Manager 經理級別

$10k - 20k, Retail 零售業, JSCM16R3, F-JSCM1, M08AJ


永記食品 (澳門) 有限公司招聘

永記 macau recruitment ad 澳門招聘-01.jpg


Assistant Sales & Operations Manager


  • Assist the Company to handle all aspects of sales functions, business plans and brand strategies, with an aim to achieve revenue targets via quality operations, customer service, market expansion, and aggressive marketing efforts

  • Monitor day-to-day operations performance and upgrade the Company’s standard from time to time in order to maximize sales and productivity, manpower efficiency and deliver quality customer service

  • Orders follow up and liaise with customers independently

  • Lead team to identify and develop business opportunities with both existing and target new customers

  • Provide market intelligence, in both customer and market side

  • Strong customer service, negotiation and sales skills

  • Lead, coach and motivate our Sales and Operation teams with company goals and policies

  • Mature, hardworking, sales oriented and aggressive

  • Proficiency in computer skill


  • Experience in dealing with food products, catering, food service, and institutional clients in Macau is preferred

  • Minimum 5 years relevant working experience in which 3 years at managerial level

  • Fluent in written and spoken Chinese & English

  • Macau ID and native Cantonese speaking

  • Immediate available will be an advantage


應徵者可將已填妥之「職位申請表」電郵至 或郵寄至澳門圓台街 16 號海洋工業中心 (第二期) 6 樓 E & F, 人事部收



Operations Supervisor


  • 管理庫存控制,監控日常出入貨及負責定期盤點

  • 責調動人手及車輛,管理及編排車隊路線

  • 定期檢討工場運作程序,制定改善工作計劃、監督及訓練人員,確保工場運作暢順及有效率


  • 中五程度,5年或以上物流/倉庫管理經驗

  • 具積極主動,有責任心及良好溝通技巧

  • 持有剷車牌及駕駛重型貨車經驗者優先

  • 申請人須持有澳門居民身份證,操流利廣東話


應徵者可將已填妥之「職位申請表」電郵至 或郵寄至澳門圓台街 16 號海洋工業中心 (第二期) 6 樓 E & F, 人事部收



Admin Clerk

Job duties

  • Responsible for daily paperwork

  • Assist the admin officer in handling personnel and Administration matters

  • Occasional documents delivery & ad-hoc assignments is required

Job Requirements /Experience / Skills required

  • High school graduated or above, min 1 year related experience

  • Fluent in written and spoken Chinese, English & Mandarin

  • Proficiency PC knowledge in MS Office & Chinese Word Processing


  • 一般辦公室文書處理

  • 協助行政主任維持人事及行政部日常運作

  • 偶爾有外勤工作及需跟進臨時指派的工作


  • 大專或以上程度, 一年或以上工作經驗

  • 流利廣東話、有良好英語水平及懂普通話更佳

  • 熟悉等MS Office及Excel操作


Applicant with Macau identity card please email resume with photo and state current & expected salary and availability to


或郵寄至澳門圓台街16號海洋工業中心(第二期) 6樓 E & F, 人事部收



$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, $40k - 50k, Hotel 酒店業, JSCMPT1, Freelance 兼職, Gaming & Entertainment 博彩及娛樂, Design 設計, CS 客戶服務, HR 人力資源, Marketing 市場行銷及傳播, F-JSCM1, M06DJ

SJM Resorts, S.A. 澳娛綜合度假股份有限公司招聘


SJM Holdings Limited is the holding company of SJM Resorts, S.A. , one of the six companies authorized to operate casino games of fortune and other games of chance in casinos, under the terms of a concession granted by the government of the Macau Special Administrative Region in March 2002. SJM is the only casino gaming concessionaire with its roots in Macau.


項目及活動推廣 Events and Promotions

  • 助理經理 - 項目及活動推廣 Assistant Manager – Events & Promotions

  • 主任 - 項目及活動推廣 Supervisor - Events & Promotions

  • 專員 - 項目及活動推廣 Officer - Events & Promotions

文康社會事務部 Cultural Recreational & Social Services

  1. 文員 Clerk

  2. 副主任 Assistant Supervisor

貴賓服務部 VIP Services

  1. 主任 - 貴賓服務 Executive - VIP Services

展能及調研統計部 Performance Improvement and Research & Statistics

  1. 培訓主任 (負責任博彩) Training Supervisor (Responsible Gaming)

  2. 培訓主任 (博彩遊戲) Training Supervisor (Gaming Skill)

企業品牌發展及市場推廣部 Corporate Brand and Marketing

  1. 高級經理 - 製作 Senior Manager - Production

  2. 高級經理 - 海外發展Senior Manager - Overseas Development

  3. 高級經理 - 市場合作Senior Manager - Partnership Marketing

  4. 經理/助理經理 - 娛樂視聽Manager / Assistant Manager - Audio Visual

  5. 助理經理 - 活動推廣及娛樂策劃Assistant Manager - Events & Entertainment

  6. 助理經理 - 市場合作Assistant Manager - Partnership Marketing

  7. 高級主任 - 數碼平臺管理,創新及開發 Senior Executive - Digital Platforms & Innovations

  8. 高級主任 - 社交媒體及社群管理Senior Executive - Social Media & Social Community Management

  9. 高級主任 - 數碼績效營銷Senior Executive - Digital Performance Marketing

  10. 高級/ 主任 - 市場傳訊Senior / Executive - Marketing Communications

  11. 主任 - 品牌傳訊 Executive - Brand Communications

  12. 主任 - 娛樂視聽Supervisor - Audio-Visual

  13. 主任 - 市場合作 Executive - Partnership Marketing

  14. 技術員 - 娛樂視聽Technician - Audio-Visual

  15. 專員 - 活動推廣及娛樂策劃 Officer - Events & Entertainment

零售及營運支援 Retail & Operations Support

  1. 專員 - 商場管理營運Officer - Mall Operations

可持續發展部 Sustainability

  1. 經理 - 可持續發展 Manager - Sustainability

  2. 專員 - 可持續發展 Officer - Sustainability

  3. 協調員 - 可持續發展 Coordinator - Sustainability

設施管理部 Facilities Management 

  1. 值勤工程師 Duty Engineer

  2. 技術員 - 機電 Technician - E&M

旅遊服務部 Travel Services

  1. 經理 - 物業內站服務 Manager - Property Stations Services

  2. 高級主任 - 業務 Senior Executive - Business

  3. 主任 - 外站服務 Supervisor - Outstations Services

  4. 專員 - 旅遊服務 Ambassador - Travel Services

客戶專線中心Contact Center

  1. 服務專員 - 電話服務 Service Agent - Teleservices

供應鏈 (資訊科技系統, 項目及物流營運) Supply Chain (IT System, Project & Logistic Operations)

  1. Senior Manager - Supply Chain (IT System) 高級經理 - 供應鏈 (資訊科技系統)

  2. Assistant Manager - Dock Operation助理經理 - 貨台運作

  3. Supervisor - Inventory Control 主任 - 庫存管控

  4. Supervisor - Warehouse 主任 - 倉務

  5. Operator - Dock Operations 操作員 - 貨台運作

角子機營運部 Slot Operations

  1. 服務代表 Service Representative

  2. 技術員 Technician

人力資源部 Human Resources

  1. 高級分析員 - 薪酬及福利 Senior Analyst - Compensation & Benefits

電子博彩運作部 Electronic Gaming

  1. 服務代表 Service Representative

  2. 技術員 Technician

會計部 Finance & Accounts

  1. 助理–財務會計 Associate - Financial Accounting

  2. 助理–成本會計 Associate - Costing

  3. 審計員–非博彩審計 Auditor - Non-Gaming Audit

保安部 Security

  1. Supervisor - Shift Manager  - Operations 值班經理- 營運

  2. Supervisor - Operations 主任 - 營運

  3. Security Officer 保安員

電話市場營銷 Telesales

  1. 服務專員 - 電話市場營銷 Service Agent - Telesales

餐飲部 - 新葡京酒店 Food & Beverage - Grand Lisboa Hotel

  1. 行政餅房主廚 Executive Pastry Chef

  2. 侍酒師 Sommelier

審計部 Internal Audit

  1. 審計員 Internal Auditor

供應鏈 (營運及服務) Supply Chain (Operations & Services)

  1. 助理經理 - 供應鏈 Assistant Manager - Supply Chain

  2. 主任 - 供應鏈 Supervisor - Supply Chain

  3. 專員 - 供應鏈 Officer - Supply Chain

銷售部 Sales

  1. 經理 - 銷售 (會展、商務及宴會) Manager - Sales (MICE & Corporate & Events)

  2. 經理 - 宴會管理 Manager - Event Management

  3. 主任 - 銷售 (會展、商務及宴會) Executive - Sales (MICE & Corporate & Events)

策略分析部 Strategic Analysis

  1. 助理經理 (商業及數據分析) Assistant Manager (Business Intelligence & Database Analytics)

  2. 高級分析員 (商業及數據分析) Senior Analyst (Business Intelligence & Database Analytics)

  3. 高級分析員 (非博彩) Senior Analyst (Non-Gaming)

  4. 分析員 (博彩) Analyst (Gaming)

  5. 問卷調查員 Surveyor

度假村臻尚市場拓展部 Resort Premium Market Development

  1. 經理 - 臻尚業務拓展 Manager - Business Development

  2. 助理經理 - 臻尚業務拓展 Assistant Manager - Business Development

  3. 主任 - 銷售支援 Executive Host - Sales Support

  4. 主任 - 臻尚客戶拓展 Executive Host - Guest Development

  5. 專員 - 臻尚客戶拓展 Host - Guest Development

  6. 行政助理 - 行政及法遵 Administration Assistant - Administration and Compliance

水療及康體部 Spa & Recreation

  1. 禮賓服務員 - 水療及康體 Concierge - Spa & Recreation

資訊科技部 Information Technology

  1. 經理 - 博彩系統方案Manager - Gaming Solution

  2. 助理經理 - 博彩系統方案 Assistant Manager - Gaming Solution

  3. 助理經理 - 前台系統方案 Assistant Manager - Front of House Solution

  4. 助理經理 - 數據庫架構管理Assistant Manager - DAM

  5. 高級分析員 - 質量保證 Senior Analyst - QA

  6. 數據分析及程序員 Data Analyst & Programmer

管家部 Housekeeping

  1. 主任 - 公共區域 Supervisor - Public Area

  2. 管家部調度員 Housekeeping Dispatcher

酒店營運部 Hotel Operations

  1. 主任 - 禮賓 Supervisor - Concierge

  2. 服務員 - 禮賓 Agent - Concierge

  3. 服務員 - 前台 Agent - Front Office

餐飲部 Food and Beverage

  1. 行政助理 - 餐飲 Administrative Assistant - F&B

  2. 主任 - 食品安全及衛生 Officer - Food Safety & Hygiene

  3. 助理經理 - 餐廳Assistant Manager - Restaurant

  4. 葡萄酒侍酒師 Wine Sommelier

  5. 主任 - 餐飲 Supervisor - F&B

  6. 領班 - 餐飲 Captain - F&B

  7. 茶藝專家 - Tea Master

  8. 茶藝領班 Captain - Tea

  9. 調酒師Bartender

  10. 接待員 Host - F&B

  11. 專員 - 電話銷售 Agent - Telephone Sales

  12. 服務員 - 餐飲 Server - F&B

  13. 總廚 (麵點) Senior Sous Chef (Noodle)

  14. 高級助理總廚 (中餐 / 西餐 / 麵點) Senior Sous Chef (Chinese / Western / Noodle)

  15. 主廚 (糕點 / 中餐 / 西餐) Chef de Partie (Pastry / Chinese / Western)

  16. 助理主廚 (糕點 / 中餐 / 西餐) Demi Chef(Pastry / Chinese / Western)

  17. 廚師 (中餐 / 西餐 / 日本餐) Commis Chef (Chinese / Western / Japanese)

  18. 管事員 Steward


有興趣應徵者,可透過以下方式申請 Interested parties, please apply via:

APPLY NOW 快速申請職位:


Hotel 酒店業, Gaming & Entertainment 博彩及娛樂, $10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, Marketing 市場行銷及傳播, Design 設計, CS 客戶服務, F-JSCM1, M07AJ


全職 / 兼職

$10k - 20k, Bank 銀行業, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, $40k - 50k, $50k - 100k, M04CJ

中資銀行 (澳門分行) 招聘

中資銀行招聘 macau recruitment ad 澳門招聘-01.jpg



  • 有 2 年或以上銀行/保險/金融前綫相關工作經驗

  • 本科或以上學歷

  • 善於開發業務,維護客戶關係

  • 能獨立開展工作

  • 持有澳門 ID





  • 有相關銀行/保險/金融工作經驗

  • 本科或以上學歷

  • 流利粵語、普通話,基本英文水平

  • 善於溝通、團隊協作

  • 持有澳門 ID






  • 3 年或以上投資,保險業務相關經驗

  • 本科或以上金融/ 工商管理/ 商業/ 金融等相關學歷

  • 熟悉相關投資及保險業務產品

  • 持相關保險牌照資格 (I, III 或其他)

  • 需持澳門居民身分證

有興趣及合資格人士, 請把個人履歷發至

(所有收到資料只會用作招聘用途, 以保障個人私隱)




  • 2 年或以上零售銀行運營及風險管理相關工作經驗

  • 持金融,財務,工商管理或相關本科學歷

  • 具專業的個人信貸、外匯兌換、分行營運流程、資金往來等風險方面的知識

  • 良好中英文及電腦應用

  • 澳門居民身份證持有人




  • 本科會計或相關財務科目

  • 6 年或以上財務管理 (銀行方面經驗優先), 當中 4 年管理團隊經驗

  • 持相關會計或財務專業證書優先考慮

  • 熟悉銀行內部會計政策 (IFRS9)及財務管理流程

  • 良好電腦應用, MS Office, PowerPoint

  • 澳門居民身份證


(所有收到資料只會用作招聘用途, 以保障個人私隱)




  • 本科或以上學歷

  • 2 年底以上貿易融資相關工作經驗

  • 對貿易融資產品及信用證流程有基本操作經驗及知識

  • 良好中英文閱讀和書寫

  • 需持澳門居民身分證


(所有收到資料只會用作招聘用途, 以保障個人私隱)

Senior Manager of Business Development - Insurance & Investment

One of the lead Global Bank Group, they are urgently looking for the following position for their Insurance & Investment Team in Macau.


  • Degree or above in any subject, business or finance related will be an advantage

  • 8 years of experience in Insurance and investment field

  • Experience in leading a team to achieve company targets

  • Able to provide training, marketing strategies, sales planning to the team

  • Holding Insurance license 1, 3 (Or other relevant qualifications)

  • Macau ID Holder ONLY

Our client is able to offer an attractive package to the right candidates. Please kindly send your full resume with expected salary to

(Personal data collected will be treated in strict confidence and used for recruitment purpose only.)


因銀行集團業務擴充, 現急招以下管理人員加入財富管理部團隊要求:

  • 至少 8 年或以上保險或投資等業務經驗, 當中不少於 4 年團隊管理經驗

  • 本科或以上經濟/ 工商管理/金融等相關學歷

  • 熟悉市場動態及相關業務產品

  • 持相關保險牌照資格 (Paper I, III / 或其他)

  • 需持澳門居民身分證


(所有收到資料只會用作招聘用途, 以保障個人私隱)

APPLY NOW 快速預約面試:




Manpower Macau 是澳門專業人力資源顧問公司,致力為僱主解決各項人力資源問題,並為僱員提供免費就業選配服務。

Manpower 是僱傭服務行業的翹楚,我們為客戶設計及提供服務,務求讓客戶在瞬息萬變的就業市場盡佔先機。Manpower 全球設有 4,400 個辦事處,遍佈 81 個國家和地區,Manpower 澳門憑藉其強大網絡,在各項招聘及商務活動中,為僱主提供一系列細緻的服務,包括全職、臨時及合約聘用;僱員評估及遴選;員工培訓;轉職介紹;外判及顧問工作等。Manpower 澳門透過2個不同品牌營運,包括:Manpower 及 Manpower Professional。

$20k - 30k, $10k - 20k, IT 資訊科技, GM 綜合管理, Marketing 市場行銷及傳播, M05AJ

MEGA 萬訊電腦科技有限公司澳門招聘





  • 負責向客戶介紹及銷售公司的服務產品;

  • 準備投標工作,制定合同條款;

  • 負責售後的客戶跟進服務。

任職要求 :

  • 大學畢業,不限專科,有IT行業銷售經驗優先;

  • 熟悉辦公室軟件;

  • 形象整潔,具有較強的溝通能力;

  • 喜歡學習新科技知識及學習應用科技;

  • 工作細心負責任;

Maintenance Account manager

Job description:

  • Introducing and selling services to customers;

  • Preparing the bidding work and formulating the terms of the contract;

  • Responsible for after-sales services to customer

Job requirements:

  • Graduated from university, not limited to majors, IT industry sales experience is preferred;

  • Familiar with office application;

  • Clean image and strong communication skills;

  • Like to learn new technological knowledge and learn to apply technology;

  • Mindful and responsible work;

公司福利:(薪金+津貼+佣金) 年終雙糧,年假、基本醫療保險



  • 本科或以上學歷,計算機相關專業,有一年實際開發經驗;

  • 有紮實的計算機語言基礎(JAVA方向或.NET方向);

  • 熟練使用spring、springmvc、spring boot、Hibernate、spring cloud 等框架,有實際項目開發經驗;

  • 熟悉常見數據結構和演算法;

  • 熟悉Oracle、SQL Server等主流資料庫,精通SQL語言;

  • 能夠熟練應用Vue、React、jQuery等前端框架;

  • 具備良好的編碼習慣,較好的質量意識及文檔編寫能力;

  • 具備良好的溝通能力、學習能力、團隊合作精神,有較強的責任心;


  • 根據開發規範與流程獨立完成模塊的設計、編碼、測試及相關文檔的編寫、維護工作;

  • 技術支持現有產品相關的研發工作,解決項目遇到的技術問題及產品使用問題等;

  • 在開發團隊中,按照項目負責人要求,獨立有效地完成軟件開發任務

Software Development Engineer


  • College degree or above

  • Have a solid computer language foundation (JAVA direction or .NET direction)

  • Proficient in the application frameworks such as spring, springmvc, spring boot, Hibernate, spring cloud etc., and practical project development experience.

  • Familiar with common data structures and algorithms

  • Familiar with mainstream databases such as Oracle and SQL Server, and proficient in SQL language

  • Proficient in the application of front-end frameworks such as Vue, React, and jQuery

  • Have good coding habits, good quality awareness and document writing ability

  • At least 1 years of relevant work experience

  • Fluent in Cantonese and English


  • Lead system analysis and design for different vertical markets, undertake core function code writing and develop and maintain system common core modules

  • Develop and maintain system platform and framework, identify and rectify technical problems and ensure system performance and stability

  • Code and document writing



  • 對數據庫的變更管理,對重要的表結構設計進行評審,將數據庫SQL進行優化。

  • 負責數據庫的實施部署、運行維護、日誌分析、性能調優等工作。

  • 負責數據庫日常管理,包括數據庫的備份恢復、性能優化、資料移轉、日常監控巡檢、數據庫高可用環境搭建及解決突發和疑難問題。

  • 參與專案工作,協助開發、實施,提供數據庫支援。

履歷要求 :

  • 澳門合法居民優先。

  • 熟悉Oracle/MySQL/PostgreSQL/SQL Server一種或多種數據庫產品,SQL Server優先。

  • 擁有計算機工程學位及文憑或相關證書。

  • 最少具有兩年相關工作經驗。

  • 中英文程度良好。

  • 有責任感、能獨立處理日常的工作。

  • 擁有正確、合理的邏輯思維。

  • 持有澳門有效的電單車或者汽車駕駛執照。

公司福利:(薪金+津貼) 年終雙糧,年假、基本醫療保險

薪酬 : 面談。

Database system technical engineer

Job description:

  • Manage database changes, review important table structure designs, and optimize database SQL.

  • Responsible for the implementation and deployment, operation and maintenance, log analysis, performance tuning, etc. of the database.

  • Responsible for the daily management of the database, including database backup and recovery, performance optimization, data transfer, daily monitoring and inspection, building a high-availability database environment and solving emergencies and difficult problems.

  • Participate in project work, assist in development and implementation, and provide database support.

Resume requirements:

  • Priority will be given to legal residents of Macao.

  • Familiar with one or more database products of Oracle/MySQL/PostgreSQL/SQL Server, SQL Server is preferred.

  • Possess a degree and diploma in computer engineering or related certificates.

  • At least two years of relevant work experience.

  • Good command of Chinese and English.

  • Have a sense of responsibility and be able to handle daily work independently.

  • Have correct and reasonable logical thinking.

  • Hold a valid motorcycle or car driving license in Macau.



  • 安裝及設置各種資訊網絡系統

  • 為網絡及無綫網絡系統進行功能設定及調試

  • 對網絡及無綫網絡系統所出現的故障作出診斷及排除

  • 為客戶的網絡及無綫網絡系統作定期的維護及保養


  • 本澳合法居民優先

  • 大專學歷, 擁有計算機工程文憑或同等學歷

  • 最少具有一年相關工作經驗

  • 熟識各類網絡及無綫網絡佈設等相關經驗

  • 中英文程度良好

  • 有責任感、能獨立處理日常的工作

  • 能獨立思考、自主能力強

  • 持有本澳有效的電單車或汽車駕駛執照

Network Services Technician

Job description:

  • Install and set up various information network and wireless network systems

  • Function setting and debugging for the network and wireless network systems

  • Diagnose and eliminate the faults in the network and wireless network systems

  • Regular maintenance and maintenance for the customer's network and wireless network systems

Resume requirements:

  • Priority will be given to Legal residents of Macao

  • Junior college, Diploma in Computer Engineering or equivalent

  • At least one year of relevant work experience

  • Familiar with using various network devices on the market, such as: network switches, firewalls, wireless network receivers, etc.

  • Familiarity with various Linux operating systems is preferred

  • Good command of Chinese and English.

  • Responsibility, independent to work, strong autonomy

  • Valid driver license of motorcycle or car in Macao

公司福利:(薪金+津貼) 年終雙糧,年假、基本醫療保險

Company benefits: (salary + allowance) year-end double pay, annual leave, basic medical insurance







  • 負責網絡設備的安裝及實施,如PA、Fortinet、奇安信、新華三及華為的防火牆、路由器、交換機安裝與配置;

  • 為客戶提供網絡技術支援服務,如網絡方案架構設計、技術諮詢、網絡問題解決等;

  • 配合部門投標,編寫標書網絡相關的技術文檔。


  • 擁有大專或計算機專科以上學歷;

  • 熟悉主流產品(華為、思科、Fortigate、PA)路由器、防火牆、交換機、負載均衡等網絡設備的選型、部署、維護、安全防範;

  • 熟悉相關網絡安全產品如網閘、防火牆、防病毒系統、漏洞評估工具、監控產品等;

  • 有相關的項目經驗,對主流的安全產品比較熟悉,能編寫技術類文檔;

  • 有H3CIE、華為及思科等相關證書優先考慮;

  • 持有本澳有效的電單車或汽車駕駛執照。


Senior Network Engineer

Job Description:

  • Responsible for the installation and implementation of network equipment, such as the installation and configuration of firewalls, routers, and switches of PA, Fortinet, Qi'anxin, H3C, and Huawei;

  • Provide customers with network technical support services, such as network solution architecture design, technical consultation, network problem solving, etc.

  • Cooperate with the department in bidding and prepare technical documents related to the bidding network.


  • Possess a college degree or above in computer science;

  • Familiar with the selection, deployment, maintenance and security of mainstream products (Huawei, Cisco, Fortigate, PA) routers, firewalls, switches, load balancers and other network equipment;

  • Familiar with relevant network security products such as network gatekeepers, firewalls, anti-virus systems, vulnerability assessment tools, monitoring products, etc.

  • Have relevant project experience, be familiar with mainstream security products, and be able to write technical documents;

  • Applicants with relevant certificates such as H3CIE, Huawei and Cisco will be given priority;

  • Hold a valid motorcycle or car driving license in Macao.

公司福利:(薪金+津貼) 年終雙糧,年假、基本醫療保險

Company benefits: (salary + allowance) year-end double pay, annual leave, basic medical insurance



Hotel 酒店業, $20k - 30k, $10k - 20k, Gaming & Entertainment 博彩及娛樂, $30k - 40k, M06DJ, F-JSCM1

The St. Regis Macao 澳門瑞吉酒店招聘


瑞吉品牌於 110 多年前首次設立豪華酒店,當時紐約瑞吉酒店開業。自約翰·雅各·阿斯特四世在紐約第五大道開設了其布雜建築藝術風格的酒店之後,瑞吉已經成為絕對典雅和定制服務的象徵。如今,瑞吉在全球 40 多個繁華都市開設了酒店。這些地方是潮流的誕生地,地域限制被打破,客人可體驗精緻的生活。我們誠邀您與瑞吉攜手譜寫未來的職業生涯。

The St. Regis brand first established luxury hospitality more than 110 years ago, with the opening of the St. Regis New York. From the moment John Jacob Astor IV opened the doors of his Beaux-Arts masterpiece on New York’s Fifth Avenue, St. Regis has stood as a symbol of uncompromising elegance and bespoke service. Today, with more than 40 of the best addresses around the world, St. Regis is a place where trends are born, boundaries are broken and guests can simply live exquisite. We invite you to explore careers at St. Regis.

Apply Now :

For application, please send CV to
For requires, please call 8113 3332 .

$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, $40k - 50k, Bank 銀行業, Admin 行政, CS 客戶服務, M07BJ

BCM Bank 澳門商業銀行招聘

澳門商業銀行 macau recruitment ad 澳門招聘-01.jpg

Established in 1974, BCM has been one of the leading financial institutions in Macau providing comprehensive and consolidated financial products and services, actively serving its customers and contributing to the development of the Territory's economy with 14 branches and self-service banking centres covering all over Macau.

As an employer, BCM emphasizes employer-employee commitment with the aspiration of making BCM not just a bank, but a home. In addition to providing its staff members with a comprehensive remuneration package and benefits, BCM actively advocates and promotes Staff Engagement, Work-Life Balance and two-way Communication through establishing an open and engaging corporate culture. Management of BCM is committed to build the organization as one of the best work places in Macau, such that our staff can be at their best to learn, grow, achieve and contribute, for a fulfilling career. We recognize the hard work of our staff and value their ideas, providing ample opportunities for them to speak up. If you are looking for a career instead of a job, BCM is the right place for you to set off your career path.

We are inviting competent and highly-motivated candidates to join us in providing the highest standard of financial services to our customers. Invest in your future by joining us to invest in your career!

Posts are opened for the following areas:

Management Trainees

  • Management Trainees

Branch Management

  • Manager

  • Branch Manager

  • Deputy Branch Manager

  • Relationship Manager

  • Senior Teller / Teller

Compliance Office

  • Senior Officer

Customer Information Maintenance

  • Officer

Information Technology

  • Senior Manager / Manager – Application Development Team

  • System Analyst / Senior Programmer

Retail Direct Sales

  • Relationship Manager

(All information provided will be treated in strict confidentiality and used solely for recruitment purposes and handled by the Human Resources Department of the Group Head office and BCM Bank at the same time.)

$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, Marketing 市場行銷及傳播, Design 設計, F-JSCM1, M06CJ




作為一家土生土長的本地企業,力行集團成長於澳門,紮根於澳門,目前集團的足跡已遍佈全澳各區,且一直秉持「認真專注 踏實力行」的發展理念,與澳門共同成長,為社會各界的客戶提供最優質、最務實的服務。


現誠邀各位加入我們,把握及發展理想事業機會。有意者請把個人簡履、應聘之職位、薪金要求發送致 (所收集之資料將絶對保密並僅作招聘用途)




  • 確保酒店的安全系統及消防系統達到標準及有程序地執行;

  • 監督日常安全操作,如消防系統、監控系統、巡邏和出入控制等,每日編寫安全報告並匯報酒店總經理;

  • 管理及定期組織培訓,提升團隊的安全及消防知識和應急處理能力;

  • 制定和更新緊急情況下的應對計畫,在突發事件發生時,迅速有效地指揮應急回應;

  • 定期進行安全分析,識別潛在風險並提出有效改進措施。


  • 高中或以上程度學歷;

  • 具備1年或以上相關酒店保安管理經驗;

  • 熟識酒店安全系統及消防系統運作;

  • 良好的溝通及人際關係能力,服從能力及執行能力強。







  • 全面負責餐廳的業務和管理工作,確保服務品質和顧客滿意度;

  • 編制預算,控制成本,提高餐廳盈利水準;

  • 制定服務標準和操作規程,激勵員工,確保團隊高效運作。


  • 高中或以上程度學歷;

  • 流利粵語、英語及普通話;

  • 具備2年或以上相關餐飲管理經驗;

  • 懂編寫KPI及SOP。







  • 掌握財務會計理論和知識;熟悉並能正確執行有關的財務方針、政策和財務會計法規、制度;能獨立負擔財務會計工作。

  • 營業收入、收益、成本、銀行往來之核算/核實/入帳/整理及歸檔;

  • 薪金的計算、核實及發放;

  • 各類現金/費用單據報銷及預支款的跟進及記錄;

  • 就供應商價款進行比較/對比提出及表達建議,以尋求高性價比,減低不必要浪費及虛耗;

  • 對不合理/不適當/不必要之費用開支,進行告之及說明;

  • 對費用開支進行審查/管理,做到合理及適當;

  • 對佣金收取或提成進行核實/跟蹤/入帳;

  • 按月/按年編制財務報表;

  • 精通會計帳務處理、成本計算與分析、管理會計與決策分析,及應收帳款管理與呆帳預防;

  • 財務報表分析與運用,年度預算編製與控管;

  • 按時申報/申駁/申訴各類稅務;

  • 整理及統計各類應繳稅款;

  • 計算/跟蹤退稅事宜(職業稅、地稅、房屋稅、所得補充稅、營業稅、M7申報減免、 M10取消登記、A組稅及B組稅)

  • 銀行帳戶開立/註銷/結業,各政府部門信件回覆。


  • 大學或以上程度學歷(會計或相關專業);

  • 擁有 3 年或以上相關工作經驗;

  • 擁有良好中英文書寫、溝通能力;

  • 具備團隊意識及服從工作任務安排。



  • 負責酒店、餐飲、工程等採購工作;

  • 根據採購流程及相關作業表單,依循提出採購需求;

  • 完成採購訂單制作和交期管理,處理採購對賬;

  • 確保按時、保質、保量完成採購任務;

  • 供應商維護及管理,與良好供應商維持良好關係;

  • 處理貨品遺失及延遲等問題。


  • 大學或以上程度學歷;

  • 至少有1年或以上相關採購工作經驗;

  • 良好中英文書寫、溝通能力;

  • 具備團隊意識及服從工作任務安排。




APPLY NOW 快速預約面試:

$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, Property 地產業, M06CJ







  • 負責公司的廣告業務拓展、推廣工作;

  • 責客戶的業務聯絡,開發目標客戶,建立和維護客戶關係;

  • 執行和協助廣告總監的工作事務;

  • 組織、策劃及執行公司的廣告業務項目。


  • 有相關業務經驗者優先;

  • 熟悉廣告公司和媒體廣告的運作規律;

  • 具有較強的客戶開發意識,能獨立開發客戶;

  • 溝通能力強,做事積極主動;

  • 流利中文及粵語、簡單英文的閱讀、交流、書寫。




$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, $40k - 50k, Freelance 兼職, I-JSCM1, JSCMPT1, Others 其他行業, Retail 零售業, Bank 銀行業, JSCM16R4, Urgent Hiring 急聘職位, Marketing 市場行銷及傳播, M06BJ

Manpower 澳門招聘

每日更新職缺 !

$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, $40k - 50k, Bank 銀行業, Investment 投資, M07AJ

HSBC & HSBC Life 澳門招聘


香港上海滙豐銀行 The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited

Established in 1972, HSBC Macau Branch offers a comprehensive range of banking services to its customers. Its retail banking and wealth management business focuses on the HSBC Premier service, which is HSBC's global wealth management proposition, offering unique banking and wealth management services to local citizens and customers with international background or needs. Its commercial banking includes import / export financing, commercial loans, payment and cash management, trade and supply chain, and SME banking services.


Business Financial Crime Risk Lead – Macau


The Business Financial Crime Risk lead will play a significant and critical role in the success of Wealth & Personal Banking (WPB)’s objectives and outcomes with regards to deterring, detecting, and protecting against financial crime risk. The role will report to Head of Wealth and Personal Banking and be responsible for a number of key financial crime activities, specifically, Sanctions, Anti-Bribery & Corruption (AB&C) and oversight over the Client Selection & Exit Management (CSEM) processes for WPB. As a people leader with direct accountability of the above activities, the individual must ensure the primary operational aspects are managed effectively to achieve strategic business and customer outcomes in a sustainable, ethical and cost-effective manner, and in accordance with the Financial Crime Global Standards, working closely with local, Regional and Global stakeholders.

Job Roles & Responsibilities:

  • Drive policy implementation relating to Global WPB Customer Due Diligence (CDD) Lines of Business Procedures, regulatory requirements and local risk appetite including customer on-boarding, CDD periodic review and processes;

  • This role also represents for Head of Customer Selection and Exit Management (“CSEM”) Secretariat, collect all required client information that will ensure the efficient decisioning and execution of the decisions around customer exits;

  • Responsible for the management of both Name Screening and Transaction Screening system, including existing system maintenance, identifying areas for improvement, and proposing solutions;

  • Provide concise and timely reporting and updates for various governance forums and committees on the status of CDD related to projects, key milestones, streamlining initiatives, blockages, challenges, risks, and issues;

  • Provide consultancy and prepare procedural updates to support all CDD users in multiple CDD related initiatives including risk mitigation, projects, audits and reviews, and system issues resolution etc.

  • Own and oversee effectiveness of financial crime controls and be point of escalation for any complex matters and cases, by providing subject matter expert (SME) input to relevant stakeholders;

  • Build strong relationships, adopting a join-up approach, to support execution of operations at pace and with minimum conflict;

  • Work closely with various stakeholders including business users, operations, IT, Compliance to proactively manage all the potential financial crime risk identified from projects, ensure effective project governance, and recommend any risk mitigating measures when required.

Job Requirements:

  • Minimum of a Bachelor degree;

  • Relevant years of experience in Banking or Financial Services covering financial crime or risk management;

  • Knowledge of Financial Crime Risk issues, typologies and trends, as well as awareness of Financial Crime Compliance Regulations;

  • Sound knowledge on retail banking business;

  • Proficiency in both English and Chinese;

  • Strong planning, analytical, and well developed leadership and management skills;

  • Strong interpersonal skills with the ability to communicate effectively at all levels and with senior managements;

  • Proficient in Microsoft office, including Excel and Powerpoint;

  • Track record of proactive issue identification with swift resolution, mitigation and governance;

  • Ability to prioritize and work independently under pressure;

  • Excellent verbal and written communications skills and ability to communicate complex issues in writing.

Interested candidates, please apply directly via:

GTRF Sales Manager – CMB - Macau

Principal Responsibilities:

  • Establish new client relationships and strengthen existing ones.

  • Communicate new products and propositions to clients.

  • Identify potential trade financing opportunities in the market and escalate these where appropriate to cater for client demand.

  • Manage key relationships with internal and external stakeholders, developing and maintaining strong working relationships.

  • Work with Client Implementation Services in a timely fashion to ensure an efficient transition process for complex clients.

  • Support achievement of the HSBC vision, Values, goals and culture in personal behavior, actions and decision making

  • Provide technical leadership and support technical excellence by searching out external best practice, monitoring technical and professional developments, sharing knowledge, and encouraging others to do the same in the best interests of HSBC and its customers.

  • Develop and recommend changes and improvements to operating models, procedures and practices based on subject matter expertise and understanding of HSBC and market best practice.

  • Communicate and adhere to HSBC policy and procedures in order to ensure good operational, financial and project management, policy and procedural compliance and early identification and effective resolution or escalation of issues that arise


  • Bachelor’s degree in finance, International Trade, Business, or related discipline

  • Extensive knowledge of global trade and receivables finance, services, products, and techniques

  • Good understanding of the market trends, competitive environment, and regulatory environment

  • Detailed knowledge if Credit and Risk including techniques to mitigate risk.

  • Proven ability in identifying and meeting customer needs through matching a broad range of products and services.

  • Ability to interact with business customers at all level.

  • Good interpersonal skills and ability to interact and build relationships with internal and external stakeholders.

  • Excellent communication skills, including written, verbal, and the ability to deliver compelling presentations in English, Cantonese, and Mandarin

Interested candidates, please apply directly via:

Premier Relationship Manager I – WPB - Macau

Principal Responsibilities:

  • The main roles of the job holder ensure the successful implementation of business strategies and Wealth & Personal Banking’s profitability through achievement of customer retention, growth of high value targeted customers, business goals of the branch and customer satisfaction as well as to support the implementation of all related activities / initiatives.

  • To contribute to the Bank’s service and sales goals and profitability by proactively growing the HP portfolio through regular meeting as per customer needs, and achieving RBIF scheme

  • To contribute to the growth of customer portfolio by initiating proactive customer contacts to build, cement and reinforce relationship with own portfolio customers.

  • Manage existing relationship with those high-net-worth customers by obtaining net new funds and develop new relationships from clients.

  • Acquire new Premier relationship and manage all aspects of a portfolio of Premier customer relationships.

  • Comply with Global guidance and financial crime activities, observe Group Compliance Policy and maintain awareness of operational risk and minimize the likelihood of it occurring.

  • Complete the CDD/EDD reviews promptly with quality outcome.


  • 2-3 years banking experience

  • Customer service focused mindset

  • Possess good knowledge of WPB products including general banking insurance through internal accreditation and external regulatory requirement (AMCM) to obtain Insurance License

  • Good selling and presentation skills

  • Fluent in spoken and written in English, Chinese and Putonghua

  • Good communication and interpersonal skills

Interested candidates, please apply directly via:

Performance Services Manager – DBS - Macau

The Performance Services (“PS”) team provides support to the Macau Chief Operating Officer (“COO”) across key areas including change execution, financial management, non-financial risk, third party management oversight and people.

The candidate will report directly to the Macau COO, and play an important role in defining and supporting the COO office strategy and deliverables, collaborating closely with all other lines of business and functions across HSBC Macau.

Principal Responsibilities:

  • Change Execution – managing change, either internally or externally driven, on a continuous improvement basis

  • Communication – developing and executing communication plans, with Region/Country Communications

  • Service Performance Management – supporting with managing any “services” delivered to business, with appropriate benchmarks, metrics and reporting on efficiency, effectiveness and success of those “services”

  • Financial Management –provide support in robust financial planning, management, tracking and reporting, with Global/Regional/Country Finance

  • Governance & Documentation – provide support in ensuring appropriate and consistent governance is developed and implemented with robust documentation and supporting management

  • Organizational Design – maintaining and continually reviewing organizational designs

  • People – support with developing and implementing people strategies with Region/Country/Global HR

  • Project execution – support with region/country specific programmes supporting Group COO strategic actions’ execution or provide governance oversight on cross-line of Global Business / Global Functions

  • Non-financial Risk management – support with the management of non-financial risk and ensuring risks are managed consistently and effectively across all businesses and functions in line with the agreed risk appetite.

  • Continue to improve the oversight and governance of Third Party Risks. This involves early identification of emerging risks, issues and themes that may require management attention and remediation.

  • Preparation of governance committee papers and specific Governance meetings packs under the responsibility of Performance services team.


  • Experience in risk management related activities

  • Educated to graduate degree level in business management related field or associated relevant business experience

  • Extensive experience in banking/ financial services, preferably in a global organization

  • Proven experience in financial budgeting, strategic planning, communication, and people management processes

  • Proven project management experience with an ability to influence senior stakeholders

  • Previous background of working in a matrix organization structure; ability to persuade individuals at different levels

  • Good verbal and written communications skills required in English; other language abilities are advantageous

Interested candidates, please apply directly via:

General Banking Officer (BDO) - WPB - Macau

Principal Responsibilities:

  • Support the GBM / BM in developing & implementing S&S plan for the branch. Ensures the performance objective set under RBIF scheme are achieved.

  • Identify potential customers with HMLs, credit cards, Premier a/c, PIB and general insurance products.

  • Ensure that banking hall environment is friendly, efficient & professional, with effective merchandising.

  • Collect market intelligence, & report customer feedback, usage, receptiveness etc to BM.

  • By providing consistently high level or service delivery and efficiency to Premier and general banking customers.

  • By providing one-stop personal banking services, handling customers’ enquiries and resolving customers’ complaints efficiently and professionally.

  • Work collaboratively and communicating persuasively, emphasizing teamwork, diversity and knowledge sharing with working parties.

  • Assist in driving the Bank’s value and build a customer centric and risk adverse culture.

  • To contribute the continuous improvement of the Bank’s service & sales processes and standards.

  • To support Premier Center/Premier Counter improvement initiatives, providing customer feedback of our service and ensuring compliance with statutory / audit requirements.


  • Customer service focused mindset.

  • Prior banking industry experience would be preferable.

  • Fluent in spoken and written in English, Chinese and Putonghua.

  • Good communication and interpersonal skills.

  • Aspired to develop your career in sales and servicing roles at retail branches.

Interested candidates, please apply directly via:

Counter Services Officer - WPB - Macau

Job Roles & Responsibilities:

  • Deliver high standard of service to customers and meet their needs with courtesy;

  • Count cash received and to check for forgeries;

  • Count cash/coins paid in/out;

  • Cross-sell bank products whenever opportunities arise.

Job Requirements:

  • Customer-service focused mindset;

  • Preferably with general understanding of bank products and services;

  • Prior banking industry experience would be preferable;

  • Good communication skill in English and Chinese is preferred;

  • Good communication skill and basic computer knowledge.

Interested candidates, please apply directly via:

Local Management Associate Programme


HSBC Macau Branch offers a comprehensive range of banking services to customers, from local citizens to customers with international backgrounds or needs. With our sustained business growth, we continue to build development opportunities for our people. The Management Associate Programme provides you with the opportunities to gain valuable experience on how to analyze, prioritize and act on goals from a strategic leadership perspective as well as to explore your skills and knowledge in Banking Operations.

For: Final year students or graduates with less than 2 years’ full-time experience

Duration: 24 months

Start Date: June 2025 onwards

Location: Macau

Principal Responsibilities:

  • As part of the programme, you will undertake attachments in product, customer facing and business risks in various Banking functions.

  • Provide a wide spectrum of quality support to Managers to enable them to drive revenue, improve client engagement and maximize operational efficiency.

  • Assist to prepare appropriate analysis and preparation of proposals, presentations and pitches to prospective customers.

  • Assist to develop and maintain cordial customer relationship and provide quality customer services.

  • Assist to prepare for credit proposals and monitor account performance, product development, customer analysis and pre-pitching research.

  • Assist to conduct regular and effective credit reviews and visit customers' operational facilities to take proactive control measures to ensure credit quality.

  • Assist to provide ongoing risk monitoring including Global Standards, sanctions, Anti Money Laundering alerts and act as an escalation point for risk issue response.


  • Permanent resident of Macau or holding a valid Macau ID.

  • Bachelor’s degree or above, a final year student from an accredited university or graduate with less than 2 years’ full time experience.

  • Previous work experience and exposure in credit and relationship management, product development and customer relationship management preferred.

  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English, Mandarin and Cantonese.

  • Good level of business acumen and commercial awareness.

  • Strong analytical skills and ability to challenge.

  • Strong sales and customer orientation, with ability to communicate effectively and create connection with others.

  • Capable of serving as a role model for displaying openness, teamwork and integrity.

  • A high degree of cooperation and teamwork with career aspiration in customer-facing roles, while retaining the ability to operate with sufficient independence and objectivity in order to review and challenge proposals from the coverage teams.

Interested candidates, please apply directly via:

Application Deadline : 13 March 2024

Apprentice / Internship Program

Job Roles & Responsibilities:

  • Understand the overall concept and functionality aspect of the department

  • Perform administrative duties to support the smooth operations flows within the department, eg manage database and records

  • Co-ordinate and participate in bank activities and networking events

  • Shadow position within the department as part of “on the job training” for a variety of duties

Job Requirements:

  • College student, preferably with discipline of Business Administration or equivalent

  • Proficient computer skills including Microsoft Office suite of Word, Excel, PowerPoint

  • Self-directed and able to work with less supervisor

  • Good communication skill

  • Keen to learn new knowledge and adaptive

  • Long-term relationship for 6 months and above preferable

  • Year 2 - Year 3 Student preferable

Working Schedules and Benefits:

  • Part-time basis

  • Hourly rate paid according to confirmed work schedules

  • Flexible work schedules could be discussed with concerned department

  • Medical Plan entitlement

  • Opportunity to move to full-time roles immediately after graduation

Opportunity Areas:

  • Commercial Banking

  • Wealth and Personal Banking

  • Digital Business Services

  • Human Resources

  • Finance

Application Channel

If you are interested to learn and explore yourself while working in a multinational based environment.

Please apply directly via:


We offer comprehensive and competitive remuneration package with benefits proposition to meet diverse needs of workforce:

  • Pension Fund

  • Medical insurance covering dependents and wellness

  • 18 days and above Annual leave

  • Bank holidays

  • Birthday leave, Festival early leave, Parental leave, Examination leave etc.

  • Preferential Banking Offers

  • Employee Education Benefits Program

  • Learning programs & Development Opportunities

You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.

Please scan the QR code for our career opportunities and applications:


HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within an inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website.

Issued by The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited.


HSBC Life (International) Limited – Macau Branch

Some careers have more impact than others.

If you’re looking for a career where you can make a real impression, join HSBC and discover how valued you’ll be.

HSBC Life is a world-class institution where you can specialise in Insurance but enjoy the advantages that come with being part of a leading global international bank. Insurance is about people, and the promises they make. At HSBC Life we help deliver on these promises by providing a wide variety of life insurance products and services to our clients throughout the Asia-Pacific region.

Our employees enjoy a dynamic and innovative workplace and a world of opportunities to develop their careers in a high-profile growing business segment. We empower our team of high-performing individuals to build skills and explore new experiences to realise the full potential of being part of HSBC.

Together we pursue efficient ways of working. We harness the latest data and technology solutions to achieve meaningful outcomes for our clients. The protection we offer creates broad and lasting impact, helping clients to be healthier, more productive and more confident in their futures.

We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team in the role of Insurance Specialist - HSBC Life


Assistant Manager, Operations and Customer Service - HSBC Life, Macau

Principal responsibilities:

  • Assist manager in maintaining a smooth, effective and efficient daily operations of the department;

  • Maintain daily smooth and efficient operational function of customer servicing, policy servicing and claims;

  • Handle enquiries and provide services to customers at service counter and hotline;

  • Assist timely filing to regulators;

  • Ensure timely delivery of quality services by meeting departmental benchmarks;

  • Perform other duties periodically assigned by supervisors in order to meet operational and other requirements;

  • Handle letters, reports and documents to maintain standard of guideline and aware of exception or irregularities promptly.


  • University degree holder;

  • Minimum 5 years of working experience in financial institutions and customer service related areas;

  • Solid knowledge in insurance products;

  • Effective analytical and problem solving skills;

  • Excellent communications and interpersonal skills;

  • Fluent in English, Cantonese and Mandarin;

  • Computer-literacy;

  • Self-motivated and able to work independently.

Interested candidates, please apply directly via:

Wealth Planning Specialist – HSBC Life, Macau 滙豐人壽保險 - 理財策劃顧問

Job Roles & Responsibilities 主要職責:

  • Provide specialist advice to customers on appropriate insurance solutions and support end to end insurance sales journey in order to ensure the insurance/ protection needs of customers are well fulfilled;


  • Identify and capture business opportunity from affinity/ customer referrals by supporting promotion booth / making outbound call;

    透過親緣關係/客戶推薦,及不同渠道如促銷攤位 / 進行電話對外銷售中發掘機會

  • Provide referral leads to Macau Branch staffs from identifying customer’s other wealth needs, or onboarding the non-bank customer;


  • Manage customer’s insurance portfolio to ensure the highest rate of customer satisfaction and persistency;


  • Observe feedback from customers/ working partners and provide insight for streamlining process and coming up with new ideas on product solutions;

    觀察客戶 / 工作夥伴的反饋,以提供意見精簡流程並改善產品解決方案

  • Developing business plans and formulating business strategies with sales leaders and implement the sales tactics assigned;


  • Collaborate with Branch Managers to effectively mobilize resources to delivery insurance solution for fulfilling the needs of customers;


  • Promoting and enhancing the brand and image of HSBC Life and the Bank


  • Ensure that the service delivered by various branches are being benchmarked and are of top quality.


Qualifications and Requirements:

  • University Degree Holder


  • Passed Insurance Intermediaries Qualifying Examination Paper 1, 3 and 5 is preferred

    持有有效保險中介人資格考試卷一、三 和 五

  • Experience in business development, client servicing or distribution support within banking or life insurance or other customer servicing industries

    有於銀行或人壽保險從事業務發展,客戶服務, 分銷工作等相關經驗

  • Knowledge in Life Insurance Products is preferred


  • Strong coaching skills and strong business acumen


  • Solid knowledge in driving and implementing business strategy


  • Strong proficiency in Microsoft Office

    熟悉Microsoft Office之操作如EXCEL、WORD等

  • Excellent Communications and Interpersonal Skills


  • Fluent in English, Cantonese and Mandarin


  • To be considered for this role, the relevant rights to work in Macau is required.


Interested candidates, please apply directly via 有意應徵者,請透過以下鏈結申請:


We offer comprehensive and competitive remuneration package with benefits proposition to meet diverse needs of workforce:

  • Pension Fund

  • Medical insurance covering dependents and wellness

  • 18 days and above Annual leave

  • Bank holidays

  • Birthday leave, Festival early leave, Parental leave, Examination leave etc.

  • Employee Education Benefits Program

  • Learning programs & Development Opportunities

You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.

Please scan the QR code for our career opportunities and applications:


HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within an inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website.

Issued by The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited / HSBC Life (International) Limited.

You’ll achieve more at HSBC.

HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within an inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website.

$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, $40k - 50k, $50k - 100k, Marketing 市場行銷及傳播, Gaming & Entertainment 博彩及娛樂, M05AJ

澳門萬國控股集團 Multinational (Holdings) Group 招聘


$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, $40k - 50k, $50k - 100k, I-JSCM1, HR 人力資源, Admin 行政, M06BJ

Fidelidade Macau 忠誠保險澳門招聘

忠誠保險 macau recruitment ad 澳門招聘-01.jpg

忠誠保險(Fidelidade – Companhia de Seguros, S.A.)是歐洲歷史最悠久的保險公司之一。忠誠保險是由 Fidelidade-Mundial 及 Império-Bonança 兩間保險公司合併而成,其公司起源於1808年。


Fidelidade – Companhia de Seguros, S.A. (hereinafter referred to as “Fidelidade”) is one of the oldest insurance companies in Europe. Fidelidade arises from the merger between two insurance companies, Fidelidade-Mundial and Império-Bonança whose origins date back to the year 1808.

In the Macau SAR, Fidelidade is duly authorized to perform insurance activities through two branches for life (including private pension funds) and non-life insurance businesses since 1999. Fidelidade has been servicing Macau with a diversified range of solutions for the protection of individual customers and companies.

Know more about us 了解更多:


退休金部 – 業務發展高級主任 Pension Fund Department – Business Development Senior Officer

Ref. no.: FM.04.022025

職位內容 Responsibilities

  • 發掘並拜訪潛在的新客戶,介紹退休基金產品並發展新業務關係

  • 制定並實施有效的銷售策略以實現業務目標

  • 進行市場分析,以識別退休基金行業的趨勢和機會

  • 與現有客戶建立並維持良好的關係,確保高滿意度和客戶留存率

  • 了解市場上的退休基金產品和行業法規,以便向客戶提供準確的資訊

  • 與市場部合作製作宣傳材料並開展活動以吸引新客戶

  • 為客戶提供持續支持,及時解決任何查詢

  • Identify and visit potential new clients to present pension fund offerings and develop new business relationships

  • Develop and implement effective sales strategies to meet business targets

  • Conduct market analysis to identify trends and opportunities within the pension fund sector

  • Build and maintain strong relationships with existing clients, ensuring high levels of satisfaction and retention

  • Stay informed about pension fund products in the market and industry regulations to provide accurate information to clients

  • Collaborate with the marketing team to create promotional materials and campaigns aimed at attracting new clients

  • Provide ongoing support to clients, addressing any inquiries in a timely manner

職位要求Job Requirements

  • 大學畢業或以上,主修商業管理、金融、市場營銷或相關範疇

  • 具有五年或以上的業務發展或銷售經驗

  • 良好中英文書寫及溝通能力

  • 良好的溝通及人際交往能力

  • 持有退休基金牌照,具備投資知識,並熟悉退休基金產品

  • 能夠建立和維護與客戶及合作夥伴的關係

  • University graduate or above in Business Administration, Finance, Marketing, or related disciplines

  • Minimum of 5 years’ experience in business development or sales

  • Good command of spoken and written English and Chinese

  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills

  • Hold a pension fund license, possess investment knowledge, and familiar with pension fund products

  • Ability to build and maintain relationships with clients and business partners

保單管理部 - 高級文員 / 助理主任 Policy Administration Department - Senior Clerk / Assistant Officer

Ref. no.: FM.03.022025

職位內容 Responsibilities

  • 負責處理日常保單管理部工作

  • 為客戶提供優質和專業的客戶服務

  • 處理、輸入、更新和修改客戶之保單

  • 錄入數據及建立檔案,確保能準確地維護客戶資料

  • 處理直屬上級╱主管委派之工作

  • Support departmental daily operation

  • Deliver quality and professional customer service to customers

  • Process, input, update and modify insurance policies

  • Conduct data entry and recordkeeping to ensure accurate maintenance of clients’ information

  • Perform any job duties assigned by reporting manager/supervisor

職位要求Job Requirements

  • 高級文憑或以上程度

  • 良好英文及中文(廣東話及普通話)的溝通及書寫能力

  • 良好的分析及理解能力

  • 細心、主動、獨立,並能在壓力下完成工作

  • 良好溝通及人際交往能力良好電腦操作技能及文書處理能力,尤其Word 及Excel

  • 熟悉非人壽保險產品優先考慮

  • 有辦公室行政工作經驗優先

  • Higher diploma or above

  • Good command of verbal and written English and Chinese (Cantonese and Mandarin)

  • Good analytical and comprehension skills

  • Detail-oriented, proactive, independent, willing to learn and able to work under pressure

  • Effective communication and interpersonal skills

  • Good knowledge of PC applications, especially Word and Excel

  • Knowledge of general insurance products is considered a plus

  • Experience in office administration is preferred

會計部 - 高級主任 / 助理經理 Accounting Department - Senior Officer / Assistant Manager

Ref. no.: FM.02.012025

職位內容 Responsibilities

  • 支援會計部的日常營運工作

  • 協助及準備財務報告及政府機關報表

  • 協助處理每月的結算報告

  • 與公司後台部門緊密合作,以確保提供優質的工作流程

  • Support the daily operations of Accounting department

  • Assist and prepare regulatory and Financial reports

  • Assist processing monthly closing of accounts

  • Liaise and work closely with back office to ensure excellence in service delivery

職位要求Job Requirements

  • 大學畢業或以上,主修財務或相關範疇

  • 具有兩年或以上的會計、投資或保險工作經驗

  • 良好的中英文書寫及溝通能力

  • 優秀的溝通及人際交往能力

  • 積極主動、能夠在壓力環境中有效地完成工作

  • 良好的電腦操作技巧及熟悉Word 和Excel的應用

  • University graduate or above in finance or related disciplines

  • Experience in accounting, investment, insurance field with minimum 2 years’ experience

  • Good command of spoken and written English and Chinese

  • Effective communication and interpersonal skills

  • Self-motivated, proactive, and able to work under pressure

  • Good knowledge of PC applications, especially Excel, word

人力資源及總務部Human Resources & General Affairs

助理主任/主任Assistant Officer/Officer

Ref. no.: FM.01.012025


  • 負責處理部門的日常工作

  • 根據公司政策和指引協助實施人力資源流程

  • 建立和維護員工檔案系統

  • 協助起草各類員工通告

  • 負責定期報告供管理階層審查

  • 參與招聘的整個流程,包括求職者的篩選、面試和入職

  • 負責主管委派的其他工作/項目

  • Provide administrative support to the department

  • Assist with the implementation of HR processes in accordance with Company policies and guidelines

  • Create and maintain employee filing systems

  • Assist with drafting staff communication materials

  • Prepare regular reports for management’s review

  • Participate in the full cycle of recruitment process including screening, shortlisting, interviewing and onboarding of job applicants

  • Assist on any other duties/projects assigned by supervisors


  • 大學畢業或以上,主修人力資源管理或相關範疇

  • 具一年以上人力資源或行政工作相關經驗

  • 良好中英文書寫及溝通能力(包括普通話). 懂葡語更佳

  • 熟練MS Office應用程序,如Word、Excel、PowerPoint和中文輸入法

  • 具責任感及良好人際交往技巧

  • 積極主動、能獨立工作

  • University graduate or above in Human Resources or any related disciplines

  • 1 year or above working experience in Human Resources function

  • Proficient in both written and spoken English and Chinese (Putonghua included). Knowledge of Portuguese is an added advantage

  • Strong PC skill in MS office applications such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Chinese processing;

  • Strong sense of responsibility and excellent interpersonal skills

  • Proactive, self-motivated and able to work independently

資訊科技部 - 系統分析(數據庫助理經理)Information Technology Department - System Analyst  (Assistant Manager - Database Programmer)

Ref. no.: FM.13.122024


  • Develop key insurance products

  • Design and develop overall architecture of the DB according to the business needs

  • Collaborate with other developers and have strong desire to bring new ideas

  • Prepare functional and technical specifications


  • University graduate in the field of Information Technology or equivalent

  • Insurance knowledge (Life and non-life) are a must

  • Experience as a MS SQL Server developer or other mainstream DB providers

  • Able to build advanced SQL queries

  • Able to work with SSIS

  • Able to quickly grasp new concepts and apply them in different contexts

  • Skill in writing technical documents and specifications

  • Initiative, self-motivated, responsible and hardworking

  • Able to work under pressure and independently

  • Good command of written / spoken English

資訊科技部 - 全端工程師 Information Technology Department - Full-Stack Programmer / Senior Programmer

Ref. no.: FM.13.122024

職位內容 Responsibilities

  • 建構下一代以客戶端為重點的網頁應用程式

  • 確保在應用程式的所有方面實施安全和資料保護

  • 根據業務需求設計並開發網頁應用程式的整體架構

  • 與設計團隊的其他成員合作,並有強烈的意願提出新的創意

  • 準備功能性與技術性的規格文件

  • Build next generation web application with focus on the client side

  • Implement security and data protection on all levels of the application

  • Design and develop overall architecture of the web application according to the business needs

  • Collaborate with the rest of the design team and have a strong desire to bring new ideas

  • Prepare functional and technical specifications

職位要求 Job Requirements

  • 資訊科技或相關領域的大學畢業生

  • 具備全端/前端開發人員的工作經驗

  • 有設計和實施RESTful API的經驗

  • 熟悉前端技術(HTML、CSS、JavaScript、反應式框架)

  • 具有後端编程語言(如Java或C#)的經驗

  • 熟悉數據庫技術,如MSSQL或類似技術

  • 了解版本控制系統(Git)

  • 有使用低代碼平台的實際操作經驗者為佳

  • 具備撰寫技術文件和規格書的能力者為佳

  • 具有出色的問題解決能力,能夠獨立工作並在團隊中合作

  • 主動積極、自我激勵、負責任且勤奮努力

  • 良好的英文書寫及口語能力者為佳

  • University graduates in the field of Information Technology or equivalent

  • Experience as a Full Stack/Front End Developer

  • Experience in designing and implementing RESTful APIs

  • Experience in front-end technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Reactive Framework)

  • Experience with back-end programming languages such as Java or C#

  • Familiarity with database technologies such as MSSQL or similar

  • Knowledge of version control systems (Git)

  • Hands-on experience with low-code platforms is advantageous

  • Skill in writing technical documents and specification is advantageous

  • Strong problem-solving skills and the ability to work independently and as part of a team

  • Initiative, Self-motivated, responsible and hardworking

  • Good command of written / spoken English is advantageous

管理委員會 - 秘書 Executive Committee - Secretary to Executive Committee

Ref. no.: FM.10.122024

職位內容 Responsibilities

  • 直接向公司的管理委員匯報

  • 為管理委員安排會議、業務預約、 商務行程等事宜

  • 確保委員會文件的處理及記錄得到妥善管理

  • 協助和準備會議議程、會議記錄和相關報告

  • 行政支援管理委員會以提高工作效率

  • 履行管理委員會臨時委派的其他職責

  • 協助籌備公司活動

  • Direct report to the company’s Executive Committee

  • Manage and maintain executives’ schedules, appointments, and travel arrangements

  • Ensure proper organization of the Boards’ documents and records

  • Prepare and distribute meeting agendas, minutes, and reports

  • Support the Executive Committee with various administrative tasks to enhance productivity and efficiency

  • Handle ad-hoc tasks assigned by the Executive Committee

  • Assist with preparation of company activities

職位要求 Requirements

  • 大學畢業或以上

  • 擁有擔任高級管理層秘書經驗

  • 優秀的中英文書寫及溝通能力,懂基礎葡語溝通優先考慮

  • 較強的組織能力和時間管理技巧

  • 熟練的 Microsoft Office 軟件操作及運用能力(Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Teams, Zoom)

  • 能夠謹慎處理機密資訊

  • 能夠適應快節奏的工作環境

  • 非常注重工作細節和準確性

  • 積極主動地應對和解決問題,能夠平衡獨立工作和團隊合作的需求

  • University graduate or above

  • Proven secretarial experience to senior executives

  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills of spoken and written English and Chinese, knowledge in Portuguese is an advantage

  • Strong organizational and time management abilities

  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Teams, Zoom)

  • Ability to handle confidential information with discretion

  • Flexibility and adaptability in a fast-paced environment

  • Strong attention to detail and accuracy in completing tasks

  • Proactive approach to problem-solving and the ability to work independently as well as in a team

人力資源及總務部 - 副經理/經理 Human Resources & General Affairs Department - Deputy Manager/Manager

Ref. no.: FM.11.122024

職位內容 Responsibilities

  • 與其他部門經理和主管合作,以確保實現人力資源人才管理目標和目標

  • 負責公司的人才招聘

  • 管理和監督公司薪酬職能

  • 監督和管理推動高效能的績效評估系統

  • 審查和更新公司的人事管理政策和程序

  • 管理內部溝通項目,以遵守公司政策和正當程序要求

  • 協調員工培訓和發展計劃

  • 與其他國際業務夥伴在不同項目和計劃上進行合作

  • Work as strategic business partner with other department managers and supervisors to ensure HR talent management goals and objectives are achieved

  • Responsible for the end-to-end process of recruitment activities of the Company

  • Manage and oversee the payroll function of the company

  • Oversee and manage a performance appraisal system that drives high performance

  • Review and update Company’s human resource policies and procedures

  • Manage internal communication projects in compliance with company policies and due process requirements

  • Coordinate employee training and development initiatives

  • Collaborate and partner with other international operations on different projects and initiatives

職位要求 Requirements

  • 具人力資源管理學士學位或相關學歷

  • 良好的中英文書寫及溝通能力,懂葡語更佳

  • 擁有擔任人力資源主管或類似職位的工作經驗

  • 備有管理人力資源系統的經驗(包括薪酬管理系統)

  • 具備制定薪酬福利和績效評估計劃的經驗

  • 熟悉勞動關係法

  • 較強的領導能力

  • BSc in Human Resources Management; or related qualification

  • Good command of English and Chinese, knowledge of Portuguese is preferable

  • Work experience as Head of HR or similar role

  • Experience with Human Resources Information Systems including payroll tools

  • Experience in designing compensation and benefits and performance evaluation programs

  • Good knowledge of labor legislation

  • Leadership abilities

精算部 - 主任 / 高級主任 Actuarial Department - Officer/ Senior Officer

Ref. no.: FM.12.122024

職位內容 Responsibilities


  • 開發支持更廣泛產品供應的精算框架和模型;

  • 壽險的產品創新;

  • 保單和責任估值和報告;

  • 支持風險為資本的實施和相關分析

  • 再保險採購和處理;

  • 資產和負債管理;

  • 風險管理;

  • 數據分析

Assist in product and actuarial functions with the following focus:

  • Develop actuarial framework and models that support wider product offering;

  • Product innovation in life

  • Policy and liability valuation and reporting;

  • Support Risk-Based Capital implementation and related analyses

  • Reinsurance sourcing and handling;

  • Asset and liability management;

  • Risk Management;

  • Data analytics

職位要求 Requirements

  • 擁有精算、統計、數學、工程、數據科學及其他定量學科的本科或更高學位

  • 通過 SOA 精算考試或同等考試

  • 2 年以上壽險或非壽險精算及 / 或產品相關工作經驗

  • 精通中英文書寫及口語能力

  • Tertiary undergraduate or higher in actuarial, statistics, mathematics, engineering, data science and other quantitative degrees

  • Passing in Actuarial exams in SOA or equivalents

  • 2+ years’ experience in life or non-life actuarial and/or product role

  • Proficiency in written and spoken English and Chinese

管理委員會 - 執行董事 Executive Committee - Executive Director

Ref. no.: FM.09.112024

職位內容 Responsibilities

  • 制定和實施促進公司使命的策略

  • 為達成公司既定的目標和目的制定全面的商業計劃,參與公司發展策略的制定,確保公司履行當中的信託責任,並以投資者和員工的最佳利益為行動準則

  • 向核下的管理部門提供指導和輔助以建立高效的領導團隊

  • 確保公司的日常營運和長期策略計劃符合既定政策,遵循道德規範和法律要求

  • 對公司投資計劃進行指導和監督

  • 建立並維持與股東、合作夥伴及外部政府機構之間的信任關係

  • 以提升公司形象為目標,擔任公司的公開演講和公共關係代表

  • 針對管理報告進行分析,並落實能夠提升公司財務及非財務狀況的相關措施

  • Develop and implement strategies aiming to promote the organization’s mission

  • Create complete business plans for the attainment of goals and objectives, participating with is vision for the key strategic plans, ensuring the company fulfills its fiduciary duty, acting in the best interests of its investors and employees

  • Build an effective team of leaders by providing guidance and coaching to subordinate managers

  • Ensure adherence of the company’s daily activities and long-term plans to established policies, legal guidelines respecting ethical standards

  • Direct and oversee investments 

  • Forge and maintain trust with shareholders, partners and external authorities

  • Act as the public speaker and public relations representative of the company in ways that strengthen its profile

  • Analyze management reports and decide on measures that add value to the company's financial and non-financial situation  

職位要求 Requirements

  • 大學畢業或以上,主修數學、精算學、金融或相關範疇

  • 擁有至少八到十年的管理經驗,並在執行董事或類似職位上有良好的業績記錄

  • 擁有十五年以上的精算、風險管理和財務管理經驗優先

  • 擁有多樣化的技術工作經驗及涵蓋多個領域,包括:保險產品的定價和風險評估、精算估值和報告、資產和負債管理、企業風險管理、風險評估和控制、資本管理(HKRBC/償付能力 II)、風險偏好聲明的制定、國際財務報告準則和投資組合管理

  • 具有制定策略和計劃的經驗

  • 對公司財務狀況及績效評估標準具備深入的理解

  • 對公司的治理原則和最佳管理方法有全面的認識

  • 較強的分析能力和解決問題的能力

  • 具有優秀的組織和領導能力

  • 流利的英語和葡萄牙語書寫和溝通能力;懂中文優先考慮

  • 具有較強的技術性和項目管理技巧

  • 出色的溝通和公開演講技巧

  • 持有澳門居民身份證優先

  • Higher degree in Mathematics, Actuarial Science, Finance or any other relevant fields

  • Minimum 8-10 years’ managerial experience and proven track record as Executive Director or similar roles

  • 15+ years in actuarial, risk and financial management

  • Diversified technical work experience covering a wide range of area including pricing and risk assessment of insurance products, actuarial valuation and reporting, asset and liability management, enterprise risk management, risk assessment and control, capital management (HKRBC/Solvency II), development of risk appetite statement, IFRS and investment portfolio management

  • Experience in developing strategies and plans

  • Strong understanding of corporate finance and measures of performance

  • In depth knowledge of corporate governance principles and managerial best practices

  • Strong analytical abilities and problem-solving skills

  • Outstanding organization and leadership abilities

  • Proficiency in written and spoken and written English and Portuguese; knowledge of Chinese would be an advantage

  • Strong technical and project management skills

  • Excellent communication and public speaking skills

  • Macau ID preferred

精算部 - 首席精算師 Actuarial Department - Chief Actuary

Ref. no.: FM.08.102024

職位內容 Responsibilities


  • 編製精算估值報告

  • 監督和管理公司的所有精算職能

  • 為產品審批委員會和高級管理層提供戰略性的精算建議

  • 制定和實施公司政策和程序

  • 確保精算工作符合監管要求和法規

  • 帶領公司精算團隊並提供指導和培訓

  • 預測金融趨勢並分析相關風險

  • 持續關注和分析保險業的發展趨勢

  • 作為管理層去提供戰略規劃和參與決策制定

Oversee the whole product and actuarial functions with the following focus:

  • Preparation of actuarial valuation reports

  • Oversee and manage all actuarial functions of the company

  • Provide strategic actuarial advice to the product approval committee and senior management

  • Develop and implement company policies and procedures

  • Ensure compliance with all regulatory requirements

  • Lead the actuarial team and provide guidance and training

  • Prepare financial forecasts and analyze financial risks

  • Monitor and analyze trends in the insurance sector

  • Participate in strategic planning and decision-making at executive level

職位要求 Requirements

  • 8年以上的人壽保險精算從業經驗,以及至少5年以上擔任高級精算職位

  • 擁有以下專業精算資格:英國精算師 (FIA)、澳大利亞精算師 (FIAA)、北美精算師 (FSA) 或其他與上述專業精算組織相當及被澳門金融管理局所認可之資格

  • 在產品開發方面擁有豐富的經驗

  • 具有償付能力第二代(歐洲)框架下的工作經驗

  • 大學畢業或更高學歷,主修數學、精算學或統計學專業等相關範疇

  • 具備英文及澳門特別行政區任一種正式語文(葡文或中文) 書寫和口語能力

  • 8 + years of experience in life actuarial and at least 5 years of professional experience as a senior actuary

  • Fellow of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, United Kingdom (FIA); or Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries of Australia (FIAA); or Fellow of the Society of Actuaries, United States of America (FSA), or a qualification that may be accepted by the AMCM if it is comparable to those previously mentioned

  • Solid experience in product development

  • Experience of working within the scope of the Solvency II Regime (European Framework)

  • Higher education in Mathematics, Actuarial Science or Statistics

  • Ability to communicate in English and at least one of the official languages ​​(Portuguese or Chinese) (written and spoken)

理賠部 - 文員 / 高級文員 Claims Department - Clerk / Senior Clerk

Ref. no.: FM.07.102024

職位內容 Responsibilities

  • 負責處理理賠部的日常工作

  • 按照公司指引處理客戶保險索賠

  • 輸入並管理客戶理賠資料及建立客戶檔案

  • 及時回應客戶、保險經紀、代理及內部員工的理賠咨詢

  • 為客戶提供優質和專業的客戶服務

  • 處理其他上級委派的工作

  • Support daily operations of the Claims department

  • Settle and handle claims in accordance to the Company’s guidelines

  • Register, monitor and follow up with claims files

  • Handle claims enquiries from clients, brokers, agents and internal staff in a timely manner

  • Deliver quality and professional service to customers

  • Other ad hoc assignments assigned by the department supervisor

職位要求 Requirements

  • 大學畢業或以上

  • 良好中英文書寫及溝通能力

  • 良好電腦操作技巧及熟悉Word 和Excel軟件操作及運用

  • 優秀的溝通及人際交往能力

  • 良好的分析及理解能力

  • 以客戶為先、積極主動、願意學習

  • 具備細心、積極、獨立的特質,並能在壓力環境中有效地完成工作

  • 熟悉保險產品優先考慮

  • 有辦公室行政工作經驗優先

  • University graduate or above

  • Good command of spoken and written English and Chinese

  • Good knowledge of PC applications, especially Word and Excel

  • Effective communication and interpersonal skills

  • Good analytical and comprehension skills

  • Customer-oriented, pleasant personality and willing to learn

  • Detail-oriented, proactive, independent, and able to work under pressure

  • Knowledge of insurance products is considered a plus

  • Experience in office administration is preferred

退休金部 - 主任 / 高級主任 Pension Fund Department - Officer / Senior Officer

Ref. no.: FM.06.082024


  • 負責執行退休基金的日常交易

  • 確保所錄入交易的準確性及時效性

  • 協助撰寫及檢閱監管及商業報告

  • 支援銷售流程及提供客戶服務

  • 回應客戶有關帳戶和交易的查詢

  • 與內部保持緊密合作,確保提供優質的服務

  • Perform daily transactions related to pension fund operations

  • Ensure the accuracy and timeliness of all transactions

  • Assist and prepare regulatory and business reports

  • Support whole sales process and client service

  • Respond to client inquiries regarding their accounts and transaction statuses

  • Liaise and work closely with back office to ensure excellence in service

職位要求 Requirements

  • 大學畢業或以上,主修會計、金融或相關範疇

  • 具有投資、會計﹑或保險的基本知識

  • 具有較強的分析力以及注重細節

  • 良好中英文書寫及溝通能力

  • 有效的溝通及人際交往能力

  • 勤奮、積極、主動並能在壓力下完成工作

  • 熟悉辦公室電腦軟件操作,尤其PowerPoint 及Excel

  • University graduate or above in Accounting, Finance or related disciplines

  • Basic knowledge in investment, accounting, or insurance field

  • Strong analytical skills and attention to detail

  • Good command of spoken and written English and Chinese

  • Effective communication and interpersonal skills

  • Self-motivated, proactive, and able to work under pressure

  • Good knowledge of PC applications, especially PowerPoint and Excel

Investment Department - Chief Investment Officer 首席投資總監 / Investment Manager 投資經理

Ref. no.: FM.12.092023

職務 Responsibilities

  • 在資產管理公司的支援下管理投資策略和投資組合,包括退休金業務

  • 管理短期投資餘額和整體流動性

  • 處理所有日常投資管理之文件

  • 負責定期投資報告和檢閱,包括量性和質性投資組合的研究

  • 監察庫務部日常運作包括現金管理、保費收付及其他付款職務

  • Manage the investment strategies and portfolios, including pension fund business, with support from external Asset Management Companies

  • Manage short-term investment balances and overall liquidity

  • Perform regular administration duties of all investment files

  • Organize regular investment reports and reviews, including quantitative and qualitative portfolio studies

  • Supervise treasury department on day-to-day operations including managing cash, premium collections and other payment functions

職位要求 Requirements

  • 主修金融或相關專業資格之機構認可範疇. 持有CFA資格優先

  • 5-8年上投資相關經驗

  • 具良好的英文、中文(廣東話及普通話)語言能力

  • 具有效率之溝通及人際交往能力

  • 具有前瞻性思維,精通決策

  • 勤奮、積極、主動並能在壓力下完成工作

  • 熟悉辦公室電腦軟件操作,尤其PowerPoint 及Excel

  • A degree in finance or a relevant field from an accredited institution. CFA preferred.

  • Minimum 5 to 8 years of related experience

  • Good command of verbal and written English and Chinese (Cantonese and Mandarin)

  • Effective communication and interpersonal skills

  • Strategic thinker and proficient in decision-making

  • Self-motivated, proactive and independent and able to work under pressure.

  • Good knowledge of PC applications, especially PowerPoint and Excel

申請職位 Application

Interested parties please send a full resume with a recent photo to OR submit it in our Office Address at Av. Praia Grande 567, BNU Building 14/F, Macau (China), Monday to Friday (09:00 – 17:30).

有興趣人士請將履歷連同近照電郵至 或於辦公時間 (週一至五,09:00-17:30) 親身提交至忠誠保險辦公室 - 澳門南灣大馬路567號大西洋銀行大廈 14 樓

*Personal data collected will be used for recruitment related purposes only.                                                              

$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, IT 資訊科技, GM 綜合管理, M07BJ



華海智匯科技有限公司(下稱“華海智匯”):提供定制化、高標準、高品質的集成解決方案,包括智慧都市、智慧園區、智慧交通、智慧水利、智慧能源等多個智慧行業場景。服務範圍涵蓋方案諮詢、規劃設計、項目交付、項目管理、運維運營及技術研發等全流程服務。 作為華為智慧都市總集夥伴之一,與華為一起積極拓展中國智慧都市業務,並成功簽約交付國內百餘個都市智慧類標杆集成項目;業務拓展覆蓋華北、華東、華中、西南、西北、深圳、東莞、非深非莞、香港、澳門十大區域,在天津、深圳、上海、西安、成都、合肥等地設有常駐機构,更好地貼近客戶,傾聽客戶需求。掃碼關注更多資訊


華海智慧(澳門)資訊系統科技有限公司(下稱“華海澳門”):由華海智匯科技有限公司和華海智慧(上海)資訊系統科技有限公司出資成立,致力於澳門特區政府信息化產業及智慧都市業務發展,依託母公司華海智匯的產業鏈佈局優勢,2022年成立便快速在澳門行業內嶄露頭角,並始終將“以客戶為中心” 的核心價值貫徹到底。 將為解决澳門特區信息化產業發展面臨的難題提供技術支援,抓住機遇,積極應對,致力於推動澳門走上科學發展之路。華海澳門成立以來,積極參與了澳門特區政府多項項目的投標及交付工作。期望未來持續為澳門特區貢獻更多有意義的智慧業務支持。




  • 負責國內ICT市場相關客戶關係的創建及維護,客戶需求引導;

  • 負責項目線索及機會點發掘並轉化成訂單;

  • 牽頭投標,包括標書答覆,答標資源的組織協調,澄清工作的資源協調及落實;

  • 負責市場資訊及行業競爭動態的獲取;

  • 負責某一區域或行業營商環境構建;

  • 完成公司要求的銷售收入及回款任務。


  • 電腦及資訊科學系、機電工程系等,本科、碩士學歷。

  • 本地居民,有ICT行業市場工作經驗,有責任心和成就導向。

  • 需流利使用粵語及普通話交流。




  • 參與ICT系統集成項目的前期運作,參與需求調研;

  • 根據調研成果,參與業務規劃設計、方案構建、技術交流;

  • 拆分設計方案,參與各模塊的產品技術選型。


  • 理工科本科以上學歷,熟練掌握粵語、普通話,具備良好的英語讀寫能力;

  • 具有信息化行業相關經驗,具備從業務需求推導出技術解決方案、獨立進行解決方案設計的能力;

  • 具備較強的責任心,積極主動的工作作風,良好的團隊合作精神,能承受較大的工作壓力,可接受項目出差;

  • 熟悉華為產品與解決方案經驗優先,具備華為售前售後認證證書的優先。




  • 梳理項目流程及整理相關文檔,參與編寫及製訂匯總各專業施工方案、進度計劃、施工圖、材料報審、方案報審等技術資料;

  • 為客戶提供完整而可行之項目計劃,包括項目流程,工程進度及人員管理等;

  • 建立流暢而高效之客戶溝通方案;

  • 撰寫各類項目相關文件;

  • 需要現場瞭解及監察項目進度,並能夠通過收集到的信息進行進度匯報,善於資源運用有能力管理外判商及供應商。


  • 具有3年及以上工程類經驗者優先;

  • 有繪圖能力,熟練工程類軟件操作;

  • 曾參與大型工程項目管理優先;

  • 具有良好溝通及施工管理能力,細心,服從及責任感;

  • 持有PMP、土木工程師、機電工程師等認證優先;

  • 良好之問題分析及解決能力;

  • 良好之溝通及表達能力;

  • 能夠在一定壓力環境下工作;

  • 需流利使用粵語及普通話交流。




  • 負責管理運維團隊,落實運維團隊成員的工作安排,保證安全、高效交付運維服務

  • 負責組織編寫運維程序文件,並定期組織開展運維程序文件的培訓工作,確保運維工作的程序化及規範化

  • 負責重大活動及應急事件保障的組織及協調工作

  • 負責召開運維工作會議,梳理運維工作的進展及風險

  • 負責與客戶側主管溝通,接受運維工作的安排及要求,並向客戶側主管彙報運維工作進展


  • 本科以上學歷,計算機、通信等相關專業,精通粵語

  • 熟悉ITIL以及相關運維體系,5年以上智慧城市運維管理經驗或IT服務管理經驗;不少於20人運維團隊管理經驗;

  • 具備團隊建設及組織、項目管理能力、溝通能力,較好的職業素養;

  • 熟悉ITIL/ITSS運維知識體系;熟悉華為運維平台、工具和技術;

  • 具有企業ERP或流程變更、政務辦公數字化經驗優先;

  • 有澳門項目的運維經驗優先,熟悉瞭解金蝶系統優先;

  • 有PMP或信息系統項目管理證書優先。

