junior 基層員工

$10k - 20k, Admin 行政, Property 地產業, Urgent Hiring 急聘職位, M06DJ





  • 負責接聽電話及處理客人查詢;

  • 編寫事件報告,月報告,通告等;

  • 製作報表;

  • 核對停車場泊車數據;

  • 外勤、支援寫字樓日常工作等。


  • 高中或以上學歷程度,具中英語書寫能力;

  • 熟練使用辦公軟件,如Microsoft Office(Word, Excel);

  • 具清晰準確的中文書寫能力,對數字敏感,具備基本的數據分析能力;

  • 能夠獨立工作,也能夠團隊合作,細心及有責任心;

  • 持電單車或私家車車牌,及能即時上班優先。



  • 負責一切與物業內的有關的物業管理事宜;

  • 監督場所內員工及設備保養公司的工作;

  • 每月編排員工值班表,編寫事件報告;

  • 回應客戶的訴求;

  • 向公司匯報管轄區域的事宜;

  • 處理緊急突發事件。


  • 高中或以上學歷程度,曾修讀物業管理相關專業培訓課程;

  • 有物業管理的工作經驗及停車場管理經驗優先;

  • 對工作有責任心,積極主動,做事細心,有良好的溝通能力;

  • 持電單車或私家車車牌,及能即時上班優先。



  • 負責物業內水、電、照明等設備的保養及維修工作;

  • 處理物業內緊急維修工作。


  • 高中或以上學歷程度,具水電、系統及設施維修保養的工作經驗;

  • 對工作有責任心,做事細心,能獨立工作,有良好的溝通能力;

  • 持電單車或私家車車牌,及能即時上班優先。



  • 日常巡查物業內公共設施;

  • 處理客戶查詢及投訴;

  • 物業內發生的事情;

  • 執行上級指派的工作和分配。


  • 男女不拘,小學程度,有責任心,強健體魄。

  • 曾修讀物業管理員的培訓課程優先。



  • 清潔物業公共地方及設施,保持環境整潔;

  • 執行上級指派的工作和分配。


  • 男女不拘,小學程度,有責任心,強健體魄。



$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, $40k - 50k, Construction 建築業, Freelance 兼職, Hotel 酒店業, F-JSCM1, JSCMPT1, M06BJ



$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, Freelance 兼職, JSCMPT1, Retail 零售業, JSCM16R3, M05AJ


全職 / 兼職

$20k - 30k, $10k - 20k, Freelance 兼職, JSCMPT1, TL 交通運輸與物流, M05BJ

Menzies Macau Airport Services Ltd 澳門招聘

Menzies Macau Airport Services Ltd 澳門招聘-01.png


明捷澳門於 1994 年成立,是首間澳門國際機場的地勤服務公司。為配合發展需要,於 2001 年更名為明捷澳門。主營業務包括客運服務、貴賓服務、地勤及行李服務、機艙清潔及飲用水補足、航空貨運及倉儲、飛機過站及地面設備維修等全面的航空地勤服務,為來往澳門國際機場的所有航班提供全面的地面支援服務。


Established in 1994, Menzies Macau Airport Services Company Limited formally adopted its name in the year 2001.

Menzies Macau is a full-scope ground services provided at Macau International, offering Passenger services; Operations Control; Ramp and Baggage services; Aircraft cleaning; Cargo handling and warehouse; Aircraft line maintenance.

Menzies Macau is a strategic joint-venture corporation by leading companies both in Asia and worldwide. Through year of continued efforts, Menzies Macau has developed a successful business system with extensive international ground handling experience. There is one thing we never change: striving to deliver a consistent and reliable operation for our airline’s customer.

Airport Logistic Business Center, Room 52, Macau International Airport, Avenida do Aeroporto, Taipa, Macau



Security Officer


  • Monitor and supervise the maintenance and the implementation of the Local Security Programme through regular on-the-spot audit/inspection.

  • Assist in assessing security threats.

  • Conduct the investigation of incident/accident involving failure in the implementation of security controls.

  • Assist in preparing a contingency plan that is appropriately responsive to aviation security incidents.

  • Assist liaise with the relevant civil aviation authorities, airport authorities and airline representatives in matters of civil aviation security.

  • Facilitate meetings with the relevant department heads in matters of internal and airport security issues.

  • Recommend appropriate security measures to be incorporated in the Local Security Programme as the need arises.

  • Monitor the implementation of security preventive measures on the facilities of the company, such as Offices, Warehouse, Hangar, etc.

  • Conduct Security Awareness briefing & training as required.

  • Conduct periodic security inspection/audit to ensure appropriate risk assessments are completed at department level.

  • Co- responsible for ensuring an effective security risk management system

  • Any other duties assigned by the manager.


  • Degree holder in any discipline

  • Macau Car driving license require

  • Good computer skill in Words, Excel and PowerPoint

  • Self-motivated, disciplined, organized and able to work under pressure

  • Able and willing to work outside office hours, weekends and holidays

  • Good presentation skill

  • Good command of both written and spoken English and Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese)

  • Relevant experience in courier field will be definitely an advantage

I.T. Technician


  • Supports the Assistant IT Manager on administrative and routine tasks

  • Ensure IT Policy is signed by all staff

  • Perform or check Windows Updates on Laptops and Workstations

  • Retrieve Radio Records from the Radio Recording System if required

  • Provide hardware and software support for Menzies Ticketing Counter

  • Supports the Assistant IT Manager on Network and Server diagnostics and configuration

  • Perform routine check on Customer Survey machines at the Airport Terminal Building

  • Generates Customer Survey Reports for Passenger Service Department and Finance Department for analyst

  • Performs General IT support

  • Install or repair IT equipment (workstation, laptop, printer and etc.)

  • Maintains and updates General IT records

  • Assists in the implementation of technical solutions

  • Responsible for local domain credentials maintenance


  • Degree or relevant disciplines in Computer Science / IT

  • Good command of English, Cantonese and Mandarin

  • Ability to work in multitask and to prioritize

  • Excellent organizational, coordination, communication, listening skills and a good team player

Benefits include:

  • Transportation Allowance

  • 10 days Annual Leave (addition 1 day every year up to 15 days)

  • Birthday Leave

  • Group Medical Insurance

  • Provident Fund

Clerical Assistant


  • Implement the safety and security programme to all level.

  • Produce periodical safety report, such as safety performance, trends, statistics, summary of accidents/incidents reports etc.

  • Conduct periodical inspections of workplace health and safety.

  • Manage records, maintenance and retention of safety related documents.

  • Assist in review and deliver health and safety training.

  • Assist in safety activities/exercises and campaign.

  • Communicate and coordinate with appropriate authorities, customer airlines, subcontractors and operational managers for the company’s safety programme

  • Assist in manage risk assessments are completed at department level.

  • Any other duties assigned by the manager.

  • Promotion opportunities


  • Degree holder in any discipline

  • Good computer skill in Words, Excel and PowerPoint

  • Self-motivated, disciplined, organized and able to work under pressure

  • Able and willing to work outside office hours, weekends and holidays

  • Good presentation skill

  • Good command of both written and spoken English and Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese)

Employee Relations Officer

We are inviting a personable, adaptable, and dynamic Employee Relations Officer to join our Human Resources department. The ideal candidate will have experience in the Employee Relations functions with experience in leading change and building lasting employee relationships within the organization, as well as a good understanding of the HR functions and operations. The focus of this role is to identify requirements within the department and develop new and innovative ways to reduce staff turnover rates and improve overall morale.


  • Collaborating and communicating with employees to understand their concerns.

  • Counselling and providing guidance and support to the employees and resolving their issues.

  • Understanding and knowing the company’s benefits and compensation programs and packages.

  • Investigating and identifying the root cause of issues and misunderstandings within various departments.

  • Keeping an up-to-date record of promotions and benefits given to the employees.

  • Organizing and attending employee off-the-job training / workshop / staff activities.

  • Assisting with the HR recruitment in hiring new, suitable, competence employees.

  • Assisting with termination decisions and attending and recording exit interviews and taking on board feedback.

  • Performing background checks for new hires were required.

  • Aiding communication between management and employees and resolving issues.

  • Ensuring the company’s policies are kept up to date, in line with industry best practices and comply with local labor law.

  • Attending conferences and events as an employee liaison to keep up to date with current trends and possible improvements.


  • Bachelor’s degree in Human Resources or related discipline, or equivalent work experience and education

  • Demonstrated work experience as an Employee Relations specialist, or a similar role, position

  • In-depth understanding of Macau Labor Relations Law

  • Ability to multitask and effectively prioritize own workload

  • Outstanding communication skills both written and verbal, with excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to converse with various types of people from multiple backgrounds and cultures

  • Good listening and communication abilities

  • Proficiency in MS Office

  • Well-developed critical thinking and problem-solving abilities

  • Ability to lead, delegate effectively and motivate a team

  • Sound approach and understanding of the importance to maintain sensitive and confidential information

Part Time Passenger Services Agent 


  • Provide Special Services to passengers, such as disabled passengers, unaccompanied minor, etc

  • Logging baggage left over from flights

  • Guiding passengers and providing information


  • Good command of English, Cantonese and Mandarin

  • Ability to work in multitask and to prioritize

  • Good organizational, coordination, communication, listening skills and a good team player

Safety Officer


  • Ensue the implementation of the safety programme is established at all level.

  • To ensure health and safety information and actions are taken in each department consistently.

  • Provide health and safety advices and guidance to operational managers.

  • Produce periodical safety report, such as safety performance, trends, statistics, summary of accidents/incidents reports etc.

  • Conduct periodical inspections of workplace health and safety.

  • Conduct periodical audit for quality assurance.

  • Manage records, maintenance and retention of safety related documents.

  • Assist in review and deliver health and safety training.

  • Organize and assist in safety activities and exercises.

  • Performance of the company’s safety programme, and for ensuring communication and coordination with appropriate authorities, customer airlines, subcontractors and operational managers.

  • Ensure appropriate risk assessments are completed at department level.

  • Review all accident and incident reports; ensure that serious accidents and incidents are investigated; risk assessments are completed to ensure necessary actions are taken to prevent a recurrence.

  • Any other duties assigned by the manager.


  • Degree holder in any discipline

  • Good computer skill in Words, Excel and PowerPoint

  • Self-motivated, disciplined, organized and able to work under pressure

  • Able and willing to work outside office hours, weekends and holidays

  • Good presentation skill

  • Good command of both written and spoken English and Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese)

  • Relevant experience in courier field will be definitely an advantage



  • 負責駕駛拖車運輸貨品,確保準時安全運送到指定位置


  • 需持有效澳門汽車駕駛執照

  • 體格強健、能刻苦耐勞

  • 須24小時輪班及戶外工作

  • 小學程度或以上

Part Time TCO 兼職航班協調服務員


  • 協調所有信息,並準確及時傳遞給相關部門

  • 確保飛機安全及準時起飛

  • 處理及確保飛行文件準確

  • 確保記錄和處理航班所有資料及時間

  • 滙報所有不正常運作情況及協調處理相關問題


  • 高中或以上程

  • 能操流利英語、廣東話或普通話

  • 熟識電腦文書操作

  • 能對數字有靈敏的觸覺

  • 能獨立處理一切文件

  • 需要24小時輪班及在戶外、惡劣天氣及颱風下工作

  • 必需持有半年以上有效澳門駕駛執照並按部門需要考取機場駕照


  • 交通津貼

  • 年終花紅

  • 每年10天年假(每工作滿1年即增加1天年假,直到15天爲止)

  • 生日假

  • 醫療保險

  • 退休金計劃

Benefits include:

  • Transportation Allowance

  • Discretionary Bonus

  • 10 days Annual Leave (addition 1 day every year up to 15 days)

  • Birthday Leave

  • Group Medical Insurance

  • Pension Fund

Interested parties please email your resume with expected salary to us at human.resources.mfm@menziesaviation.com

Candidates not notified within one month should consider their application unsuccessful. Personal data collected is solely for recruitment purpose only and will be treated in strictly confidential.

$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, Urgent Hiring 急聘職位, Marketing 市場行銷及傳播, Design 設計, M07CJ





  • 處理日常工作編排,包括會議、公司活動、客人接待等。

  • 妥善完成各項文檔的收集、草擬、整理、審批發佈及存檔 。


  • 積極主動及有效率完成被指派的突發任務和工作 。

  • 需具備良好英語溝通和寫作能力

  • 1年及以上秘書或行政工作經驗

  • 具有寫作及撰寫公文經驗及能力,新聞或中文系畢業優先

  • 熟悉 MS Office

  • 工作積極主動、認真細緻有責任心

  • 持澳門居民身份證





  • 對接公司客戶,并完成訂單及項目管理;

  • 按客戶要求進行報價,對接相關同事及供應商安排制作;

  • 跟進各項目安裝直到完成;


  • 持有效澳門居民身份證

  • 中、英文書寫能力良好

  • 良好溝通技巧、獨立及依時完成工作

  • 具有良好的責任感, 積極主動和團隊合作精神

  • 具項目策劃、展覽攤位、活動場地裝飾經驗優先



司機 (全職)


  • 負責僱主及客人日常接送工作


  • 持有效澳門居民身份證

  • 中文表達能力良好

  • 良好溝通技巧、獨立及依時完成工作

  • 具有良好的責任感, 積極主動,有禮

  • 對澳門及氹仔街道熟識

  • 安全意識強

  • 具3年以上駕駛經驗





  • 按公司相關同事委派項目進行安裝

  • 跟進各項目安裝直到完成


  • 持有效澳門居民身份證

  • 中文表達能力良好

  • 良好溝通技巧、獨立及依時完成工作

  • 具有良好的責任感, 積極主動和團隊合作精神

  • 需接受日夜輪班工作及體力勞動

  • 具項目策劃、展覽攤位、活動場地裝飾及貼紙裝裱經驗優先



設計師 (全職)


  • 項目設計、展覽攤位、活動場地裝飾、平面海報等相關設計


  • 持有效澳門居民身份證

  • 中、英文書寫能力良好

  • 具有良好的責任感和團隊合作精神

  • 良好溝通技巧、獨立及依時完成工作

  • 具創意、有責任感及積極主動

  • 設計系畢業

  • 熟悉使用設計軟體

  • 懂3D 軟件、After Effects 為優先




聯絡E-mail : cally@onsadv.com

$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, $40k - 50k, Others 其他行業, TL 交通運輸與物流, Urgent Hiring 急聘職位, M06BJ

Stanley Black & Decker 澳門招聘


Billing Specialist, Finance Billing Team, Macau

Come Make the World With Us

It takes great people to achieve greatness. People with a sense of purpose and integrity. People with a relentless pursuit of excellence. People who care about making things better For Those Who Make The World™. Sound like you? Join our top-notch team of nearly 60,000 professionals globally who are making their mark on some of the world’s beloved brands, including DEWALT®, CRAFTSMAN®, CUB CADET®, STANLEY® and BLACK+DECKER®

The Job

As a Billing Specialist, you’ll be part of our Finance team located in Macau. You’ll get to:

  • Check Invoice and associate documents matched and Post Invoices by Data entry through SAP

  • Generate billing Invoices on daily basis required with high accuracy and efficiency

  • Daily communication with working team and chasing for open issues with various partners

  • Follow supervisor’s instruction to complete daily operating reports, reconciliations, review and analysis

  • Define and review working procedures

  • Support for other duties and assistance as assigned

  • Internal partner, Supply Chain, Accounting, Transportation and Trade Compliance Team

  • External partner, Customers, forwarders, and Vendor/Suppliers

The Person

You love to learn and grow and be acknowledged for your valuable contributions. You’re not intimidated by innovation. Wouldn’t it be great if you could do your job and do a world of good? In fact, you embrace it. You also have:

  • Degree on University graduates in Business Administration or International Trade

  • With relevant working experience on Import & Export Trade, Plus.

  • Good command of written and spoken in English and Mandarin

  • Good at MS Office Applications, including Access; especially Excel

  • Detail oriented with strong analytical skills

  • Proactive and able to work under pressure and meet tight deadline.

  • Problem Solving Skills

  • Good Communication Skill

  • Holder of Macau ID is a MUST

Sr. Billing Specialist, Finance Billing Team, Macau

Come Make the World With Us

It takes great people to achieve greatness. People with a sense of purpose and integrity. People with a relentless pursuit of excellence. People who care about making things better For Those Who Make The World™. Sound like you? Join our top-notch team of nearly 60,000 professionals globally who are making their mark on some of the world’s beloved brands, including DEWALT®, CRAFTSMAN®, CUB CADET®, STANLEY® and BLACK+DECKER®

The Job

As a Sr. Billing Specialist, you’ll be part of our Finance team located in Macau. You’ll get to:

  • Check Invoice and associate documents matched and Post Invoices by Data entry through SAP

  • Generate billing Invoices on daily basis required with high accuracy and efficiency

  • Daily communication with working team and chasing for open issues with various partners

  • Follow supervisor’s instruction to complete daily operating reports, reconciliations, review and analysis

  • Define and review working procedures

  • Support for other duties and assistance as assigned

  • Internal partner, Supply Chain, Accounting, Transportation and Trade Compliance Team

  • External partner, Customers, forwarders, and Vendor/Suppliers

The Person

You love to learn and grow and be acknowledged for your valuable contributions. You’re not intimidated by innovation. Wouldn’t it be great if you could do your job and do a world of good? In fact, you embrace it. You also have:

  • Degree on University graduates in Business Administration or International Trade

  • + 5 years relevant working experience on Import & Export Trade, Plus.

  • Good command of written and spoken in English and Mandarin

  • Good at MS Office Applications, including Access; especially Excel

  • Detail oriented with strong analytical skills

  • Proactive and able to work under pressure and meet tight deadline.

  • Problem Solving Skills

  • Good Communication Skill

  • Holder of Macau ID is a MUST


Interested parties, please send your CV to serena.ge@sbdinc.com or filionxo.lee@sbdinc.com

And More

We want our company to be a place you’ll want to be – and stay. Being part of our team means you’ll get to:

  • Grow: Be part of our global company with 20+ brands to grow and develop your skills along multiple career paths.

  • Learn: Have access to a wealth of learning resources, including our Lean Academy, Coursera® and online university.

  • Belong: Experience an awesome place to work, where we have mutual respect and a great appreciation for diversity, equity and inclusion.

  • Give Back: Help us continue to make positive changes locally and globally through volunteerism, giving back and sustainable business practices.

All qualified applicants to Stanley Black & Decker are considered for employment without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, veteran’s status or any other protected characteristic.