IT 資訊科技

$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, IT 資訊科技, M07AJ



阿里雲創立於 2009 年,是領先全球的雲端運算與人工智慧科技公司,為 200 多個國家和地區的企業、開發人員和政府機構提供服務。阿里雲致力以網上公共服務形式,提供安全可靠的運算與資料處理能力,令電腦運算和人工智慧成為普遍惠及大眾的科技。2017 年 1 月,阿里雲成為奧運會全球指定雲端服務商。

業務拓展經理 - 2名

待遇區間:MOP 30000+


崗位類型:Full Time


  • 協助業務開發團隊開發並招募阿里雲客戶

  • 發展和擴大與客戶的關係,以支援數位轉型的成功

  • 解決客戶提出的任何問題並處理投訴以維護信任

  • 處理銷售相關活動並設定行銷活動以招募客戶和合作夥伴

  • 使用關鍵客戶指標,向利害關係人準備定期進度報告和預測


  • 展現強大的溝通和人際交往能力,能夠與組織各個層級的專業人士建立關係

  • 必須流利的普通話,較強的粵語和英語書面及口頭溝通能力

  • 能夠在高壓環境下進行團隊合作

  • 優秀的組織能力,積極主動,以行動為導向

  • 熱衷於學習新技術和空間,具有強烈的開拓創新精神


請發送簡歷到郵箱 ,並備註申請的崗位。

雲安全運營工程師 - 5名



崗位類型:Full Time (Contract)


  • 安全運營(業務上線檢測、安全評估、雲元件基線檢查、日常巡檢);

  • 雲安全產品運營(策略管理、規則升級、技術支援);

  • 應急回應(安全事件處理);


  • 大學本科學歷,條件優秀者可放寬;

  • 瞭解常見安全產品的技術原理及功能;

  • 瞭解各類主流的安全攻擊手法及其對應的防禦手段;熟練掌握各種安全工具的使用;

  • 掌握Linux、Windows作業系統的操作使用、安全配置;

  • 熟悉主流資料庫、應用系統的安全檢測及加固技術;

  • 至少瞭解shell/python/等一種指令碼語言;

  • 具備安全事件的應急回應處置經驗;

  • 良好的職業背景,無違法犯罪記錄;


請發送簡歷到郵箱: ,並備註申請的崗位。

雲安全運營高級工程師 - 3名



崗位類型:Full Time


  • 安全運營(業務上線檢測、安全評估、雲元件基線檢查、日常巡檢);

  • 雲安全產品運營(策略管理、規則升級、技術支援);

  • 應急回應(安全事件處理);


  • 具備3年以上工作經驗;

  • 在網路安全攻防對抗領域有至少一方面的技術沉澱,如WEB安全、安全大資料分析、逆向工程等;

  • 大學本科學歷,條件優秀者可放寬;

  • 瞭解常見安全產品的技術原理及功能;

  • 瞭解各類主流的安全攻擊手法及其對應的防禦手段;熟練掌握各種安全工具的使用;

  • 掌握Linux、Windows作業系統的操作使用、安全配置;

  • 熟悉主流資料庫、應用系統的安全檢測及加固技術;

  • 至少瞭解shell/python/等一種指令碼語言;

  • 具備安全事件的應急回應處置經驗;

  • 良好的職業背景,無違法犯罪記錄;


請發送簡歷到郵箱: ,並備註申請的崗位。

雲安全運營TL - 1名


崗位類型:Full Time



  • 負責規劃、設計並建立專有雲客戶安全運營服務體系;

  • 負責安全服務專案管理與安全小組人員管理;

  • 制定專業雲安全技術策略,包括但不限於網路、系統、中介軟體、雲產品、應用的安全檢查基線及安全方案;

  • 組織安全事件應急處置工作;

  • 負責重點客戶的專案技術支撐;


  • 工作經驗要求:5年及以上安全行業從業經理,具備中大型安全服務專案的交付、運營與管理經驗,或具備安全架構設計、運營與售前經驗;

  • 熟悉主流系統、網路、應用攻擊技術原理及防禦加固方案,掌握常見的安全性漏洞及利用技術;

  • 熟悉安全合規、滲透測試、安全加固等安全業務,瞭解相關國內國際安全標準和規範及安全體系;

  • 熟悉安全事件應急回應流程,能夠對各類安全問題和安全事件進行跟蹤、分析、處理和解決;

  • 熟練使用java/C/C++/python/shell至少一種語言;

  • 熟悉雲計算,瞭解IaaS、PaaS、SaaS等相關技術;

  • 具備CISSP等安全認證資質者優先。


請發送簡歷到郵箱: ,並備註申請的崗位。

專案管理經理/助理 - 1名

薪酬待遇:25000 MOP+


崗位類型:Full Time (Contract)


1. 項目交付履約

  • 專案全週期規劃及管理,包括制定和管理專案目標、專案計畫及里程碑,管理項目交付成本,減少預實偏差

  • 專案交付全程進行管理、監督,對專案風險及問題進行預判、識別及診斷,並調動交付資源快速形成解決方案,主導重大問題解決及攻堅

2. 服務生態交付管理

  • 組織服務生態夥伴完成專案交付,並對夥伴的項目交付品質進行評價

3. 解決方案標準化及沉澱

  • 持續推動專案管理的組織設計和流程SOP優化,提出流程、專案管理工具優化需求,賦能生態能力提升,降低交付成本


  • 2年以上IT項目管理經驗 ; 擁有資訊科技學歷背景優先。

  • 具備良好溝通能力,能識別字目重要關係人及交付風險,進行適當升級。

  • 確保項目按約定範圍及如期完成高品質交付。

  • 能說流利中文,粵語及英文


請發送簡歷到郵箱 ,並備註申請的崗位。

技術服務經理 - 1名

薪酬待遇:MOP 30000+


崗位類型:Full Time


  • To understand the business scenarios of large enterprises, cooperate with the IT, application architecture and personnel of the enterprise, sort out and analyze the existing IT architecture of the customers, assist and provide the IT plan for the overall planning of the IT, and to promote the provision of the pre-sales architect Design of the landing, implementation and delivery work.

  • Help large enterprises to develop IT architecture and business processes, including best practices, exception handling mechanisms and problem contingency plans based on Alibaba cloud product and technical system.

  • Promote the use of cloud computing services and solutions in the process of technical problems, and constantly improve the problem handling mechanisms and processes, and work with Alibaba cloud service experts, product experts directly to ensure that enterprise technology issues to solve effectively.

  • Regular communication with the user (on-site or remote), to ensure that users have health, stable on-cloud operation and to enhance customer experience.


  • More than 5 year-experience in retail, automotive, finance and other industries large-scale Internet applications (or group-type enterprise application) server development, maintenance, optimization experience.

  • Have rich project management experience, good at promoting cross-sectoral implementation of complex projects and a strong ability to take results.

  • Excellent communication skills, teamwork experience, professionalism and learning ability.

  • Excellent document writing skills, speech skills, and technical training capabilities.

  • Strong ability to withstand pressure and execution, and can accept a certain frequency of travel.

  • Language proficiency in both Mandarin and English.

  • Satisfy one or more of the following conditions:

    • Familiar with Cloud SRE

    • Familiar with one or more of data management technologies such as SQL Server, MySQL, Postgresql, NoSQL, etc., have practical experience in production system application, can independently complete the deployment of related products, troubleshooting, and performance tuning jobs.

    • Familiar with one or more of Nginx, JBoss, WebLogic, WebSphere, Dubbo and other middleware products.

    • Familiar with Java / C / C ++ / Python / PHP / GO at least one of the development languages, and its corresponding development framework under the multi-threaded, high concurrent processing mechanism.

  • Preferred:

    • ACP (Alibaba cloud professional certification), ACE (Alibaba Cloud Certified Expert – Cloud Architect) is preferred.

    • Of large-scale application development or operation and maintenance experience on Alibaba cloud.


請發送簡歷到郵箱 ,並備註申請的崗位。

雲平臺運維工程師 - 3名



崗位類型:Full Time (Contract)


  • 服務處理客戶阿里雲的技術問題,提供技術解決方案;

  • 應專案運維需要,協調供應商解決應用問題,保障系統穩定性;

  • 按時完成技術經理安排的項目類工作,並保證完成品質;

  • 對於疑難問題具備一定分析能力,跟進問題處理進度直到問題解決;

  • 負責客戶雲平臺服務報告,並對新問題及時更新跟進;


  • 大學本科及以上學歷,電腦或相關專業,有5年以上雲端平臺的使用與開發經驗;

  • 深入理解LINUX系統,掌握LINUX系統指令,瞭解維運體系架構;

  • 具備應用開發經驗,熟練一種或多種程式語言,例如JAVA、GO或PYTHON。有跨平臺協助專案、網路平臺專案或大資料開發專案參予經驗優先。

  • 熟悉雲端運算和雲端原生技術(如K8S和DOCKER)者優先考慮。

  • 熟悉常見服務,NTP ,YUM ,DNS ,防火牆等技術;

  • 有快速分析問題和解決問題的能力,有很好的技術敏感度和風險辨識能力;

  • 善於總結,有良好的文件整理能力;


請發送簡歷到郵箱 ,並備註申請的崗位。

Solutions Architect - 1名

薪酬待遇:MOP 30000+

崗位類型:Full Time



  • Create and present solution architecture designs to C-level/senior personnel.

  • Responsible for understanding the unique requirements of customers and partners, and provide appropriate technical cloud solutions and architecture designs based on Alibaba Cloud services.

  • Provide assistance to Alibaba Cloud customers and partners in migrating their existing IT system onto Alibaba Cloud platforms. This includes providing migration technique support for both applications and databases.

  • Responsible for demo development and testing Alibaba Cloud services.


  • A background in IT, computer science and/or cloud computing with a good understanding of networking, servers, storage systems, enterprise applications and the cloud.

  • A minimum of 5 years’ experience working and consulting on enterprise architecture design and has a strong understanding of customer needs and requirements. Experience working or studying abroad is preferred.

  • Expert knowledge and understanding of cloud architecture design and familiar with architecture methodology and practice in internet based applications/websites. Must also be familiar with procedures and tools for application migration and cloud/virtualization solutions for enterprise customers.

  • Nice to have one of the industry experiences from Hospitality, E-Commerce, Healthcare, Media, Travel, Education, Government...

  • Excellent writing, proofreading and editing skills. Able to create documentation that can express cloud architectures using text and diagrams.

  • Able to work under high pressure, a quick learner with a passion for cloud technology. Able to think strategically about businesses, products and technical challenges.

  • Good communication skills, a good team player and has professional attitude to work

  • Fluent English and Chinese are required.

  • Candidates with Alibaba Cloud certification (ACP or ACE) will be considered first.

  • Location base in Macau, able to travel to Alibaba Cloud Headquarter in China.


請發送簡歷到郵箱 ,並備註申請的崗位。

$10k - 20k, IT 資訊科技, $20k - 30k, Freelance 兼職, JSCMPT3, M07AJ

Asia Pioneer Entertainment Limited 亞洲先鋒娛樂股份有限公司澳門招聘

Asia Pioneer Entertainment Limited (APE) is licensed by the Macau Gaming Inspection and Coordination Bureau (DICJ) as an approved gaming machine agent.

Since its founding, APE has been dedicating its business to introduce innovative and superior gaming products to casino operators in Macau and other Asian countries.

APE is focused on providing full range of customized and integrated solutions for the EGE industry.  APE’s substantial experience and knowledge in the gaming industry ensures our particular expertise in localisation and customization of EGE.

With an established track record of supplying EGE to casino operators in Macau and Asia, APE is a now a global distributor, presenting gaming manufacturers from Slovenia, US, Taiwan and Australia. We have well established business relationship with casino operators in Macau and Philippines.


Slot Machine Technician

Department: Consultancy and Technical Service

Job Description:

  • Slot machine installation, game conversion, relocation, upgrade, troubleshooting, etc.;

  • Troubleshoots, replaces, or repairs components, report and communicate with supervisor and manufacturer to fix the issue;

  • Provide periodical maintenance and support to slot machines and related HW&SW;

  • Goods delivery & inspection of new arrival goods/machines;

  • Slot machine software testing & debug;

  • Instant response to customer’s requests, duty phone calls;

  • Performs other duties as assigned to support the efficient operation of the department;

Candidate Requirements:

  • High School diploma or above

  • Fluent in Chinese and English in writing and speaking

  • Minimum one(1) year in equivalent role or have similar experience

  • Accept several business trips in Asia countries annually

  • Fast response, excellent skills in problem solving and decision making, well-disciplined

  • Certificates with Electronics or Networking related disciplines are preferred

  • Understands basics of slot machine parts, harnessing, and cabinets of machines in use at casinos;

  • Ability to working multi-taskly and prioritize effectively in a dynamic, fast-paced environment with demonstrated organizational and time management skills;

  • Macau car driving license is preferred

  • Macau ID holder only


Interested parties please apply to with resume and cover letter.

$10k - 20k, IT 資訊科技, M06DJ





  • 負責服務器的監控和故障排除;

  • 提供軟件操作的培訓支援;

  • 支援硬體/軟體安裝及升級、網路支援和其他週邊設備問題。


  • 擁有IT或相關學科的高級文憑/學位,熟練普通話優先;

  • 有1年或以上技術運維經驗者優先;

  • 有良好的溝通技巧及邏輯思維,工作積極主動、有責任感。

  • 只聘請澳門居民



聯絡電話:6847 9888


$20k - 30k, $10k - 20k, IT 資訊科技, GM 綜合管理, Marketing 市場行銷及傳播, M04DJ

MEGA 萬訊電腦科技有限公司澳門招聘





  • 本科或以上學歷,計算機相關專業,有一年實際開發經驗;

  • 有紮實的計算機語言基礎(JAVA方向或.NET方向);

  • 熟練使用spring、springmvc、spring boot、Hibernate、spring cloud 等框架,有實際項目開發經驗;

  • 熟悉常見數據結構和演算法;

  • 熟悉Oracle、SQL Server等主流資料庫,精通SQL語言;

  • 能夠熟練應用Vue、React、jQuery等前端框架;

  • 具備良好的編碼習慣,較好的質量意識及文檔編寫能力;

  • 具備良好的溝通能力、學習能力、團隊合作精神,有較強的責任心;


  • 根據開發規範與流程獨立完成模塊的設計、編碼、測試及相關文檔的編寫、維護工作;

  • 技術支持現有產品相關的研發工作,解決項目遇到的技術問題及產品使用問題等;

  • 在開發團隊中,按照項目負責人要求,獨立有效地完成軟件開發任務

Software Development Engineer


  • College degree or above

  • Have a solid computer language foundation (JAVA direction or .NET direction)

  • Proficient in the application frameworks such as spring, springmvc, spring boot, Hibernate, spring cloud etc., and practical project development experience.

  • Familiar with common data structures and algorithms

  • Familiar with mainstream databases such as Oracle and SQL Server, and proficient in SQL language

  • Proficient in the application of front-end frameworks such as Vue, React, and jQuery

  • Have good coding habits, good quality awareness and document writing ability

  • At least 1 years of relevant work experience

  • Fluent in Cantonese and English


  • Lead system analysis and design for different vertical markets, undertake core function code writing and develop and maintain system common core modules

  • Develop and maintain system platform and framework, identify and rectify technical problems and ensure system performance and stability

  • Code and document writing



  • 對數據庫的變更管理,對重要的表結構設計進行評審,將數據庫SQL進行優化。

  • 負責數據庫的實施部署、運行維護、日誌分析、性能調優等工作。

  • 負責數據庫日常管理,包括數據庫的備份恢復、性能優化、資料移轉、日常監控巡檢、數據庫高可用環境搭建及解決突發和疑難問題。

  • 參與專案工作,協助開發、實施,提供數據庫支援。

履歷要求 :

  • 澳門合法居民優先。

  • 熟悉Oracle/MySQL/PostgreSQL/SQL Server一種或多種數據庫產品,SQL Server優先。

  • 擁有計算機工程學位及文憑或相關證書。

  • 最少具有兩年相關工作經驗。

  • 中英文程度良好。

  • 有責任感、能獨立處理日常的工作。

  • 擁有正確、合理的邏輯思維。

  • 持有澳門有效的電單車或者汽車駕駛執照。

公司福利:(薪金+津貼) 年終雙糧,年假、基本醫療保險

薪酬 : 面談。

Database system technical engineer

Job description:

  • Manage database changes, review important table structure designs, and optimize database SQL.

  • Responsible for the implementation and deployment, operation and maintenance, log analysis, performance tuning, etc. of the database.

  • Responsible for the daily management of the database, including database backup and recovery, performance optimization, data transfer, daily monitoring and inspection, building a high-availability database environment and solving emergencies and difficult problems.

  • Participate in project work, assist in development and implementation, and provide database support.

Resume requirements:

  • Priority will be given to legal residents of Macao.

  • Familiar with one or more database products of Oracle/MySQL/PostgreSQL/SQL Server, SQL Server is preferred.

  • Possess a degree and diploma in computer engineering or related certificates.

  • At least two years of relevant work experience.

  • Good command of Chinese and English.

  • Have a sense of responsibility and be able to handle daily work independently.

  • Have correct and reasonable logical thinking.

  • Hold a valid motorcycle or car driving license in Macau.



  • 安裝及設置各種資訊網絡系統

  • 為網絡及無綫網絡系統進行功能設定及調試

  • 對網絡及無綫網絡系統所出現的故障作出診斷及排除

  • 為客戶的網絡及無綫網絡系統作定期的維護及保養


  • 本澳合法居民優先

  • 大專學歷, 擁有計算機工程文憑或同等學歷

  • 最少具有一年相關工作經驗

  • 熟識各類網絡及無綫網絡佈設等相關經驗

  • 中英文程度良好

  • 有責任感、能獨立處理日常的工作

  • 能獨立思考、自主能力強

  • 持有本澳有效的電單車或汽車駕駛執照

Network Services Technician

Job description:

  • Install and set up various information network and wireless network systems

  • Function setting and debugging for the network and wireless network systems

  • Diagnose and eliminate the faults in the network and wireless network systems

  • Regular maintenance and maintenance for the customer's network and wireless network systems

Resume requirements:

  • Priority will be given to Legal residents of Macao

  • Junior college, Diploma in Computer Engineering or equivalent

  • At least one year of relevant work experience

  • Familiar with using various network devices on the market, such as: network switches, firewalls, wireless network receivers, etc.

  • Familiarity with various Linux operating systems is preferred

  • Good command of Chinese and English.

  • Responsibility, independent to work, strong autonomy

  • Valid driver license of motorcycle or car in Macao

公司福利:(薪金+津貼) 年終雙糧,年假、基本醫療保險

Company benefits: (salary + allowance) year-end double pay, annual leave, basic medical insurance






  • 安裝及設置各種資訊網絡及無綫網絡系統

  • 為網絡系統及無綫網絡進行功能設定及調試

  • 對網絡系統及無綫網絡所出現的故障作出診斷及排除

  • 編訂網絡系統及無綫網絡設置架構、設定及使用說明

  • 為客戶的網絡及無綫網絡系統作定期的維護及保養


  • 擁有計算機工程學位或文憑或相同學歷

  • 最少具有兩年相關工作經驗

  • 擁有Cisco CCNA、CCNP; H3C H3CSE或同等的專業資格優先

  • 熟識使用市場上各式網絡設備,如:網絡交換機、防火牆、無線網絡接收器等

  • 認識各種Linux操作統優先

  • 中英文程度良好

  • 有責任感、獨立思考工作、自主能力強

  • 持有本澳有效的電單車或汽車駕駛執照

Senior Network Technical Engineer

Job description:

  • Install and set up various information network and wireless network systems.

  • Function setting and debugging for the network and wireless network systems.

  • Diagnose and eliminate the faults in the network and wireless network systems.

  • Compilation of network system configuration structure, settings and usage instructions.

  • Regular maintenance and maintenance for the customer's network and wireless network systems.


  • Degree or diploma in Computer Engineering or equivalent

  • At least three years of relevant work experience

  • Cisco CCNA, CCNP; H3C H3CSE or equivalent professional qualifications are preferred

  • Familiar with using various network devices on the market, such as: network switches, firewalls, wireless network receivers, etc.

  • Familiarity with various Linux operating systems is preferred

  • Good command of Chinese and English

  • Responsibility, independent to work, strong autonomy

  • Valid driver license of motorcycle or car in Macao

公司福利:(薪金+津貼) 年終雙糧,年假、基本醫療保險

Company benefits: (salary + allowance) year-end double pay, annual leave, basic medical insurance



$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, IT 資訊科技, M06AJ



BoardWare Intelligence Technology Limited

Headquartered in Macau, BoardWare Intelligence Technology Limited (1204.HK) is the leading company in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area IT solutions market. With over 10 years of operating history, it has been dedicated to providing reliable, end-to-end and high-quality enterprise IT solutions covering professional IT services and managed services, to customers which include globally renowned enterprises or bodies in TMT, gaming and hospitality and public sectors in Macau. According to Frost & Sullivan, in 2021, the Group ranked first in the IT solutions market in Macau in terms of revenue, with a market share of 25.8%. To date, it has business presence extended to the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, with branches established in Hong Kong, Hengqin, Zhuhai and Guangzhou.



Administration Department

Assistant Officer

Job Description:

  • Supporting Sales Operations.

  • Responsible for data entry.

  • Handle customers' enquiries and follow-up.

  • Handle and answer incoming phone calls.


  • High school graduated or above.

  • Preferably 1-2 years’ relevant working experience.

  • Good command of spoken & written Chinese and English.

  • Immediate available is highly preferable.

Assistant Finance Manager

Job Description:

  • Perform financial reporting for subsidiaries located in Hong Kong and Macau and group consolidation process in compliance with applicable financial reporting standards.

  • Assist in the preparation of external financial statements, annual and interim reports, announcements, related footnotes and all supporting schedules, including liaison with external auditor.

  • Assist in preparing financial reports and analysis.

  • Maintain and strengthen internal control of the Group.

  • Assist in system implementation projects as needed.

  • Conduct and support ad-hoc analyses and special projects as required.


  • Degree holder in Accounting and Finance; professional accountancy qualification such as CPA or equivalent a plus.

  • Minimum 3 years relevant accounting and/or auditing experience; audit experience from sizable firms a plus.

  • Experience in accounting projects and system implementation are desirable but not a must.

  • Strong computer literacy with experience using computer-based accounting systems (MYOB), MS Office and other standard business software.

  • Good command of Cantonese, Mandarin and English (written and oral).

  • Self-motivated, fast-learner, independent, strong analytical and problem-solving skills.

Senior Accountant

Job Description:

  • Handle full set of accounts, including A/R, A/P and other daily accounting functions;

  • Perform month-end closing and prepare periodic management accounts;

  • Assist in annual audit and all tax related matters;

  • Perform ad hoc assignments as required.


  • Degree holder in Accounting and Finance; professional accountancy qualification such as CPA or equivalent a plus;

  • Minimum 2 years relevant accounting and/or auditing experience; audit experience from sizable firms a plus;

  • Strong computer literacy with experience using computer-based accounting systems (MYOB), MS Office and other standard business software;

  • Good command of Cantonese, Mandarin and English (written and oral);

  • Self-motivated, fast-learner, independent, strong analytical and problem-solving skills.

Candidates with less experience will be considered as Accountant

Application Development Department

Project Manager

Job Description:

  • Leads the planning, execution and implementation of IT Business Solution projects and roll-outs.

  • Conduct all project management task to ensure project scope, schedule, cost and quality goals are met.

  • Monitors and control project execution phase to ensure that projects are completed on time, and meet all business and system requirements.


  • Degree or Advanced Diploma in ICT or business.

  • At least 5 years proven track record in successful delivery of projects with good IT knowledge for Project Manager; At least 2 years IT projects experience for Project Coordinator.

  • PMP Project or Prince 2 Certification is preferred.




  • 與客戶進行技術交流,收集整理客戶信息化需求資料。

  • 編寫信息化方案及軟硬件設備清單(BOM)。

  • 協助上級完成公司內部銷售流程,包括獲取標書文件(RFI),採購訂單(PO),供應商BOM等文件的整理及核對。

  • 銷售商機管理,向客戶了解售前階段項目的需求,定期跟蹤項目的落地時間以及進度。

  • 公司內部的協調溝通,包括客戶經理,售前,售後,銷售行政人員等,例如溝通及解決項目交付過程中需要銷售協助的問題。


  • 兩年以上系統集成商或廠商售前, 售後工作經驗。

  • 語言能力: 優秀粵語, 良好的英文溝通能力。

  • 熟悉一個或多個領域,包括網絡,服務器,存儲,虛擬化,WIFI,弱電或其他IaaS領域。

  • 熟悉一個或多個H3C,華為,思科,Extreme等主流廠商網絡設備的配置管理維護,具備相關廠商認證優先考慮。

  • 熟悉一個或多個HPE,華為,H3C,VMware等主流服務器及超融合廠商的安裝調試能力,具備機架服務器,刀片服務器,存儲,SAN交換機的部署經驗。




  • 負責在地盤與各有關單位聯繫、協調及指導分包商的技工,並提供方案以解決各項施工問題。


  • 高中以上教育程度。

  • 持有相關電力資格證書;熟悉高中低壓及各電力系統圖及安裝、測試及維修的指導工作;持有效職安卡及相關電力資格證書。

  • 5 年相關工作經驗。

成本及質量控制員 (機電範疇)


  • 負責機電工程成本及質量控制。

  • 懂機電工程繪圖及編制機電專業技術文件,具機電項目造價能力。


  • 高中以上教育程度。

  • 懂 AutoCAD, Sketchup, Adobe Photoshop 等繪圖操作及一般電腦文書處理軟件;持有澳門註冊並具執行工程監察資格優先。

  • 3 年相關工作經驗。

BWZ Department

Cyber Security Analyst

Job Description:

  • Responsible for deploying and maintaining Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) system.

  • Collect security logs into SIEM system.

  • Perform vulnerability scanning and assessment on information systems.

  • Conduct information security assessment for clients’ information systems.


  • Bachelor's degree or above in Information Security, Computer Science, or related field preferred.

  • Experience in using and managing SIEM system is preferred.

  • Familiarity with TCP / IP protocol, routing protocols, OSI seven-layer network model, Windows Active.



  • 為客戶提供駐場服務。

  • 監控及分析儀表板上的網絡安全中心警告訊息。

  • 按照工作流程指引完成相應的行政支援服務。

  • 需輪班工作。


  • 大專或以上學歷。

  • 具中、英文書寫能力。

  • 熟悉Microsoft Office操作。

  • 經驗不拘。

Product Development Expert (Security)

Job Description:

  • Test and evaluate new technology.

  • Analyze customer requirements and provide objective solution/service on the use of IT security requirements.

  • Gather feedback from end users to continue to improve solution/service.

  • Design, analyze and implement efficient IT security systems and collaborate sales kit of solution/service.


  • MBA in Information Systems, preferred.

  • Proficient with Linux, Windows and MacOS.

  • Experienced with penetration testing and techniques.

  • Experienced in installing security software and documenting security issues.

  • 3+ years of experience in information security.




  • 設計和實施創新的展覽和文旅項目,確保項目的創意與執行質量。

  • 與內部團隊密切合作,協調各方面資源,確保項目按計劃順利進行。

  • 持續跟踪行業動態,把握市場趨勢,提出創新的策展方案。


  • 學士學位或以上學歷,對文化和藝術有深厚的理解和熱愛,具有相關學習或工作背景/經驗者優先。

  • 至少2年以上相關工作經驗,具有科技展覽或文化旅遊項目策劃經驗者優先。




  • 具有大語言模型及通用人工智慧創新技術研究及產品分析能力,並具有演算法模型落地實踐,優化及遷移等工程能力。

  • 研究並實踐開源大語言模型的私有化微調、部署、運行及評測。

  • 跟蹤並分析業內相關技術動態,持續優化和改進現有模型。

  • 針對細分業務場景的資料處理、模型微調、提示語微調等,以達成業務目標。

  • 負責在國家及澳門科學基金項目課題申報與交付的工作。

  • 瞭解和收集客戶的業務需求、整體應用程式組合和 IT 需求,為公司的產品或服務進行定制化的模型開發。


  • 碩士及以上學歷,計算機科學、人工智能、資訊工程等相關專業。

  • 熟悉業界領先大語言模型的基本原理與訓練方法,有文本生成和AI會話方面的研究經驗者優先。

  • 有自然語言處理、計算機視覺、AIGC方向落地經驗者優先。

  • 具備良好的程式設計能力,熟練掌握Python、C/C++等主流程式設計語言。

  • 熟悉深度學習框架的使用,包括PyTorch,Transformers等。

  • 熟悉機器學習和自然語言處理理論基礎,瞭解主流模型和演算法。

  • 熟悉大語言模型的微調方法和策略,瞭解微調模型在不同任務和領域的應用。

Professional Service Department

Project Manager

Job Description:

  • Monitor and coordinate with engineers and sub-contractors in developing IT infrastructure design, preparing documents and report

  • Monitor and supervise the sub-contractors in completing their assignment

  • Manage performance of vendors and sub-contractors

  • Develop comprehensive and detailed project plan to monitor and track project progress, ensure all projects are delivered on-time.

  • Manage IT infrastructure projects including IP network, IP telephony, End-User Computer, Server, Storage, Security, etc.

  • Perform project management functions including scope management, resource and schedule management, risks and issues management, quality management, change control, etc.

  • Manage stakeholder relationship and work with client management level, vendors, sub-contractor and Boardware Service Team

  • Report project status effectively to client management and Boardware Management

  • Report and escalate to management as needed

  • Perform other related duties as assigned


  • Bachelor degree in Information Technology, Business or related discipline

  • Minimum 1 year experience in IT

  • Knowledge and working experience in IT, especially in System Integrator industry

  • Ability to manage and complete multiple projects according to priorities and deadlines

  • Good command of both written and spoken English, Cantonese. Mandarin is an advantage.

Professional Service Team – Network Engineer

Job Description:

  • IT project implementation and documentation.

  • Network / Security / Cloud solution.


  • At least 1-year post-sales support experience and hands-on experience on Network / Security, cloud, solutions.

  • Knowledge of the Network Switching & Routing: OSPF, BGP,HSRP/VRRP, VPN, MPLS and QoS etc is required.

  • Holder of HCIA, HCIP, HCIE certification or equivalent.

  • Experience in Network - Huawei/H3C, Firewall – Hillstone / Huawei / H3C / Sangfor is an advantage.

Professional Service Team - System Engineer

Job Description:

  • IT project implementation and documentation.

  • Server / virtualization / OS / storage / Cloud solution.


  • At least 2-year post-sales support experience and hands-on experience on Server / OS, virtualization/cloud, SAN storage solutions.

  • Experience with enterprise virtualization platform such as VMware, Hyper- V is preferable.

  • SAN storage (e.g., Dell EMC / Huawei) and Server (Dell, H3C, HPE) experience would be advantage.

  • Experience in Microsoft 365, Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Service (AWS) is an advantage.

Maintenance & Ongoing Support Team - Network Engineer

Job Description:

  • Perform network maintenance and upgrades including service packs, patches, hot fixes and security configurations.

  • Configuration of infrastructure solution, including but not limited to, routing and switching, voice, firewall.

  • On-duty support.


  • Good knowledge on Ethernet/TCP/IP/IP routing protocol / LAN switching /

  • Network security.

  • HCIA / CCNA Level or above.

Maintenance & Ongoing Support Team - System Engineer

Job Description:

  • Perform maintenance and system upgrades including service packs,

  • patches, hot fixes and security configurations.

  • Configuration of infrastructure solution, including but not limited to Microsoft enterprise administration, Backup, virtualization & storage.

  • On-duty support.


  • Good knowledge on Microsoft AD, Exchange / VMware / Backup Software.

  • HCIA / CCNA Level or above.

Sales Department

Account Manager

Job Description:

  • Maintain relationships with prospects, recommending IT solutions to fit their needs.

  • Identify new products by remaining current on industry trends, market activities.

  • Market / Domain knowledge (Application / Software / ELV / IT).


  • University graduated or above.

  • Proven work experience as an Account Manager, Senior Account Manager or relevant role.

  • Proven ability to juggle multiple account management projects at a time, while maintaining sharp attention to detail.

  • Proficient in speaking and writing in English and Cantonese; knowledge of Mandarin is an advantage.

Human Resources Office Contact

Telephone: +853 2822 9801


WeChat: BoardWare_HR

$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, IT 資訊科技, Urgent Hiring 急聘職位, M06CJ

E-task Information Technology Co., Ltd. 意達資訊科技工程澳門招聘

etask macau macau recruitment ad 澳門招聘-01.jpg

E-task is a Macau-based Extra Low Voltage solutions provider with more than 10 years experience across Asia.

The company motto is “ Things We Do, We Do Well ”.

Recognized as one of the few Macau-based company being able to offer a full spectrum of ELV solutions, E-Task continues to deliver high quality, value-formoney, tailored services that meet and exceed our Client’s expectation sufficing both ad-hoc and long-term needs.


Engineer – IT Support Service


  • Provide on-site end-user technical support

  • Support network infrastructure and application

  • Conduct device hardware/software installation and configuration such as PC, POS, NAS, WIFI and other system

  • Assisting in warehouse maintenance and inventory

  • Daily duty summary report to management


  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science / Electronic Engineering or related field

  • At least 1 year experience in IT support

  • Knowledge on using Microsoft Windows, Mac and Database

  • Good communication skills and problem solving

  • Holder of Safety Card

  • Experience in server/network equipment maintenance is a plus

  • Macau ID holder

Technician – CCTV / Security


  • Provide on-site technical support

  • Installing, maintaining, repairing, and replacing security cameras, computer networks, and other equipment used in video surveillance systems

  • Monitoring the operation of security equipment for malfunctions or other problems


  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science / Electronic Engineering or related field

  • At least 2 years working experience in CCTV / Security Systems field

  • Knowledge on using Microsoft Windows, Mac and Database

  • Good communication skill, outgoing and self-motivated

  • Holder of Safety Card

  • Macau ID holder

Engineer - Mobile Phone System


  • Provide on-site end-user tech support

  • Completing site surveys to troubleshoot for existing systems with inadequate coverage

  • Report findings to the management

  • Assisting in warehouse maintenance and inventory

  • Provide regular monthly system maintenance report and summary


  • Bachelor’s degree in Telecommunication / Computer Science / Electronic Engineering or related field

  • At least 1 year relevant working experience on IT support / radio infrastructure or base station related works, fresh graduates will also be considered

  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills

  • Good command of spoken & written English and Chinese

  • Macau ID holder




$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, IT 資訊科技, Construction 建築業, Property 地產業, Freelance 兼職, JSCMPT2, M07BJ



About Us

Big Four Facilities Management Co. Ltd. (BFFM) is established in 2011 by professionals with extensive experience in facilities management. The primary focus is to provide professional operation and maintenance (O&M) service, facilities management service, engineering service, contracting service, quality assurance consultancy service etc so as to satisfy the ever-expanding demand and fast-growing market in Macau.

Know more about us:

工程師 / 助理工程師 (弱電或機電範疇)

  • 須具有學士學位畢位或以上學歷;

  • 須具有8年或以上從事監理、工程、設施保養範疇的工作經驗;

  • 負責項目的設施保養服務決策人員;

  • 分配及安排服務人員的崗位及工作;

  • 懂廣東話,普通話及英語溝通能力;

  • 如經驗不足,可考慮為助理工程師。

Administrative Assistant

Requirements and Responsibilities:

  • Secondary graduated or above

  • Macau ID holder

  • 1-2 years of relevant experience

  • Proficiency in MS Office

  • Good command of spoken and written English and Chinese

  • Basic office and admin work

  • Driving license is preferred

  • Independent, well-organized, responsible, initiative and pleasant personality



  • 跟據部門主管安排,主要負責處理行政工作 (如掃描、影印、歸檔文件)、外出送文件

  • 需持有澳門居民身份證

  • 具中學畢業或以上程度

  • 有開車經驗,需持有私家車及電單車駕駛執照

  • 有責任感、守時、具良好溝通能力,願意與人合作

兼職 - 行政助理 (需外勤)



  • 整理一般文書資料掃瞄歸檔分類和數據輸入

  • 根據指示到銀行、客戶、政府機構等進行文件簽收


  • 需持有澳門居民身份證

  • 熟悉MS Office等軟件

  • 有責任感、守時、具良好溝通能力,願意與人合作

  • 有開車經驗,必須持有私家車及電單車駕駛執照

工作時間:每周一至周五 (可揀上午時段或下午時段)



  • 具 1 - 2 年以上相關經驗

  • 負責空調、 通風、 製冷、 供冷和供暖系統、冷水機組或鍋爐系統操作、保養和維修服務

  • 提供機械、管道、排水、電氣及特低電壓系統的保養維修服務

  • 良好粵語;一般英語;懂讀寫中文;略懂讀寫英文

  • 持有職安卡及汽車車牌

  • 接受輪班工作、持有電工證,可即時上班優先



  • 小學程度或以上

  • 體格強健、刻苦耐勞

  • 有責任心

  • 接受輪班工作

Electrical and Mechanical Engineer (Project and Facilities Management)

Requirements and Responsibilities:

  • Degree or Advanced Diploma in Electrical, Electromechanical, Mechanical or other rated discipline

  • 5 years or above working experience on engineering project

  • To assist in tendering, planning and execution of multiple projects with multiple disciplines, combination of fit-out and MEP

  • To work closely with client, external consultants or specialists including contractors and suppliers

  • Hand-on and possess good problem-solving skills

  • Holder of Professional Certifications such as Macau Registered Engineer will be an advantage

Electrical and Mechanical Engineer (Design)

Requirements and Responsibilities:

  • Degree or Advanced Diploma in Electrical, Building Services, Mechanical, or other rated discipline.

  • Good command in spoken and written of Chinese and English

  • 3 to 5 years working experience on construction project or FM Company.

  • To assist in planning and execution of multiple projects with multiple disciplines, combination of fit-out works, electrical & mechanical work, IT works and may include construction works.

  • Assist in preparing tender document, tender drawings and contracts. Submit Tender Analysis and recommendations to management for review and approval.

  • Excellence working knowledge in software, such as Microsoft Project, AutoCAD, Visio and MS Office

  • Hand-on and possess good problem solving skills.

IT Engineer

Requirement and Responsibilities:

  • Degree or Advanced Diploma in computer science or other rated discipline

  • 2 years or above working experience on construction project

  • Handle in planning and execution of projects with IT, UPS and BMS

  • Experience server back-up / mirror / recovery

  • To work closely with external consultants and specialists including contractors and suppliers

  • Excellence working knowledge in software, such as MS Project, AutoCAD and MS Office

  • Good command in spoken and written of Chinese and English

  • Hand-on and possess good problem-solving skills


有意者請將個人履歷及薪酬待遇發送至: 或致電 +853 8898 2277 ,所收集的個人資料只作招聘用途。


$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, IT 資訊科技, GM 綜合管理, M04EJ













  • 通過陌生拜訪或者電話形式尋找目標客戶,促成客戶安裝中銀POS機。

  • 維護老客戶,定期上門回訪,瞭解客戶使用情况並及時解决客戶問題,提升客戶服務體驗。

  • 根據公司指派的工作任務制定可執行的操作計劃,並保質保量完成每月的工作目標。

  • 積極與其他部門溝通,並協力完成工作目標。

  • 配合活動部門的執行落地,保證活動效果。

  • 收集市場資訊,並按領導要求匯報每天工作情況。

  • 完成上級安排的其他工作。


  • 大專學歷或以上;

  • 有很好的服務意識和服從管理;

  • 有良好的溝通能力和團隊意識;

  • 能吃苦耐勞;

  • 男女不限。



  • 執行幷完成公司下達的銷售目標及毛利率

  • 挖掘澳門銀行或金融機構業務的需求,幷梳理設計出完整的解决方案,爲客戶提供專業的服務;

  • 協調業務相關的部門,負責推動解决方案落地執行;

  • 維護銀行客戶關係,及時瞭解客戶情况推動項目前進幷處理相關問題;

  • 定期匯報業務工作情况;

  • 按時完成公司交辦的其他工作。


  • 本科及以上學歷,有澳門銀行或金融大客戶服務經驗優先;

  • 具備良好的溝通能力,抗壓能力强、市場拓展能力及學習能力,有責任心,良好的服務意識和團隊合作精神;

  • 能熟練使用office相關産品,尤其有PPT的美化能力;

  • 熟悉澳門銀行業務及金融機構的相關工作流程優先



  • 負責商戶營銷及服務工作

  • 洽談商戶合作的推廣活動

  • 跟進大企業商戶及重點支行的各項服務事宜

  • 制作商戶營銷,服務及活動的介紹數據

  • 進行商戶管理及分析,有效地提升交易流用等各項工作

  • 服從公司的工作安排


  • 大學本科畢業;

  • 具有1年或以上營銷或客戶服務經驗;

  • 具有良好的團隊精神及溝通技巧;

  • 中英文水平良好;

  • Office辦公軟件運用熟練。

  • 具有掃碼支付的相關營銷經驗優先。



  • 協助主管安排內勤日常工作;

  • 協助處理及安排緊急工單;

  • 能熟練掌握設備進、出、銷、存的規範操作流程及賬務處理;

  • 熟練運用辦公室軟件(必須熟練使用EXCEL);

  • 負責倉庫產品的日常整理、清潔機具、擺放、出入庫工作及倉庫階段性盤點工作;

  • 倉庫的現場5S管理與標識。



  • 負責POS機日常的安裝和維護工作;

  • 負責商戶的機具操作使用和對賬平台使用的培訓;

  • 負責ECR商戶的對接跟蹤及維護;

  • 負責大商戶的專場培訓;

  • 負責零交易商戶的回訪激活;

  • 負責推廣活動的物料派發;


  • 負責機具的安裝、培訓和維護工作;

  • 負責其他指派的服務工作;

  • 男性,澳門本地居民,有電單車;

  • 高中以上學歷;

  • 責任心強,工作態度認真,溝通能力較好。



  1. Email:

  2. 電話:2875 2592

$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, IT 資訊科技, M06BJ

Honeywell 澳門招聘


Honeywell ( is a Fortune 100 technology company that delivers industry-specific solutions that include aerospace products and services; control technologies for buildings and industry; and performance materials globally. Our technologies help aircraft, buildings, manufacturing plants, supply chains, and workers become more connected to make our world smarter, safer, and more sustainable.

Senior Field Service Technician

Join a team recognized for leadership, innovation and diversity

Start your career by making an impact and real connections with some of the most meaningful challenges around. When you join Honeywell, you become a member of our performance culture comprised of diverse leaders, thinkers, innovators, dreamers, and doers who are changing the future.

Make the Best You.

Working at Honeywell is not just creating incredible things. You will have the opportunity to work with our talented and friendly team of professionals and be part of a global team of future shapers.

Join Us and Make an Impact.

We are currently seeking a Senior Field Service Technician to join our Building Automation team in our Macau office. Reporting to the Senior Field Service Supervisor, your focus will be on-site installation, servicing and repair processes of complex equipment and systems, and represent Honeywell at industry conferences and provide technical presentations.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Carry out preventive maintenance and retrofit project works

  • Perform troubleshooting, testing and commissioning works

  • Co-ordinate with customers and subcontractors for service works

  • Prepare and maintain site specific documentation

  • Perform emergency duty outside normal working hours

  • Achieve, measure and report performance indicators and site service objectives

  • Support and get booking opportunities

  • Report near misses, incidents and other opportunities for improvement

  • Carry out hazard and risk assessments


  • Higher Diploma/Degree in Electrical or Electronic Engineering or related engineering discipline

  • Minimum 3-4 years engineering experience


  • Good basic knowledge on computer systems, such as, Microsoft Office Professional, Autocad, Visual Basic, Pascal Programming, Computer System Networking

  • Willing to perform emergency call duty outside normal working hours

  • A good team player

  • Good interpersonal skill

  • Strong commitment to customer satisfaction

  • Have ability to work under pressure

  • Good safety awareness

  • Have working right in Macau

  • Willing travel to HK when requires

Fresh graduate shall also be considered for Field Service Technician position.


  • 12 Days annual leave

  • On Macau Government Holiday

  • Guaranteed double pay AND performance bonus

  • Medical insurance


Please submit your updated resume in Honeywell career page -

About Us

The world is changing. And it’s a familiar story at Honeywell. Our $36 billion business was founded on a legacy of firsts spanning 130 years. We’re building a safer, smarter, and more sustainable world through our technology and software across each of our 930 sites globally. Our impact is seen in every shape and size around the world. Our solutions are felt daily in aerospace, buildings and cities, retail, chemicals and materials, safety, industrial and manufacturing, safety, and supply chains.

Discover More

We’ve been innovating for more than 100 years and now we’re creating what’s next. There’s a lot more available for you to discover. Our solutions, our case studies, our #futureshapers, and so much more. Learn more at

If you believe what happens tomorrow is determined by what we do today, you’ll love working at Honeywell.

The future is what we make it. So join us and let’s do this together.

Honeywell is an equal opportunity employer, and we support a diverse workforce. Qualified applicants will be considered without regard to age, race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, marital status, affectional or sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, nationality, sex, religion, or veteran status. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are encouraged to apply.

$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, IT 資訊科技, GM 綜合管理, M07CJ, Marketing 市場行銷及傳播, Urgent Hiring 急聘職位

AI Robotics Company Limited 澳門招聘


AI Robotics Company Limited (AI Robotics) is a pioneering provider of cutting-edge robotics solutions for diverse industries. Since our establishment in 2010, we have remained steadfast in delivering the highest quality and most advanced robotic services. Our dedicated team of technical support professionals brings intelligent technology services to various sectors, including food and beverage, retail, healthcare, and hotels, driving cost reduction, operational efficiency, and increased productivity for businesses and communities.

We take pride in being a leading service provider specializing in robotic solutions, introducing advanced service-oriented robots to the Hong Kong and Macau regions. Through our offerings, we optimize day-to-day business operations and promote technological advancements in the service industry.

Business Development Executive / Manager

Attractive Package:

  • Competitive base salary with commission opportunities based on performance.

  • Exciting incentive programs to reward outstanding achievements and successful sales strategies.


  • Identify and pursue new business opportunities in the service robot market to meet the growing demand for robotic solutions.

  • Build and maintain strong relationships with potential clients through effective sales strategies and negotiation techniques.

  • Conduct market analysis and develop marketing plans to promote products/services effectively.

  • Utilize your experience in direct sales, particularly in the F&B catering, to drive successful sales outcomes.

  • Engage in business negotiations and develop proposals to secure new partnerships and contracts.

  • Possess excellent market analysis and marketing promotion capabilities.

  • Collaborate with the technical team to deploy the robotics solutions, to address specific requirements of client and ensure customer satisfaction

  • Demonstrate a proactive and positive attitude, with the ability to handle pressure effectively.

  • Monitor competitors' activities and gather market intelligence to proactively adjust strategies for maintaining a competitive edge.


  • Diploma or above, with a preference for candidates with backgrounds in robotics, business, Information Technology, or marketing.

  • Proven track record in sales and business development, preferably in the technology or robotics industry.

  • Familiarity with robotic solutions and their applications in different industries.

  • Excellent communication, coordination, negotiation, and presentation skills.

  • Strong market awareness and the ability to identify potential business opportunities.

  • Fluent in Cantonese and Mandarin and good command in both written and spoken English.

  • Proactive and self-motivated, with the ability to handle pressure effectively.

  • Sales experience in the F&B catering, retail, KTV, hotel or healthcare equipment industries with successful sales cases is preferred.

  • Previous experience in the service robot market or related industries is advantageous.

Join our team at AI Robotics as a Business Development Executive / Manager and play a crucial role in driving our company's growth through successful sales strategies. We pride ourselves on delivering high-quality robotics solutions and strive for excellence in everything we do. If you are a motivated and driven professional seeking to thrive in a dynamic industry, we encourage you to apply.


Please submit your resume, expected salary, relevant documents to

We look forward to having you on board!