$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, $40k - 50k, Retail 零售業, JSCM16R4, M04EJ, Marketing 市場行銷及傳播, Design 設計

NEW YAOHAN 澳門新八佰伴招聘

超過 40 個職缺位空缺!

$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, CS 客戶服務, GM 綜合管理, Retail 零售業, JSCM16R4, M07CJ

Plaza Premium Group 澳門招聘

Plaza Premium Lounge macau jobscall.me recruitment ad 澳門招聘-01.jpg

Plaza Premium Lounge

With a mission of “making travel better”, Plaza Premium Group is a pioneer and the market leader in airport hospitality services with an international footprint of over 250+ locations, 80+ International Airports, 30+ countries and regions, serving 20 million travellers annually.

The group comprises four core business segments – airport lounges Plaza Premium First and Plaza Premium Lounge; airport terminal hotels Aerotel and Refreshhh by Aerotel; airport meet & greet services ALLWAYS and a range of Airport Dining concepts. The Group has also developed Smart Traveller, a mobile-app based global airport membership programme that is designed for air travellers, offering uniquely-curated perks, benefits and rewards experience through points earning and redemption. In addition to its own brands, Plaza Premium Group provides airport hospitality solutions to leading airlines, alliances and corporates around the world, including but not limited to Cathay Pacific Airways, Singapore Airlines, Lufthansa, China Southern Airlines, Star Alliance, SkyTeam, American Express and many more. By continuously innovating and striving to surpass travellers’ expectations of airport experiences, the group is growing exponentially across major international airports globally.

The group has won more than 60 accolades in the last five years, including “World’s Best Independent Airport Lounge” for five consecutive years from 2016 to 2021 at the Skytrax World Airline Awards, the global benchmark of aviation excellence, and “Best Airport Lounge Operator” for 2018 & 2019 by TTG Asia magazine. In addition, the group’s Founder and CEO Mr. Song Hoi-see was named Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of The Year and Master Entrepreneur of The Year 2018 Malaysia. In 2020, the Group has successfully been awarded ISO 9001:2015 for Hong Kong Headquarters, proving the quality management in providing airport lounge services.

Website: www.plazapremiumgroup.com

Guest Service Officer

Job Responsibilities:

  • Ensures the delivery of brand promise and provides exceptional guest service at all times

  • Ensures guests are provided with professional and courteous services according to PPL standard

  • Greeting the lounge guests upon arrivals, performs effective and efficient check-ins at the reception, farewell warmly as they leave

  • Coordinating with airlines, ground handlers and other airport departments that provides accurate information to the lounge guests promptly.

  • Preparing the VIP room by referring the reservation confirmation and assist the guests needs

  • Conducting feedback forms from the lounge guests daily, reports and solves the problem or complaint to minimize the negative issue

  • Patrolling the lounge and VIP rooms daily to ensure all the items and facilities are tidy and functioning well.

  • Updating the lounge food and beverage menu.

  • To undertake any other reasonable assignment by the superior, as and when required

Job Requirements:

  • High school graduated or above

  • Relevant experiences in hotel or catering is an advantage

  • Outgoing, presentable with good interpersonal and communication skills

  • Good command of spoken and written English, Mandarin and Cantonese

  • Shift duties are required



  • 按照公司標準為客人提供專業的服務

  • 為客人提供優質的餐飲體驗

  • 熟悉餐單及推介給客人

  • 時刻保持適量的餐飲用品及倉儲

  • 儘量協助及解決客人的需求


  • 主動及具備良好溝通能力

  • 能獨立完成工作及承受一定壓力

  • 具備相關工作經驗優先



  • 保持貴賓室、洗手間、餐飲區域、後勤區域等地方的衛生整潔

  • 確保所有植物狀況良好

  • 時刻保持清潔用品庫存,並在需要時向上級報告進行補充

  • 執行上級分配的工作


  • 能獨立完成工作及承受一定壓力

  • 具備良好主動性

  • 能處理多項任務

  • 具備相關工作經驗優先



  • 時刻保持廚房和工作區域整潔

  • 清洗廚房用具、烹飪用具和設備

  • 遵循值班組長和部門廚師的指示,並遵守安全標準和程序

  • 協助廚房收集設備


  • 具備良好主動性

  • 能承受一定壓力

  • 良好的團隊協作能力



  • 負責食物規劃、準備及出品

  • 支援廚房的日常運作

  • 協助食品和飲料的庫存控制

  • 保持廚房食物品質、衛生和清潔處於高標準規格

  • 執行上級分配的工作


  • 具備至少3年相關工作經驗

  • 具創意、主動及責任感

  • 能獨立完成工作及承受一定壓力



  • 協助準備所有食材,包括清洗、削皮、切割、切碎和運送

  • 協助主管有效率地營運廚房各區域

  • 執行上級分配的工作


  • 具備良好主動性

  • 能承受一定壓力

  • 良好的團隊協作能力

  • 具備相關工作經驗優先

  • 需輪班工作

To Apply:

請將個人履歷電郵至 gabriel.chan@plaza-network.com。 閣下所提供的個人資料,只用作澳門環亞貴賓室評估申請人是否適合擔任所申請的職位,所有資料將受到嚴格保密。

Please submit your detailed resume to gabriel.chan@plaza-network.com. The personal data provided is to be used only for the purpose of evaluating and assessing the suitability of applicant for the post by Plaza Premium Lounge Macau, all data are treated as strictly confidential.

$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, JSCM16R4, Retail 零售業, M05BJ



澳門居然家之尊是北京居然之家家居連鎖有限公司在港澳特區 開設第一家直營項目,由居然家之尊 & 南光物流有限公司及南光文化創意產業有限公司強強聯合,共同打造。居然家之尊主要打造澳門一 站式智慧家居體驗中心,為消費者提供更優質、更便利的家居服務體驗。


汽車銷售人員( 2 - 3位 )


  • 銷售管理:積極挖掘客戶資源,達成店面銷售目標。

  • 運營管理:負責該門店從用戶進店接待——試乘試駕體驗——銷售轉化——成交的全流程 管理(包含金融、保險、充電樁等增值服務);

  • 流量管理:負責行銷活動落地執行,完成流量轉化目標。


  • 熱愛新能源汽車行業,接受應屆畢業生;

  • 有駕駛證並駕駛熟練,形象好,氣質佳;

  • 良好的普通話及粵語溝通和表達能力、應變能力和解決問題的能力,心理素質佳;

  • 良好的團隊協作精神和客戶服務意識。

3C 銷售人員 ( 2 - 3位 )


  • 負責店面 Apple、華為、榮耀全品:手機、電腦、配件等產品的銷售接待、諮詢工作;

  • 負責商品的管理工作,包括商品的陳列、補貨、退貨、驗貨、防損、收銀等;

  • 參加公司各項培訓課程安排,努力通過各項考核並提升個人的綜合素質;

  • 與店面的團隊成員合作,完成個人及店面的銷售目標;


  • 一年以上相關零售工作經驗者經驗者優先;

  • 具備良好的服務意識,有耐心,肯吃苦,責任心強,有良好的團隊合作精神;

  • 有良好的普通話及粵語語言表達能力,有親和力,溝通能力強,形象健康陽光;

  • 熱愛銷售工作,喜歡 IT 行業(蘋果、華為、榮耀產品),樂觀、積極向上;

智能家居銷售人員 ( 2 位 )


  • 負責智慧家居的應用推廣,顧客的場景體驗以及最終的產品銷售;

  • 負責新客戶的開發、老客戶的維護,並協助顧客解決相關問題;

  • 按照總部及公司的銷售服務標準為客戶提供優質服務;

  • 完成門店日常運營工作,開拓並維護設計師管道。


  • 大專以上學歷;

  • 對智慧家居行業熱愛或感興趣(很重要);

  • 有良好的普通話及粵語語言表達能力,具備相關家裝建材、3C 相關行業經驗;

  • 有相應的學習能力,形象好,有親和力,能快速完成入職培訓及相應考試。

會計 1 名


  • 具有 LCCI 初級,有會計相關經驗。

  • 協助處理財務單據,發票,整理檔案等

  • 能獨立工作,主動有禮,有責任感

  • 完成上級交辦的其他事項

  • 薪金面議

工程部技術員 1 名


  • 具備初級或以上電工證,有 1 - 2 年工程部經驗優先。

  • 細心,盡責及注重團隊合作;

  • 主動進行工作溝通


  • 負責商場內設備設施運行、維護、維修,技術管理, 日常巡檢。

  • 安全消防工作檢查,發現問題及時處理並上報等。

  • 薪金面議


薪酬:底薪 15,000 - 16,000 外加提成


  • 負責全店運營管理,對店面管理做好監督評估工作,包括店面人員管理、貨品管理、商品陳列和資產管理;

  • 對店面業績負責,分解公司下發銷售任務和利潤指標,制定銷售政策和激勵政策,推動團隊達成目標;

  • 制定日常管理及門店運營計畫;

  • 定期彙報反映店面銷售、庫存、損耗情況,根據情況制定後續銷售計畫;

  • 積極拓展銷售管道,維護客情關係;及時解決客戶投訴、應對店面突發事件;

  • 熟悉港澳地區社交媒體平臺,瞭解直播,視頻和圖文種草等線上內容行銷玩法。


  • 本科以上學歷,1 年以上家居傢俱行業及銷售經驗,2 年以上門店管理經驗,有獨立管理門店工作經驗者優先;

  • 熟悉家居品牌,對跨境業務有一定瞭解,粵語流利,普通話流利,英文優秀者優先;

  • 有良好溝通能力和銷售技巧給團隊賦能,協調和統籌能力出眾,抗壓性好,能適應成長型企業的工作節奏。

收銀兼客服 2 名


  • 良好溝通技巧、服務熱誠及有團隊精神

  • 待客有耐性、良好笑容、有愛心、品格正直

  • 基本的電腦認知

  • 薪金面議。

清潔員 5 名


  • 負責各區域清潔工作,收集並運送所有酒店場所內的垃圾。

  • 在指定的所有區域更換垃圾袋。

  • 根據部門需要,執行主管安排相關清潔任務。

  • 負責正確使用清潔劑和其他化學品。

  • 薪金面議

保安員 9 名


  • 負責公共區域的巡查,保障客人及員工的人身安全,需具備良好的人際溝通及合作技能,守時及執行規定指示,具有敏捷的應變能力處理突發狀況。

  • 薪金面議




$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, $40k - 50k, Freelance 兼職, I-JSCM1, JSCMPT1, Others 其他行業, Retail 零售業, Bank 銀行業, JSCM16R4, Urgent Hiring 急聘職位, Marketing 市場行銷及傳播, M06AJ

Manpower 澳門招聘

每日更新職缺 !

$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, Admin 行政, JSCM16R4, M07CJ, Retail 零售業





  • 高中以上學歷,3年以上工程跟進工作經驗優先;

  • 有效傳達客戶的需求及意願,協調及跟進業務的執行進度;

  • 性格主動積極、反應敏捷及獨立思考能力;

  • 良好的溝通能力,人際關係和團隊合作精神﹔

  • 對内及對外郵件往來之收發、回覆和文書歸檔等工作。


  • 星期一至星期五(5天工作)、醫療福利;

  • 底薪+高佣金;

  • 我們會提供結構完善全方位培訓,公平良好的內部晉升機會及不定期舉辦員工活動。

申請方式 :




  • 協助總經理處理公司日常事務,包括各類文書處理、分析報告、簽核文件整理及發送、並負責追蹤執行狀況;

  • 協助總經理全面深化推動各項工作的進展等;

  • 協助總經理處理有關公司營運及業務方面工作;

  • 協助總經理做好外賓接待、行程安排工作,陪同總經理參加各類會議、商務隨行。


  • 中、英文書寫及表達能力強;

  • 本科以上學歷,有良好的職業經歷及綜合素質;

  • 具三年以上貿易、銷售或公司管理經驗優先;

  • 具有良好的商務禮儀素質,形象端莊得體,綜合素質好;

  • 具有較強的組織、協調、溝通能力及人際交往能力;



  • 主要負責銷售公司產品,完成銷售目標﹔

  • 編制銷售報表,定期向上級匯報銷售情況;

  • 跟進销售流程,包括報價、方案、合同擬定及簽署、產品交付及收款 等;

  • 收集分析市場和客戶數據,提升公司產品及服務質素;

  • 負責內外部協調, 提供優質的售前及售後服務;

  • 定期拜訪客戶,進行客戶維護,與客戶建立良好合作關係,有效傳達客戶的需求及意願,協調及跟進業務的執行進度等。


  • 3年以上銷售經驗,有工程或項目工作經驗優先。

  • 熟悉銷售跟進流程及批發銷售經驗優先;

  • 積極主動、反應敏捷及獨立思考能力;

  • 優秀的溝通能力,人際關係和團隊合作精神﹔


  • 提供具市場競爭力薪酬待遇、福利待遇豐厚、團體醫療、每周五天工作、有薪年假;

  • 我們會提供結構完善全方位培訓,公平良好的內部晉升機會及不定期舉辦員工活動。



Retail 零售業, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, $40k - 50k, $10k - 20k, $50k - 100k, JSCM16R4

Burberry 澳門招聘

burberry from jobscallme 澳門第一招聘平台-01-2.jpg

Founded in 1856 by Thomas Burberry, Burberry is a global luxury brand with a distinctly British attitude. We are a global business with an extensive network of both owned and franchised stores across EMEIA, Asia Pacific and Americas. We are digital pioneers, and innovative technology underpins every aspect of our business, from product design to distribution and marketing. We believe that modern luxury means being socially and environmentally responsible; this mindset is core to our business and key to our long-term success.

Assistant Store Manager, Macau


At Burberry, we believe creativity opens spaces. Our purpose is to unlock the power of imagination to push boundaries and open new possibilities for our people, our customers and our communities. This is the core belief that has guided Burberry since it was founded in 1856 and is central to how we operate as a company today.

We aim to provide an environment for creative minds from different backgrounds to thrive, bringing a wide range of skills and experiences to everything we do. As a purposeful, values-driven brand, we are committed to being a force for good in the world as well, creating the next generation of sustainable luxury for customers, driving industry change and championing our communities.


Supporting the Store Manager to drive category performance with supervision of sales team to ensure great customer experiences. Driving sales goal attainment and providing real-time performance coaching to drive the overall Burberry Experience and Burberry Behaviours.


  • Lead sales associates to improve overall selling skills and close sales in order to achieve sales goals and KPIs

  • Work to drive sales for an assigned category including partnering with the Store Manager on sell-through, team training on assigned category

  • Lead a high performing customer facing and service orientated team. Coach and provide feedback to the team as necessary to ensure all customers serviced in the store are given the full Burberry Experience in line with brand strategies

  • Manage the customer flow to ensure the best possible service and that no client is left unattended. Set the pace and standard to deliver excellent service to customers

  • Drive partnership on the selling floor between sales associates, specialists, stock and operations team

  • Coach “in the moment” and after every transaction and client interaction, reach out to associates to talk through the successes and opportunities and ensure proper follow-through on follow up actions

  • Working closely with the Store Manager to develop and retain talented employees, by recognising and rewarding performance through monthly development plans and annual performance reviews

  • Lead the integration of new joiners to the business

  • Lead by example by delivering the Burberry Experience to customers when necessary

  • Partner with Store Manager and Training to take ownership of Burberry Experience training within the store. Use morning and weekly meetings to constantly reinforce key elements of the Burberry Experience through role-play, providing tips and talking through difficulties of individual associates.

  • Resolve difficult customer issues and escalate to management when necessary.

  • In absence of store management, responsible for processing post-void transactions, authorising promotional discounts and employee sales

  • Drive the digital experience in store and use digital resources to communicate whenever face-to-face is not possible.

  • Hold a good understanding of the business and effectively communicate needs and ideas to bring the business to next level

  • Possess a thorough understanding of company policies and procedures and consistently follow and enforce company guidelines on operations

  • Create and maintain an open, positive and harmonious work environment

  • Assist with the opening and closing of store which includes securing doors, windows and merchandise, successful alarming of store and POS procedures

  • Additional duties as required.


  • Advanced knowledge of POS system

  • Ability to handle complex customer service issues; (i.e. dissatisfied customers, complaints, returns, repairs & after-sales)

  • Able to use a fluent and professional dialogue with clients and staffs

  • Previous experience with Apple mobile devices and comfortable with the use of digital tools

  • 1-2 years previous supervisory or management experience in retail sales


  • Monthly Burberry Experience evaluation score

  • Managing performance improvement and development of associates

  • Improvement in every KPI within the retail scorecard


  • Burberry is an Equal Opportunities Employer and as such, treats all applications equally and recruits purely on the basis of skills and experience.


Burberry is an Equal Opportunities Employer and as such, treats all applications equally and recruits purely on the basis of skills and experience.
