and market conditions.

  • Support in the promotion of properties through various marketing and sales techniques.

  • Learn and assist in real estate deal negotiations, aiming to secure the best terms and conditions for our clients.


  • Interest in the real estate industry and willingness to learn, preferably with some understanding of the Macau market.

  • Good communication skills, and the ability to build relationships with clients.

  • Proficiency in English and Cantonese. Proficiency in Mandarin would be a bonus.

  • Good team player with ability to work in dynamic and fast-paced environment.

  • A real estate license is preferred. For non-license holders, training will be provided to obtain the necessary license.

  • Holder of Macau ID and driving license.


  • Base salary + sales commission + year-end bonus on business.

  • 5-day work week.

  • Public holidays in Macau.

  • Competitively structured commission system.

  • On-the-job training.

Interested candidates, submit your cover letter and resume to General Manager Ryan Choi at





  • 在高級顧問的指導下協助客戶完成交易過程,確保客戶體驗愉快且專業。

  • 進行市場研究,對房地產趨勢和市場條件有深入的了解。

  • 通過各種市場營銷和銷售技巧支持物業的推廣。

  • 學習並協助房地產交易談判,以確保為我們的客戶爭取最佳條件。


  • 對房地產行業有興趣並願意學習,最好對澳門市場有一些了解。

  • 良好的溝通技巧,能與客戶建立良好的關係。

  • 精通英語和廣東話。能說普通話者優先。

  • 在動態和快節奏的環境中能夠良好的團隊合作。

  • 擁有房地產執照者優先。對於未持有執照者,將提供培訓以獲得必要的執照。

  • 持有澳門身份證和駕駛執照。


  • 基本工資+銷售佣金+年終獎金。

  • 每週工作5天。

  • 澳門公眾假期。

  • 競爭力的佣金結構。

  • 在職培訓。

有意者請發申請函和履歷表至電郵, Ryan Choi 收。

Senior Real Estate Consultant

Job Description:

We are on the hunt for a highly knowledgeable, dynamic, and enthusiastic Real Estate Consultant to join our dedicated team in the vibrant city of Macau. The successful candidate will play a crucial role in our operations, providing expert guidance to both buyers and sellers, conducting comprehensive market research, actively promoting properties, and expertly negotiating deals to ensure our clients' satisfaction.

The successful candidate will be mature, confident and comfortable working closely with clients of any nationality.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Guide clients through the entire transaction process, from initial contact to the closing signatures, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience.

  • Conduct thorough, up-to-date market research to stay abreast of trends, community information, and market conditions that could affect the real estate market and provide valuable insights to our clients.

  • Actively promote properties through various innovative marketing and sales techniques to reach potential buyers and achieve successful sales.

  • Negotiate real estate deals with finesse and expertise on behalf of our clients, securing the best terms and conditions for them.


  • Proven experience, 2+ years in the real estate industry, preferably with a deep understanding of the Macau market.

  • Exceptional negotiation and communication skills, capable of effectively closing deals and building strong relationships with clients.

  • Proficiency in English and Cantonese to cater to our diverse clientele. Proficiency in Mandarin would be a significant plus.

  • Macau real estate license and driving license holder.


  • Base salary + sales commission + year-end bonus on business.

  • 5-day work week.

  • Public holidays in Macau.

  • Competitively structured commission system.

  • Company parking will be provided.

We believe that our consultants are the key to our success, and we support them with a dynamic, positive work environment and continuous learning opportunities.

If you're a dedicated professional with a passion for real estate, a customer-focused approach, and a desire to make a significant impact in the real estate market of Macau, we would love to hear from you.

Interested candidates, submit your cover letter and resume to General Manager Ryan Choi at






  • 指導客戶完成整個交易過程,從初次接觸到完成交易,確保流程順暢和愉快。

  • 進行徹底、最新的市場研究,以瞭解趨勢、社區資訊和可能影響房地產市場的市場條件,並為我們的客戶提供專業和解決的方案。

  • 通過各種創新的市場營銷和銷售技巧積極推廣物業,以達到潛在買家和實現成功銷售。

  • 代表我們的客戶進行房地產交易談判,以精確和專業的方式保證他們獲得最佳的條款和條件。


  • 在房地產行業有2年以上的經驗,最好對澳門市場有深入的了解。

  • 有出色的談判和溝通技巧,能夠有效地完成交易並與客戶建立強大的關係。

  • 精通英語和廣東話以滿足我們多元化的客戶群。能說普通話者優先。

  • 持有澳門房地產執照和駕駛執照。


  • 基本工資+銷售佣金+年終獎金。

  • 每週工作5天。

  • 澳門公眾假期。

  • 有競爭力的佣金方案。

  • 將提供公司停車位。


有意者請發申請函和履歷表至電郵, Ryan Choi 收。

Marketing Officer

Job Description:

Ambiente Properties is looking for a proactive and creative Marketing Officer to join our team.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Develop and execute marketing plans and strategies to enhance the company's brand awareness and drive business growth.

  • Manage and coordinate marketing activities, including online and offline promotions.

  • Conduct market research, analyze market trends, and provide market insights.

  • Create and manage the company's social media accounts to enhance brand awareness.

  • Write marketing materials such as press releases, promotional copy, and ad content.

  • Monitor and analyze the effectiveness of marketing activities and provide recommendations for improvement.


  • We are looking for candidates with the following qualifications: 2 + years of experience in marketing /related fields. A degree or diploma in marketing/related fields a plus.

  • Strong communication and writing skills, capable of producing high-quality marketing materials.

  • Proficiency in marketing tools and software, such as Google Analytics and social media management platforms.

  • Good time management and organizational skills, able to work efficiently in a multitasking environment.

  • Fluency in English and Cantonese. Mandarin is a plus.


  • Base salary + year-end bonus on business.

  • 5-day work week.

  • Public holidays in Macau.

Interested candidates, submit your cover letter and resume to General Manager Ryan Choi at





  • 制定並執行市場營銷計劃和策略,以達成公司目標。

  • 管理和協調市場營銷活動,包括線上和線下推廣活動。

  • 進行市場研究,分析市場趨勢,並提供市場洞察。

  • 創建和管理公司社交媒體帳戶,提升品牌知名度。

  • 撰寫市場營銷材料,如新聞稿、宣傳文案和廣告內容。

  • 監控和分析市場營銷活動的效果,並提出改進建議。


  • 具有至少2年的市場營銷或相關工作經驗。

  • 良好的溝通和寫作能力,能夠撰寫高質量的市場營銷材料。

  • 熟練使用市場營銷工具和軟件,如 Google Analytics、社交媒體管理平台等。

  • 具備良好的時間管理和組織能力,能夠在多任務環境中高效工作。

  • 精通英語和廣東話。能說普通話者優先。


  • 基本工資+年終獎金。

  • 每週工作5天。

  • 澳門公眾假期。

有意者請發申請函和履歷表至電郵, Ryan Choi 收。

$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, Bank 銀行業, $40k - 50k, CS 客戶服務, M06DJ

OCBC Bank (Macau) Limited 澳門華僑銀行招聘


$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, Hotel 酒店業, Gaming & Entertainment 博彩及娛樂, $30k - 40k, CS 客戶服務, M07AJ



$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, I-JSCM1, Bank 銀行業, M05BJ

MIC 澳門保險股份有限公司 / MPFM 澳門退休基金管理股份有限公司招聘


澳門保險股份有限公司 / 澳門退休基金管理股份有限公司
Macau Insurance Company Limited / Macau Pension Fund Management Company Limited


Macau Insurance Company Limited and Macau Pension Fund Management Company Limited, subsidiaries of Dah Sing Financial Group, were established in Macau in 1984 and 2017 respectively. We are one of the largest insurance companies in Macau.

Know more about us:

Business Development

  • Assistant Manager

Information Technology

  • Manager / Officer

  • System Analyst

  • Web Project Programmer

Underwriting and Reinsurance

  • Senior Officer


  • Administration Manager / Officer

  • Digital Marketing Manager

  • Finance Manager / Officer


The successful candidate will be offered a highly competitive remuneration package that includes double pay, performance bonus, leave and various fringe benefits. Please send your résumé including present and expected salary to:

Human Resources Department
Macau Insurance Company
Avenida da Praia Grande No. 594, Edificio BCM, 7/F, Macau

Fax: 8791 0423 or E-mail:

(All information provided will be treated in strict confidence and used solely for recruitment purpose.)

$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, $40k - 50k, Construction 建築業, Freelance 兼職, Hotel 酒店業, F-JSCM1, JSCMPT1, M06BJ



$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, JSCM16R1, Retail 零售業, Marketing 市場行銷及傳播, Gaming & Entertainment 博彩及娛樂, HR 人力資源, GM 綜合管理, Design 設計, Freelance 兼職, JSCMPT2, M07BJ

Forward Fashion (International) Holdings 尚晉(國際)控股有限公司澳門招聘


Forward Fashion (International) Holdings Company Limited, a Hong Kong Listing Group, principally engages in the retail of fashion apparel of international brands ranging from established designer label brands, popular global brands to up-and-coming brands through our multi-brand and multi-store business model in Greater China. The fashion apparel of the Group includes social apparel, suits, outerwear, intimate lingerie, athleisure wear and sportswear.
It also offers footwear, cosmetic and skincare, designer home accessories, artistic ornaments and other lifestyle products, so as to cater different needs and tastes of the customers.

As at early 2020, the Group operated over 200 retail stores in Mainland China, Macau, Hong Kong and Taiwan. The brand portfolio had over 100 brands, including international brands and self-owned brand. The workforce reached a total of 1,500. Under the leadership of the management, the Group has grown into a well-established fashion apparel retail company in Greater China with a high degree of product differentiation, a broad brand portfolio and stores strategically located in premium locations in Greater China.




Visual Merchandiser 陳列設計員

➤ Details 了解詳情

Creative Designer

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Corporate PR Manager

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Admin & Project Executive

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Marketing Executive/Senior Executive

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(Moschino、WF Fashion、POPMART (泡泡瑪特)、BE@RBRICK、UM Junior(童裝)、 Macau Fashion Outlet、Under Armour、Neil Barrett、Ed Hardy,法國品牌 Officine Universelle Buly 1803)

➤ Details 了解詳情

高級銷售員 – Pop Mart泡泡瑪特

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全職 / 兼職店員 (FIVE GUYS)

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Gallery Art Ambassador

➤ Details 了解詳情

Manager / Assistant Manager / Senior Executive – Events & Public Relations
(Multiple Positions) 

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Visual Merchandiser 陳列設計員

➤ Details 了解詳情

Application 申請方式:

To apply for this position, please send your resume to


$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, Gaming & Entertainment 博彩及娛樂, Hotel 酒店業, M07AJ

SANDS CHINA 金沙中國澳門招聘


金沙中國是澳門最大的綜合度假村經營商,於路氹金光大道上設有澳門威尼斯人®、澳門百利宮®、澳門巴黎人,以及澳門倫敦人® 等物業項目,同時擁有及經營位於澳門半島的澳門金沙酒店。公司旗下的各綜合度假村集合多樣化的娛樂消閒、商務設施及客運業務,包括大型會議及展覽場地、各式餐廳食肆、購物中心、於金光綜藝館、倫敦人綜藝館、威尼斯人劇場、巴黎人劇場、倫敦人劇場及金沙劇場舉行的世界級娛樂表演,以及來往港澳的金光飛航高速渡輪服務,堅定並持續地為建設澳門成為世界旅遊休閒中心貢獻力量。


Sands China is the largest operator of integrated resorts in Macao. The company’s integrated resorts on the Cotai Strip comprise The Venetian® Macao, The Plaza® Macao, The Parisian Macao and The Londoner® Macao. The company also owns and operates Sands® Macao on the Macao peninsula. Sands China’s portfolio features a diversified mix of leisure and business attractions and transportation operations, including large meeting and convention facilities; a wide range of restaurants; shopping malls; world-class entertainment at the Cotai Arena, The Londoner Arena, The Venetian Theatre, The Parisian Theatre, the Londoner Theatre and the Sands Theatre; and a high-speed Cotai Water Jet ferry service between Hong Kong and Macao. The company’s Cotai Strip portfolio has the goal of contributing to Macao’s transformation into a world centre of tourism and leisure.

Sands China is the largest private employer in Macao, and has been committed to providing its Team Members with various benefits and harmonious workplaces. The company continually cultivates talent for the integrated resort industry in Macao and the Greater Bay Area through its diversified talent development programmes. For more information, please visit the Overview of Sands China Ltd.’s Diversified Human Resources Initiatives.


會議及展覽統籌部 Convention and Exhibition

  • 經理Manager

  • 協調專員Coordinator

客運統籌 Transportation

  • 豪華轎車服務部 - 高級經理/經理Limousine Services - Senior Manager/Manager

  • 豪華轎車服務部 - 副經理 Limousine Services - Assistant Manager

  • 豪華轎車服務部 - 賓客關係專員Limousine Services - Guest Relations Officer

  • 豪華轎車服務部- 司機Limousine Services- Driver

  • 穿梭巴士服務部 - 經理Shuttle Services - Manager

  • 穿梭巴士服務部 - 主任Shuttle Services - Supervisor

娛樂場營銷 Casino Marketing

  • 市場發展部 -高級專員Market Development- Senior Associate

  • 國際業務發展部 – 業務拓展專員International Marketing- BD Host

  • 國際業務發展部 – 貴賓專員International Marketing- VIP Host

  • 業務發展部-尊御服務-培訓專員Premium Mass Services - Training Officer

  • 業務發展部 - 尊御服務客戶發展專員Premium Mass Services - Executive Host

  • 娛娛樂場行政部 - 博彩效益優化 – 經理/副經理 Casino Administration -Gaming Optimization & Analysis Manager/ Assistant Manager

  • 娛樂場行政部-高級分析師/ 分析師 Casino Administration- Senior Analyst/ Analyst

  • 娛樂場行政部- 技術員Casino Administration- Technician

  • 活動策劃及推廣部-經理/ 副經理Special Events & Promotions- Manager/ Assistant Manager

  • 活動策劃及推廣部-專員Special Events & Promotions- Executive

  • 電話銷售部 - 電話推廣員 (兼職)Telesales - Part Time Worker

餐飲 Food & Beverage

  • 御匾會餐飲服務經理/經理IIPaiza Food & Beverage Manager/ Manager II

  • 餐飲服務經理 - 餐廳Food & Beverage Manager/ Manager II - Restaurant

  • 餐飲服務經理 - 員工餐廳Food & Beverage Manager - Team Member Dining Room

  • 餐飲服務主管Food & Beverage- Lead

  • 餐飲服務大使Food & Beverage - F&B Ambassador

  • 咖啡烘豆師Food & Beverage – Coffee Roast Master

  • 餐飲服務員Food & Beverage- Server

  • 廚師Food & Beverage - Cook

  • 收銀員Food & Beverage- Cashier

  • 餐飲清潔主任 Food & Beverage - Steward Supervisor

  • 餐飲清潔員Food & Beverage - Steward

採購及供應鏈管理 Procurement & Supply Chain

  • 採購部 - 高級專員Procurement & Supply Chain - Senior Officer

  • 採購部 - 專員Procurement & Supply Chain - Officer

  • 倉務部 - 物資裝卸操作員Warehouse - Runner

保安 Security

  • 保安主任Security Supervisor

  • 控制室保安員Control Room Officer

  • 保安員Officer

行政範疇 Administration

  • 商場管理部 - 當值經理Mall Management - Duty Manager

  • 商場管理部 - 高級會計師/ 會計師Mall Management - Senior Accountant/ Accountant

  • 廣告及品牌管理部 - 經理Marketing Advertising - Manager

  • 廣告及品牌管理部 - 專員Marketing Advertising - Executive

  • 資訊科技部 - 專員 - 網絡營運中心Information Technology - Specialist - Command Center

  • 資訊科技部 - 專員 - 系統/網絡工程 Information Technology - Specialist - System

  • 審計部 - 內部審計員Audit Services Group - Internal Auditor

  • 財務部 - 專員Finance - Officer

  • 航空部 - 航空地勤事務主任 / 專員Aviation - Ground Services Supervisor / Officer

  • 市場研究及策略部 - 兼職員工Market Research & Insights - Part Time Worker

酒店營運 Hotel Operations

  • 專職管家客服中心 - 經理Butler Call Center - Manager

  • 專職管家客服中心 - 主管Butler Call Center - Head

  • 專職管家客服中心 - 賓客關係專員Butler Call Center - Guest Relations Officer

  • 前台部 - 專職管家Front Office - Butler

  • 前台部 - 賓客關係專員Front Office - Guest Relations Officer

  • 訂房部 - 賓客關係專員Reservations - Guest Relations Officer

資產與設施管理部 Asset & Facilities Management

  • 副總工程師(木工組)Assistant Chief Engineer(Carpentry)

  • 經理(平台組) Manager(Podium)

  • 經理(外圍組) Manager(Exterior)

  • 經理(冷暖空調系統組) Manager(HVAC)

  • 主任(酒店組) Supervisor(Hotel)

  • 主任(廚房組) Supervisor(Kitchen)

  • 主任(平台組) Supervisor(Podium)

  • 技術員(供排水系統組)Technician(Plumbing & Drainage)

  • 繪圖員Draftsman

影視媒體部 Visual Media

  • 高級專員 Senior Specialist

管家部 Housekeeping

  • 主任Supervisor

  • 調度員Dispatcher

管家部公共區域 Housekeeping Public Area

  • 主管Head

  • 主任Supervisor

  • 協調專員Coordinator

制服部 Wardrobe

  • 主管 Head

  • 主任 Supervisor

監察部 Surveillance

  • 監察員 Operator

  • 技術員 Technician

APPLY NOW 快速申請職位:

查詢熱線:8118 6293


$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, IT 資訊科技, M06AJ



BoardWare Intelligence Technology Limited

Headquartered in Macau, BoardWare Intelligence Technology Limited (1204.HK) is the leading company in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area IT solutions market. With over 10 years of operating history, it has been dedicated to providing reliable, end-to-end and high-quality enterprise IT solutions covering professional IT services and managed services, to customers which include globally renowned enterprises or bodies in TMT, gaming and hospitality and public sectors in Macau. According to Frost & Sullivan, in 2021, the Group ranked first in the IT solutions market in Macau in terms of revenue, with a market share of 25.8%. To date, it has business presence extended to the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, with branches established in Hong Kong, Hengqin, Zhuhai and Guangzhou.



Administration Department

Assistant Officer

Job Description:

  • Supporting Sales Operations.

  • Responsible for data entry.

  • Handle customers' enquiries and follow-up.

  • Handle and answer incoming phone calls.


  • High school graduated or above.

  • Preferably 1-2 years’ relevant working experience.

  • Good command of spoken & written Chinese and English.

  • Immediate available is highly preferable.

Assistant Finance Manager

Job Description:

  • Perform financial reporting for subsidiaries located in Hong Kong and Macau and group consolidation process in compliance with applicable financial reporting standards.

  • Assist in the preparation of external financial statements, annual and interim reports, announcements, related footnotes and all supporting schedules, including liaison with external auditor.

  • Assist in preparing financial reports and analysis.

  • Maintain and strengthen internal control of the Group.

  • Assist in system implementation projects as needed.

  • Conduct and support ad-hoc analyses and special projects as required.


  • Degree holder in Accounting and Finance; professional accountancy qualification such as CPA or equivalent a plus.

  • Minimum 3 years relevant accounting and/or auditing experience; audit experience from sizable firms a plus.

  • Experience in accounting projects and system implementation are desirable but not a must.

  • Strong computer literacy with experience using computer-based accounting systems (MYOB), MS Office and other standard business software.

  • Good command of Cantonese, Mandarin and English (written and oral).

  • Self-motivated, fast-learner, independent, strong analytical and problem-solving skills.

Senior Accountant

Job Description:

  • Handle full set of accounts, including A/R, A/P and other daily accounting functions;

  • Perform month-end closing and prepare periodic management accounts;

  • Assist in annual audit and all tax related matters;

  • Perform ad hoc assignments as required.


  • Degree holder in Accounting and Finance; professional accountancy qualification such as CPA or equivalent a plus;

  • Minimum 2 years relevant accounting and/or auditing experience; audit experience from sizable firms a plus;

  • Strong computer literacy with experience using computer-based accounting systems (MYOB), MS Office and other standard business software;

  • Good command of Cantonese, Mandarin and English (written and oral);

  • Self-motivated, fast-learner, independent, strong analytical and problem-solving skills.

Candidates with less experience will be considered as Accountant

Application Development Department

Project Manager

Job Description:

  • Leads the planning, execution and implementation of IT Business Solution projects and roll-outs.

  • Conduct all project management task to ensure project scope, schedule, cost and quality goals are met.

  • Monitors and control project execution phase to ensure that projects are completed on time, and meet all business and system requirements.


  • Degree or Advanced Diploma in ICT or business.

  • At least 5 years proven track record in successful delivery of projects with good IT knowledge for Project Manager; At least 2 years IT projects experience for Project Coordinator.

  • PMP Project or Prince 2 Certification is preferred.




  • 與客戶進行技術交流,收集整理客戶信息化需求資料。

  • 編寫信息化方案及軟硬件設備清單(BOM)。

  • 協助上級完成公司內部銷售流程,包括獲取標書文件(RFI),採購訂單(PO),供應商BOM等文件的整理及核對。

  • 銷售商機管理,向客戶了解售前階段項目的需求,定期跟蹤項目的落地時間以及進度。

  • 公司內部的協調溝通,包括客戶經理,售前,售後,銷售行政人員等,例如溝通及解決項目交付過程中需要銷售協助的問題。


  • 兩年以上系統集成商或廠商售前, 售後工作經驗。

  • 語言能力: 優秀粵語, 良好的英文溝通能力。

  • 熟悉一個或多個領域,包括網絡,服務器,存儲,虛擬化,WIFI,弱電或其他IaaS領域。

  • 熟悉一個或多個H3C,華為,思科,Extreme等主流廠商網絡設備的配置管理維護,具備相關廠商認證優先考慮。

  • 熟悉一個或多個HPE,華為,H3C,VMware等主流服務器及超融合廠商的安裝調試能力,具備機架服務器,刀片服務器,存儲,SAN交換機的部署經驗。




  • 負責在地盤與各有關單位聯繫、協調及指導分包商的技工,並提供方案以解決各項施工問題。


  • 高中以上教育程度。

  • 持有相關電力資格證書;熟悉高中低壓及各電力系統圖及安裝、測試及維修的指導工作;持有效職安卡及相關電力資格證書。

  • 5 年相關工作經驗。

成本及質量控制員 (機電範疇)


  • 負責機電工程成本及質量控制。

  • 懂機電工程繪圖及編制機電專業技術文件,具機電項目造價能力。


  • 高中以上教育程度。

  • 懂 AutoCAD, Sketchup, Adobe Photoshop 等繪圖操作及一般電腦文書處理軟件;持有澳門註冊並具執行工程監察資格優先。

  • 3 年相關工作經驗。

BWZ Department

Cyber Security Analyst

Job Description:

  • Responsible for deploying and maintaining Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) system.

  • Collect security logs into SIEM system.

  • Perform vulnerability scanning and assessment on information systems.

  • Conduct information security assessment for clients’ information systems.


  • Bachelor's degree or above in Information Security, Computer Science, or related field preferred.

  • Experience in using and managing SIEM system is preferred.

  • Familiarity with TCP / IP protocol, routing protocols, OSI seven-layer network model, Windows Active.



  • 為客戶提供駐場服務。

  • 監控及分析儀表板上的網絡安全中心警告訊息。

  • 按照工作流程指引完成相應的行政支援服務。

  • 需輪班工作。


  • 大專或以上學歷。

  • 具中、英文書寫能力。

  • 熟悉Microsoft Office操作。

  • 經驗不拘。

Product Development Expert (Security)

Job Description:

  • Test and evaluate new technology.

  • Analyze customer requirements and provide objective solution/service on the use of IT security requirements.

  • Gather feedback from end users to continue to improve solution/service.

  • Design, analyze and implement efficient IT security systems and collaborate sales kit of solution/service.


  • MBA in Information Systems, preferred.

  • Proficient with Linux, Windows and MacOS.

  • Experienced with penetration testing and techniques.

  • Experienced in installing security software and documenting security issues.

  • 3+ years of experience in information security.




  • 設計和實施創新的展覽和文旅項目,確保項目的創意與執行質量。

  • 與內部團隊密切合作,協調各方面資源,確保項目按計劃順利進行。

  • 持續跟踪行業動態,把握市場趨勢,提出創新的策展方案。


  • 學士學位或以上學歷,對文化和藝術有深厚的理解和熱愛,具有相關學習或工作背景/經驗者優先。

  • 至少2年以上相關工作經驗,具有科技展覽或文化旅遊項目策劃經驗者優先。




  • 具有大語言模型及通用人工智慧創新技術研究及產品分析能力,並具有演算法模型落地實踐,優化及遷移等工程能力。

  • 研究並實踐開源大語言模型的私有化微調、部署、運行及評測。

  • 跟蹤並分析業內相關技術動態,持續優化和改進現有模型。

  • 針對細分業務場景的資料處理、模型微調、提示語微調等,以達成業務目標。

  • 負責在國家及澳門科學基金項目課題申報與交付的工作。

  • 瞭解和收集客戶的業務需求、整體應用程式組合和 IT 需求,為公司的產品或服務進行定制化的模型開發。


  • 碩士及以上學歷,計算機科學、人工智能、資訊工程等相關專業。

  • 熟悉業界領先大語言模型的基本原理與訓練方法,有文本生成和AI會話方面的研究經驗者優先。

  • 有自然語言處理、計算機視覺、AIGC方向落地經驗者優先。

  • 具備良好的程式設計能力,熟練掌握Python、C/C++等主流程式設計語言。

  • 熟悉深度學習框架的使用,包括PyTorch,Transformers等。

  • 熟悉機器學習和自然語言處理理論基礎,瞭解主流模型和演算法。

  • 熟悉大語言模型的微調方法和策略,瞭解微調模型在不同任務和領域的應用。

Professional Service Department

Project Manager

Job Description:

  • Monitor and coordinate with engineers and sub-contractors in developing IT infrastructure design, preparing documents and report

  • Monitor and supervise the sub-contractors in completing their assignment

  • Manage performance of vendors and sub-contractors

  • Develop comprehensive and detailed project plan to monitor and track project progress, ensure all projects are delivered on-time.

  • Manage IT infrastructure projects including IP network, IP telephony, End-User Computer, Server, Storage, Security, etc.

  • Perform project management functions including scope management, resource and schedule management, risks and issues management, quality management, change control, etc.

  • Manage stakeholder relationship and work with client management level, vendors, sub-contractor and Boardware Service Team

  • Report project status effectively to client management and Boardware Management

  • Report and escalate to management as needed

  • Perform other related duties as assigned


  • Bachelor degree in Information Technology, Business or related discipline

  • Minimum 1 year experience in IT

  • Knowledge and working experience in IT, especially in System Integrator industry

  • Ability to manage and complete multiple projects according to priorities and deadlines

  • Good command of both written and spoken English, Cantonese. Mandarin is an advantage.

Professional Service Team – Network Engineer

Job Description:

  • IT project implementation and documentation.

  • Network / Security / Cloud solution.


  • At least 1-year post-sales support experience and hands-on experience on Network / Security, cloud, solutions.

  • Knowledge of the Network Switching & Routing: OSPF, BGP,HSRP/VRRP, VPN, MPLS and QoS etc is required.

  • Holder of HCIA, HCIP, HCIE certification or equivalent.

  • Experience in Network - Huawei/H3C, Firewall – Hillstone / Huawei / H3C / Sangfor is an advantage.

Professional Service Team - System Engineer

Job Description:

  • IT project implementation and documentation.

  • Server / virtualization / OS / storage / Cloud solution.


  • At least 2-year post-sales support experience and hands-on experience on Server / OS, virtualization/cloud, SAN storage solutions.

  • Experience with enterprise virtualization platform such as VMware, Hyper- V is preferable.

  • SAN storage (e.g., Dell EMC / Huawei) and Server (Dell, H3C, HPE) experience would be advantage.

  • Experience in Microsoft 365, Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Service (AWS) is an advantage.

Maintenance & Ongoing Support Team - Network Engineer

Job Description:

  • Perform network maintenance and upgrades including service packs, patches, hot fixes and security configurations.

  • Configuration of infrastructure solution, including but not limited to, routing and switching, voice, firewall.

  • On-duty support.


  • Good knowledge on Ethernet/TCP/IP/IP routing protocol / LAN switching /

  • Network security.

  • HCIA / CCNA Level or above.

Maintenance & Ongoing Support Team - System Engineer

Job Description:

  • Perform maintenance and system upgrades including service packs,

  • patches, hot fixes and security configurations.

  • Configuration of infrastructure solution, including but not limited to Microsoft enterprise administration, Backup, virtualization & storage.

  • On-duty support.


  • Good knowledge on Microsoft AD, Exchange / VMware / Backup Software.

  • HCIA / CCNA Level or above.

Sales Department

Account Manager

Job Description:

  • Maintain relationships with prospects, recommending IT solutions to fit their needs.

  • Identify new products by remaining current on industry trends, market activities.

  • Market / Domain knowledge (Application / Software / ELV / IT).


  • University graduated or above.

  • Proven work experience as an Account Manager, Senior Account Manager or relevant role.

  • Proven ability to juggle multiple account management projects at a time, while maintaining sharp attention to detail.

  • Proficient in speaking and writing in English and Cantonese; knowledge of Mandarin is an advantage.

Human Resources Office Contact

Telephone: +853 2822 9801


WeChat: BoardWare_HR

$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, CS 客戶服務, Gaming & Entertainment 博彩及娛樂, M06DJ

Emperor Cinemas 英皇戲院澳門招聘




為戲院注入精彩個性 為觀眾帶來無限精彩

英皇戲院 (澳門葡京人) 將引入澳門首家 IMAX 影院、MX4D 全感觀影院及 the CORONET 貴賓影院,以優越的禮賓服務,專業的影音設備及精緻的美酒佳餚,提供更優越的觀影享受。

英皇戲院積極推全電子化服務,365 日豁免網上訂票手續費,以電子戲票便捷入場,立即身驗﹗

About Emperor Cinemas

The burgeoning theatrical exhibition business of Emperor Group began in 2017 when the first Emperor Cinemas in Hong Kong opened its doors at the iconic Entertainment Building, Central, with a network of cinemas spanning across Tuen Mun, Ma On Shan , Tsim Sha Tsui, Tsuen Wan to its latest addition in Tseung Kwan O.

Innovating the cinema experience to excite and bringing moviegoers to an entertainment utopia.

Emperor Cinemas (Lisboeta Macau) will introduce the first IMAX Theatre, MX4D Theatre and the CORONET IN Macau, offering the audience a first-class luxurious viewing experience elevated with carefully crafted gourmet delights and an intimate setting.

Enjoy the digitalized cinemagoing experience with 365 days online ticketing service fee waiver and e-ticket admission convenience at Emperor Cinemas now!

WeChat 圖片_20210804162303.jpg




  • 提供優質客戶服務

  • 履行戲院日常事務、售票、帶位、驗票和散場工作

  • 協助提供餐飲服務,調配飲品,製作簡單食物

  • 戲院內所有操作安排及處理顧客查詢


  • 具有基本中英文的溝通能力

  • 對客戶服務工作有熱誠

  • 輪班輪休,並需於假期工作




  • 負責按編排準時播放電影及預告片

  • 確保戲院內之燈光及音響設備操作正常

  • 放映器材日常清潔、檢查及保養等


  • 守時、具責任感及能獨立處理工作

  • 高中畢業或以上程度,具有基本中英文的溝通能力

  • 對客戶服務工作有熱誠

  • 輪班輪休,並需於假期工作

餐飲服務主任 / 高級餐飲服務大使 / 餐飲服務大使



  • 提供優質客戶服務

  • 協助提供餐飲服務,調配飲品,製作簡單食物

  • 保持廚房整潔安全,以確保日常運作順暢


  • 具有基本中英文的溝通能力

  • 輪班輪休,並需於假期工作

  • 有團隊合作精神及對客戶服務工作有熱誠

  • 能同時處理多樣工作,主動及能獨立工作

  • 勤奮,守時,有禮及有責任感

  • 有良好溝通技巧及人際關係

Theatre Manager / Assistant Theatre Manager / Supervisor


  • Provide key support to the Operations Manager on cinema operations related matters.

  • Perform and monitor daily cinema operations including manpower arrangement, recruitment, payroll, roster & show-time scheduling, staff coaching, stock & cost control and etc.

  • In charge of the Cinema (include F & B); formulate, execute and review operating procedures and standards for the Cinema and F&B area.

  • Lead the team to deliver excellent customer service

  • Handle enquires and complaints in a professional manner.

  • Maintain all equipment and fixtures to ensure good working order and condition.

  • General administration tasks / reporting.

  • Support daily operations of the projection team.


  • University or College graduate

  • At least 5 years working experience of operations in cinema, retail, food & beverage or related businesses

  • In-depth knowledge of hospitality and customer service management will be a plus

  • Self-motivated, customer-oriented, energetic, hardworking and presentable

  • Knowledge in Microsoft Office & Chinese word processing

  • Good command of both written & spoken English and Chinese

  • Willing to learn and perform shift duty

  • Candidates with less experience will be considered for the position of Assistant Theatre Manager.





* 申請人提供之全部資料絕對保密及只作招聘用途 *

$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, $40k - 50k, $50k - 100k, I-JSCM1, Admin 行政, M04DJ

China Taiping Life Insurance (Macau) Company Limited 中國太平人壽保險 (澳門) 股份有限公司招聘


$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, Admin 行政, Government 政府及公共事業機構, M06AJ

CTM 澳門電訊招聘




Interested applicants please send application letter to e-mail address:


Companhia de Telecomunicações de Macau invites application to the posts of:

Senior Clerk, Product Management (Ref. 566)

Job Description:

  • To manage the performance, effectiveness and life cycle of company products via comprehensive and in-depth analysis

  • To interpret data, information & analysis that support business growth & development

  • To handle daily operation & regular reports

  • To handle & take care operation issues


  • Degree holder in Business or Management

  • Fluency in spoken/written English and Chinese, fluency in Putonghua is an advantage.

  • 1 to 2 years of experience in commercial sector

  • Pro-active with good communication skill

  • Good analytical thinking and organizing skills

  • Knowledge / concept of inventory management is an advantage

  • Awareness of CTM products & services is an advantage

Senior Clerk, Planning & Development (Ref. 314)

Job Description:

  • To assist in establishing partnership with external business parties

  • To conduct business analysis for identifying market needs and potential business

  • To monitor and analyze performance and procedures of existing products & services

  • To work closely between internal department and external partners for implementation of new products and service enhancement

  • To coordinate with related marketing parties for establishing appropriate communication channels for delivering new and enhanced services


  • Degree holder in Marketing / Business / MIS or equivalent

  • Fluency in spoken / written English & Chinese

  • Creative, pro-active with good organizing skill

  • Project Management or date analysis experience is preferable

  • Strong sensitivity to telecommunication trends and changes

Senior Clerk, Credit Management (Ref. 491)

Job Description:

  • To manage accounts receivable on mass market and corporate customers

  • To identify, monitor and actively manage on doubtful accounts

  • To follow the established procedures for processing receipts

  • To prepare monthly reports and analysis


  • Degree holder major in Accounting, Finance or equivalence

  • Fluency in spoken /written English & Chinese

  • Fluency in Putonghua is an advantage

  • Experience in accounts receivable is an advantage

  • Strong analytical communication skills

  • Good team work spirit and able to work under pressure

助理倉務主任 (Ref. 552)


  • 整理貨倉存貨、規劃及補貨建議

  • 負責分派、收集及搬運貨物

  • 用電腦系統處理及記錄貨物交易

  • 按公司訂下的質量規格檢查貨物

  • 進行定期盤點

  • 時刻保持倉庫安全、衛生及整潔及貨物完整

  • 一般文書處理 (電郵溝通、Microsoft Office、文檔整理等)


  • 中學或大專畢業

  • 能操流利廣東話,中文書寫,懂英文為佳

  • 持輕型汽車駕駛執照為佳

  • 體格強健、誠實可靠、有責任心、刻苦耐勞、可獨立處理倉務工作

Assistant Manager, Marketing Communications (Ref. 293)

Job Description:

  • To be responsible for marketing communications activities for telecom related products and services in order to cope with market dynamics

  • To enhance product/service penetration by participating and interacting in various marketing activities such as promotion, advertising activities, roadshow and exhibition.

  • To enrich product brand values by enhancing product image with product offerings and deliver the message to reach each segments market.

  • To coordinate and participate in roadshows, sponsorship events, shop decorations and MICE activities.


  • Degree holder in Marketing

  • Fluency in spoken /written English & Chinese

  • At least 3 years and above marketing experience in business sector

  • Good analytical, planning and communication skills

  • Graphic design and create webpage knowledge will be advantageous

Customer Service Executive, Customer Service Provision (Ref. 413)

Job Description:

  • To handle work assignment for both installation & maintenance services

  • To manage installation & maintenance appointment with external & internal customer

  • To manage SLA and field resources

  • To coordinate special event and compile service information for order delivery

  • To provide analysis report to management on regular basis


  • Secondary education or above

  • Fluency in spoken/written Chinese and English

  • Knowledge of Putonghua will be advantageous

  • Good PC knowledge in MS office

  • Good communication and organizing skill

  • A good team player with strong ability to meet assignment and project deadline

Manager, Treasury (Ref. 203)

Job Description:

  • Directly report to Head of Treasury, to assist and support in the overall management and operation of the team

  • To improve the efficiency of daily operation through streamline and automation of process

  • To optimize cash flow and maximize returns through planning, forecast and interface with banks or financial institutes

  • To take care of various kinds of report for submission to group and company management

  • To handle compliance control and participate in ad hoc projects

  • To conduct regular review of insurance policy for catering the needs of company and business development


  • Degree holder in Finance / Accounting or related discipline

  • Fluency in spoken /written English & Chinese

  • Fluency in spoken Putonghua is an advantage

  • 3 years of working experience or more in audit firm or banking industry.

  • Experience in design and implementation of process / workflow automation

  • Holder of CPA is a definite advantage

  • Good leadership & team management skill

  • Good interpersonal skill and strong ability to deal with all level of staff

Account Manager, Sales (Ref No: 248)

Job Description:

  • To lead and provide guidance to Senior Sales Executive in daily sales activities

  • To sell and promote all products and services to corporate/business customers

  • To achieve sales targets, provide value-added solutions to meet customer needs

  • To build rapport and develop long-term relationship with valued customers and achieve high level of customer satisfaction

  • Maximizing business opportunities from either existing or new accounts and securing customers from competitors


  • Degree holder in Business Administration or equivalent

  • Fluency in spoken/written English and Chinese

  • Fluency in Putonghua will be advantageous

  • 3 years or above experience at supervisory position in sales area

  • Technical knowledge in telecom service will be advantageous

  • Able to develop own customer base

  • Result-oriented with strong communication skills

  • Highly independent, self-motivated and enthusiastic

  • Holder of valid light vehicle driving license

IT Specialist, Information Communication Technology Operations (Ref No: 464)

Job Description:

  • To support and maintain core business applications, regular & ad hoc activities in IT Operations Centre

  • To monitor all systems and application services are performing in a steady manner

  • To perform regular UAT, system deployment, backup & restoration job processes

  • To provide analytical studies and resolution for application issues

  • To work and communicate with higher tier support staff for incident and problem solution

  • Report to Duty Head on daily operation


  • Degree holder in Computer Science, Information System or equivalent

  • Fluency in spoken / written English and Chinese

  • To work on 24 hour shift basis

  • Knowledge in business analysis and system development

  • Knowledge in programming language such as Java, C, Unix Shell Script, PLSQL/SQL , database in Oracle and/or MS SQL server

  • One year working experience in system and application support/development environment is an advantage

  • Skill in writing technical documents and specifications is an advantage

Senior IT Specialist, Enterprise Security (Ref No: 165)

Job Description:

  • Assist in development of information security policy and procedures

  • Develop information and network systems security solutions

  • Perform security risk analysis on required products and services

  • Perform system and network security appraisals

  • Perform security incident response, investigation and compliance review

  • Perform administration on security devices

  • To manage of user accounts and access rights

  • Assist in change control management

  • Assist in management of disaster recovery plan in order to achieve ISO27001


  • Degree in Computer Science, Information Security or equivalent

  • Fluency in spoken/written Chinese and English

  • Two years experience in administration of IT infrastructure or in information security

  • Experience in administration of security products like Firewall, IPS, SIEM, vulnerability assessment tool

  • Knowledge in programming languages such as Python or JSON

  • Holder of CISSP/CISA security certificates will be advantageous

  • Good communication and analytical skills

Technician, Data Network Development (Ref No: 585)

Job Description:

  • Assisting in the design and development of IP network architectures and solutions

  • Supporting the implementation and configuration of IP Network equipment such as routers, switches, firewalls, and other network devices

  • Assisting in the planning and execution of IP network infrastructure upgrades and expansions

  • Collaborating with network engineers and cross-functional teams to define network requirements and contribute to network planning

  • Assisting in troubleshooting network issues and conducting root cause analysis

  • Analyzing network performance monitoring and optimization activities

  • Assisting in documenting network configurations, processes, and procedures

  • Keeping abreast with industry standards, emerging technologies and best practices of IP networking

  • Executing new IP network equipment acceptance and validation


  • Degree holder in Telecommunications, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science or related discipline

  • Fluency in spoken / written English & Chinese

  • General knowledge of IP networking principles, protocols, and technologies

  • Basic knowledge of routing protocols (such as OSPF, BGP), VLANs, VPNs, and other networking

  • Basic knowledge of TCP/IP and IP addressing

  • Good communication and good team spirit to collaborate effectively with cross-functional teams

  • Progressive learning attitude to cope with an ongoing changing environment and keeping abreast with technology trends

Technician, Mobile and Fixed Network Development (Ref No: 586)

Job Description:

  • Assisting in the development and deployment of mobile 5G network and fixed network architectures and solutions

  • Supporting the research and analysis of emerging technologies, industry trends and customer requirements for mobile and fixed network services

  • Assisting in the implementation of mobile network and fixed network service strategies

  • Supporting in service integration and delivery

  • Monitoring and analyzing service performance metrics, identifying areas for improvement

  • Assisting in the documentation and reporting of service development activities

  • Keeping abreast with industry standards, regulations, and best practices of mobile and fixed network technologies and solutions


  • Bachelor holder in Telecommunications / Electrical Engineering / Computer Science or related discipline

  • Fluency in spoken / written English & Chinese

  • General understanding of IP network technology and routing protocols (OSPF, BGP)

  • Good analytical and problem-solving skills to assist in assessing market needs and identifying service opportunities.

  • Basic project management skills to support service development

  • General knowledge with mobile network technologies is a definite advantage

  • Good ability to adapt to new technology in fast speed

  • Good communication and team spirit

  • Progressive learning attitude to cope with an ongoing changing environment and keeping abreast with technology trends

Assistant Service Engineer, Airport O&M (Ref No: 555)

Job Description:

  • To carry out preventive and corrective maintenance for Airport Systems in the core areas of aviation communication, navigation, surveillance, IT & security.

  • To ensure all the maintenance works are carried out in accordance to the defined procedures

  • To coordinate the maintenance related matters with customer's representatives

  • To provide efficient response to the enquires from both internal and external customers regarding system status

  • To perform timely update of system maintenance processes

  • To carry out ad hoc installation works


  • Degree holder in Electronics / Communications / IT or related engineering disciplines

  • Fluency in both spoken/written English & Chinese

  • Mandatory to work on shift basis

  • Able to work at height

  • Holder of light vehicle driving license; Holder of heavy vehicle driving license is a definite advantage

  • 1 to 2 years of experience in providing helpdesk services is a definite advantage

  • Good customer service concept and communication skill

  • To provide non-office hour support and emergency call-out when necessary

Technician, Network Operations (Radio Network O&M) (Ref No: 493)

Job Description:

  • To manage the Radio Access Network (RAN) operation and site administration

  • To prepare data information for new site implementation

  • To manage RAN inventory

  • To provide support services for network incident issues

  • To support special event operation and provide monitoring services during the event

  • To provide emergency call-out and non-office hour support


  • Degree holder in Telecommunications or equivalent

  • Fluency in spoken/written English & Chinese

  • Fluency in Putonghua will be advantageous

  • Holder of light vehicle driving license

  • 2 year working experience in handling radio network optimization

客戶服務主任,零售及中小企銷售發展 (Ref. 10)


  • 於銷售店內為客戶提供服務及推廣公司產品

  • 收集客戶意見及把客戶諮詢轉為推廣機會

  • 提出建議以改進銷售店運作及業務

  • 支援店內行政工作


  • 中學程度或以上

  • 能操及書寫流利中英文

  • 有客戶服務經驗為佳

  • 良好人際關係及溝通技巧

  • 具基本電腦知識

  • 具電子及資訊產品潮流觸覺

客戶服務主任,聯繫中心運作及管理 (Ref. 282)


  • 於以專業態度接聽客戶來電及解問查詢,提供高效率的服務

  • 準確瞭解客戶需求並給予適當的解答及指引

  • 運用系統快速查詢相關訊息及資料,為客戶提供所需的產品及服務

  • 以專業及適當態度處理客戶投訴

  • 透過熱線電話推銷公司的產品及服務


  • 中學畢業, 大專或以上學歷為佳

  • 能操流利廣東話及普通話

  • 能以英語與客戶對答優先考慮

  • 勤懇, 有禮, 良好溝通及表達能力

  • 懂電腦文書處理及中文輸入法

  • 具備良好中文書寫能力

  • 輪班工作

  • 具備熱線服務工作經驗 (尤以電訊業)者優先考慮

  • 對智能客服範疇有認知或熟識者優先考慮

客戶服務主任,客戶服務供應 (光纖安裝及保養) (Ref. 401)


  • 為客戶提供光纖到戶服務包括安裝,維修及保養工作

  • 為客戶提供高速寬頻,固網電話及專線之安裝及維修服務


  • 中學程度或以上

  • 能操流利廣東話,略懂英語及普通話更佳

  • 具2年或以上為客戶提供光纖及寬頻接駁,安裝及維修服務經驗

  • 良好電腦安裝及維修經驗,熟識路由器設定及電腦軟件

  • 具基本工業安全知識

  • 良好客戶服務態度

  • 持輕型私家車或重型電單車駕駛執照

**Applications will be treated in strict confidence and information will be used for recruitment purpose only.