Secretary 秘書

$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, $40k - 50k, $50k - 100k, Marketing 市場行銷及傳播, Gaming & Entertainment 博彩及娛樂, M04DJ

澳門萬國控股集團 Multinational (Holdings) Group 招聘


$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, $40k - 50k, Hotel 酒店業, JSCMPT1, Freelance 兼職, Gaming & Entertainment 博彩及娛樂, Design 設計, CS 客戶服務, HR 人力資源, Marketing 市場行銷及傳播, M07BJ

SJM Resorts, S.A. 澳娛綜合度假股份有限公司招聘


SJM Holdings Limited is the holding company of SJM Resorts, S.A. , one of the six companies authorized to operate casino games of fortune and other games of chance in casinos, under the terms of a concession granted by the government of the Macau Special Administrative Region in March 2002. SJM is the only casino gaming concessionaire with its roots in Macau.


Learning & Development 培訓及發展部

  1. 助理經理 - 培訓及發展 Assistant Manager - Learning & Development

  2. 主任 - 培訓及發展 Executive - Learning & Development

角子機營運部 Slot Operations

  1. 服務代表 Service Representative

  2. 技術員 Technician

行政辦公室 Executive Office

  1. 行政助理 Administrative Assistant

轎車服務 Limousine Services

  1. 司機 - 轎車服務 Driver - Limousine Services

  2. 代客泊車員 Valet

零售及營運支援 Retail & Operations Support

  1. 高級專員 - 零售營運 Senior Officer - Retail Operations

  2. 專員 - 零售營運 Officer - Retail Operations

  3. 服務臺專員 - 零售營運 Concierge Officer - Retail Operations

人力資源部 Human Resources

  1. 經理 - 薪酬及福利 Manager - Compensation & Benefits

  2. 協調員 - 人力資源資訊系統 Coordinator - HR Information System

  3. 協調員 - 僱員關係 Coordinator - Employee Relations

電子博彩運作部 Electronic Gaming

  1. 服務代表 Service Representative

  2. 技術員 Technician

會計部 Finance & Accounts

  1. 經理 - 博彩審計 Manager - Gaming Audit

  2. 高級審計員 - 博彩審計 Senior Auditor - Gaming Audit

  3. 助理 - 成本會計Associate - Costing

保安部 Security

  1. Manager - System Control - 經理 - 系統控制

  2. Supervisor - Operations - 主任 - 營運

  3. System Operator - 系統操作員

  4. Security Officer - 保安員

項目建設管理部 Project and Construction Management

  1. Assistant Project Manager (Construction) - 助理項目經理 (建造)

  2. Assistant Project Manager (Fitting Out) - 助理項目經理 (室內設計)

  3. Assistant Project Manager (Building Services) - 助理項目經理 (屋宇設備)

  4. Engineer (Construction) - 工程師 (建造)

  5. Supervisor (Construction) - 主管 (建造)

  6. Site Supervisor - 督導員

  7. Safety Supervisor - 安全督導員

貴賓服務 VIP Services

  1. 主任 - 客戶服務 Executive - Guest Services

度假村服務 Resort Services

  1. 服務專員 - 度假村服務 Service Agent - Resort Services

電話市場營銷 Telesales

  1. 服務專員 - 電話市場營銷 Service Agent - Telesales

餐飲部 - 新葡京酒店 Food & Beverage - Grand Lisboa Hotel

  1. 行政餅房主廚 Executive Pastry Chef

  2. 侍酒師 Sommelier

賭具組 Gaming Equipment Department

  1. 技術員 Technician

審計部 Internal Audit

  1. 審計員 Internal Auditor

零售租賃及營運部 Retail Leasing & Operations

  1. 服務臺專員 - 零售營運 Concierge Officer - Retail Operations

供應鏈 (營運及服務) Supply Chain (Operations & Services)

  1. 助理經理 - 供應鏈 Assistant Manager - Supply Chain

  2. 主任 - 供應鏈 Supervisor - Supply Chain

  3. 專員 - 供應鏈 Officer - Supply Chain

銷售部 Sales

  1. 經理 - 銷售部 (會展、商務及宴會) Manager - Sales (MICE & Corporate & Events)

  2. 經理 - 宴會管理 Manager - Event Management

  3. 主任 - 銷售 (會展、商務及宴會) Executive - Sales (MICE & Corporate & Events)

策略分析部 Strategic Analysis

  1. 經理 (市場及銷售分析) Manager (Marketing & Sales)

  2. 助理經理(市場及銷售分析) Assistant Manager (Marketing & Sales)

  3. 高級分析員 (市場及銷售分析) Senior Analyst (Marketing & Sales)

  4. 分析員 (市場及銷售分析) Analyst (Marketing & Sales)

  5. 高級分析員(酒店盈利效益優化) Senior Analyst (Hotel Revenue Optimization)

  6. 分析員(酒店盈利效益優化) Analyst (Hotel Revenue Optimization)

  7. 高級分析員 (商業及數據分析) Senior Analyst (Business Intelligence & Database Analytics)

  8. 高級分析員 (博彩) Senior Analyst (Gaming)

  9. 高級分析員 (市場數據分析及積效優化) Senior Analyst (Market Research & Performance Optimization)

  10. 分析員 (市場數據分析及積效優化) Analyst (Market Research & Performance Optimization)

  11. 問卷調查員 Surveyor

度假村臻尚市場拓展部 Resort Premium Market Development

  1. 助理經理 - 客戶忠誠管理 Assistant Manager - Loyalty Marketing

  2. 主任 - 項目及活動推廣 (數據)助理 Supervisor - Events and Promotions (Data)

  3. 主任 - 廣告及支援 Supervisor - Advertising & Support

  4. 主任 - 娛樂視聽 Supervisor - Audio Visual

品牌發展及市場部 Brand Development & Marketing

  1. 助理經理 - 客戶關係管理及數據分析 Assistant Manager - Digital CRM and Analytics

  2. 高級主任 - 數碼平台及創新 Senior Executive - Digital Platform and Innovations

  3. 助理經理 - 項目推廣及娛樂策劃 Assistant Manager - Events & Entertainment

  4. 助理經理 - 娛樂視聽 Assistant Manager - Audio Visual

  5. 行政 - 項目推廣及娛樂策劃 Administrator - Events & Entertainment

水療及康體部 Spa & Recreation

  1. 理療師 - 水療 Therapist - Spa

  2. 禮賓服務員 - 水療及康體 Concierge - Spa & Recreation

  3. 服務員 - 水療及康體 Attendant - Spa & Recreation

資訊科技部 Information Technology

  1. 經理 - 巿場發展解決方案 Manager - Marketing Solution

  2. 高級分析員 - 巿場發展解決方案 Senior Analyst - Marketing Solution

  3. 分析員 - 巿場發展解決方案 Analyst - Marketing Solution

  4. 經理 - 部門及衛星場服務 Manager - Department & Satellite Service

  5. 助理經理 - 博彩系統方案 Assistant Manager - Gaming Solution

  6. 助理經理 - 前台系統方案 Assistant Manager - Front of House Solution

  7. 分析員 - 前台系統方案 Analyst - Front of House Solution

  8. 高級分析員 - 企業軟件開發 Senior Analyst - Enterprise Software Development

  9. 高級分析員 - 質量保證 Senior Analyst - QA

  10. 分析員 - 數據庫架構管理 Analyst - DAM

  11. 分析員 - 後台營運系統方案 Analyst - BOH Solution

  12. 分析員 - 安全營運 Analyst - Security Operations

機電工程部 Electrical and Mechanical

  1. 督導 - 機電 Supervisor - Electrical and Mechanical

  2. 技術員 - 酒店機電 Technician - Hotel Electrical and Mechanical

  3. 技術員 - 木工、油漆工 Technician - Joiner & Painter

  4. 技術員 - 給排水系統 Technician - Plumbing & Drainage System

管家部 Housekeeping

  1. 主任 - 公共區域 Supervisor - Public Area

  2. 主任 - 房務 Supervisor - Rooms

  3. 管家部調度員 Housekeeping Dispatcher

  4. 協調員 - 管家 Coordinator - Housekeeping

酒店營運部 Hotel Operations

  1. 服務員 - 前台 Agent - Front Office

餐飲部 Food and Beverage

  1. 行政助理 - 餐飲 Administrative Assistant - F&B

  2. 主任 - 食品安全及衛生 Officer - Food Safety & Hygiene

  3. 助理經理 - 餐廳Assistant Manager - Restaurant

  4. 葡萄酒侍酒師 Wine Sommelier

  5. 主任 - 餐飲 Supervisor - F&B

  6. 領班 - 餐飲 Captain - F&B

  7. 茶藝專家 - Tea Master

  8. 茶藝領班 Captain - Tea

  9. 調酒師Bartender

  10. 接待員 Host - F&B

  11. 專員 - 電話銷售 Agent - Telephone Sales

  12. 服務員 - 餐飲 Server - F&B

  13. 總廚 (麵點) Senior Sous Chef (Noodle)

  14. 高級助理總廚 (中餐 / 西餐 / 麵點) Senior Sous Chef (Chinese / Western / Noodle)

  15. 主廚 (糕點 / 中餐 / 西餐) Chef de Partie (Pastry / Chinese / Western)

  16. 助理主廚 (糕點 / 中餐 / 西餐) Demi Chef(Pastry / Chinese / Western)

  17. 廚師 (中餐 / 西餐 / 日本餐) Commis Chef (Chinese / Western / Japanese)

  18. 管事員 Steward


有興趣應徵者,可透過以下方式申請 Interested parties, please apply via:

APPLY NOW 快速申請職位:


$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, $40k - 50k, Retail 零售業, JSCM16R4, M04EJ, Marketing 市場行銷及傳播, Design 設計

NEW YAOHAN 澳門新八佰伴招聘

超過 40 個職缺位空缺!

$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, Urgent Hiring 急聘職位, Marketing 市場行銷及傳播, Design 設計, M07CJ





  • 處理日常工作編排,包括會議、公司活動、客人接待等。

  • 妥善完成各項文檔的收集、草擬、整理、審批發佈及存檔 。


  • 積極主動及有效率完成被指派的突發任務和工作 。

  • 需具備良好英語溝通和寫作能力

  • 1年及以上秘書或行政工作經驗

  • 具有寫作及撰寫公文經驗及能力,新聞或中文系畢業優先

  • 熟悉 MS Office

  • 工作積極主動、認真細緻有責任心

  • 持澳門居民身份證





  • 對接公司客戶,并完成訂單及項目管理;

  • 按客戶要求進行報價,對接相關同事及供應商安排制作;

  • 跟進各項目安裝直到完成;


  • 持有效澳門居民身份證

  • 中、英文書寫能力良好

  • 良好溝通技巧、獨立及依時完成工作

  • 具有良好的責任感, 積極主動和團隊合作精神

  • 具項目策劃、展覽攤位、活動場地裝飾經驗優先



司機 (全職)


  • 負責僱主及客人日常接送工作


  • 持有效澳門居民身份證

  • 中文表達能力良好

  • 良好溝通技巧、獨立及依時完成工作

  • 具有良好的責任感, 積極主動,有禮

  • 對澳門及氹仔街道熟識

  • 安全意識強

  • 具3年以上駕駛經驗





  • 按公司相關同事委派項目進行安裝

  • 跟進各項目安裝直到完成


  • 持有效澳門居民身份證

  • 中文表達能力良好

  • 良好溝通技巧、獨立及依時完成工作

  • 具有良好的責任感, 積極主動和團隊合作精神

  • 需接受日夜輪班工作及體力勞動

  • 具項目策劃、展覽攤位、活動場地裝飾及貼紙裝裱經驗優先



設計師 (全職)


  • 項目設計、展覽攤位、活動場地裝飾、平面海報等相關設計


  • 持有效澳門居民身份證

  • 中、英文書寫能力良好

  • 具有良好的責任感和團隊合作精神

  • 良好溝通技巧、獨立及依時完成工作

  • 具創意、有責任感及積極主動

  • 設計系畢業

  • 熟悉使用設計軟體

  • 懂3D 軟件、After Effects 為優先




聯絡E-mail :

$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, Admin 行政, Government 政府及公共事業機構, M06AJ

CTM 澳門電訊招聘




Interested applicants please send application letter to e-mail address:


Companhia de Telecomunicações de Macau invites application to the posts of:

Senior Clerk, Product Management (Ref. 566)

Job Description:

  • To manage the performance, effectiveness and life cycle of company products via comprehensive and in-depth analysis

  • To interpret data, information & analysis that support business growth & development

  • To handle daily operation & regular reports

  • To handle & take care operation issues


  • Degree holder in Business or Management

  • Fluency in spoken/written English and Chinese, fluency in Putonghua is an advantage.

  • 1 to 2 years of experience in commercial sector

  • Pro-active with good communication skill

  • Good analytical thinking and organizing skills

  • Knowledge / concept of inventory management is an advantage

  • Awareness of CTM products & services is an advantage

Senior Clerk, Planning & Development (Ref. 314)

Job Description:

  • To assist in establishing partnership with external business parties

  • To conduct business analysis for identifying market needs and potential business

  • To monitor and analyze performance and procedures of existing products & services

  • To work closely between internal department and external partners for implementation of new products and service enhancement

  • To coordinate with related marketing parties for establishing appropriate communication channels for delivering new and enhanced services


  • Degree holder in Marketing / Business / MIS or equivalent

  • Fluency in spoken / written English & Chinese

  • Creative, pro-active with good organizing skill

  • Project Management or date analysis experience is preferable

  • Strong sensitivity to telecommunication trends and changes

Senior Clerk, Credit Management (Ref. 491)

Job Description:

  • To manage accounts receivable on mass market and corporate customers

  • To identify, monitor and actively manage on doubtful accounts

  • To follow the established procedures for processing receipts

  • To prepare monthly reports and analysis


  • Degree holder major in Accounting, Finance or equivalence

  • Fluency in spoken /written English & Chinese

  • Fluency in Putonghua is an advantage

  • Experience in accounts receivable is an advantage

  • Strong analytical communication skills

  • Good team work spirit and able to work under pressure

助理倉務主任 (Ref. 552)


  • 整理貨倉存貨、規劃及補貨建議

  • 負責分派、收集及搬運貨物

  • 用電腦系統處理及記錄貨物交易

  • 按公司訂下的質量規格檢查貨物

  • 進行定期盤點

  • 時刻保持倉庫安全、衛生及整潔及貨物完整

  • 一般文書處理 (電郵溝通、Microsoft Office、文檔整理等)


  • 中學或大專畢業

  • 能操流利廣東話,中文書寫,懂英文為佳

  • 持輕型汽車駕駛執照為佳

  • 體格強健、誠實可靠、有責任心、刻苦耐勞、可獨立處理倉務工作

Assistant Manager, Marketing Communications (Ref. 293)

Job Description:

  • To be responsible for marketing communications activities for telecom related products and services in order to cope with market dynamics

  • To enhance product/service penetration by participating and interacting in various marketing activities such as promotion, advertising activities, roadshow and exhibition.

  • To enrich product brand values by enhancing product image with product offerings and deliver the message to reach each segments market.

  • To coordinate and participate in roadshows, sponsorship events, shop decorations and MICE activities.


  • Degree holder in Marketing

  • Fluency in spoken /written English & Chinese

  • At least 3 years and above marketing experience in business sector

  • Good analytical, planning and communication skills

  • Graphic design and create webpage knowledge will be advantageous

Customer Service Executive, Customer Service Provision (Ref. 413)

Job Description:

  • To handle work assignment for both installation & maintenance services

  • To manage installation & maintenance appointment with external & internal customer

  • To manage SLA and field resources

  • To coordinate special event and compile service information for order delivery

  • To provide analysis report to management on regular basis


  • Secondary education or above

  • Fluency in spoken/written Chinese and English

  • Knowledge of Putonghua will be advantageous

  • Good PC knowledge in MS office

  • Good communication and organizing skill

  • A good team player with strong ability to meet assignment and project deadline

Manager, Treasury (Ref. 203)

Job Description:

  • Directly report to Head of Treasury, to assist and support in the overall management and operation of the team

  • To improve the efficiency of daily operation through streamline and automation of process

  • To optimize cash flow and maximize returns through planning, forecast and interface with banks or financial institutes

  • To take care of various kinds of report for submission to group and company management

  • To handle compliance control and participate in ad hoc projects

  • To conduct regular review of insurance policy for catering the needs of company and business development


  • Degree holder in Finance / Accounting or related discipline

  • Fluency in spoken /written English & Chinese

  • Fluency in spoken Putonghua is an advantage

  • 3 years of working experience or more in audit firm or banking industry.

  • Experience in design and implementation of process / workflow automation

  • Holder of CPA is a definite advantage

  • Good leadership & team management skill

  • Good interpersonal skill and strong ability to deal with all level of staff

Account Manager, Sales (Ref No: 248)

Job Description:

  • To lead and provide guidance to Senior Sales Executive in daily sales activities

  • To sell and promote all products and services to corporate/business customers

  • To achieve sales targets, provide value-added solutions to meet customer needs

  • To build rapport and develop long-term relationship with valued customers and achieve high level of customer satisfaction

  • Maximizing business opportunities from either existing or new accounts and securing customers from competitors


  • Degree holder in Business Administration or equivalent

  • Fluency in spoken/written English and Chinese

  • Fluency in Putonghua will be advantageous

  • 3 years or above experience at supervisory position in sales area

  • Technical knowledge in telecom service will be advantageous

  • Able to develop own customer base

  • Result-oriented with strong communication skills

  • Highly independent, self-motivated and enthusiastic

  • Holder of valid light vehicle driving license

IT Specialist, Information Communication Technology Operations (Ref No: 464)

Job Description:

  • To support and maintain core business applications, regular & ad hoc activities in IT Operations Centre

  • To monitor all systems and application services are performing in a steady manner

  • To perform regular UAT, system deployment, backup & restoration job processes

  • To provide analytical studies and resolution for application issues

  • To work and communicate with higher tier support staff for incident and problem solution

  • Report to Duty Head on daily operation


  • Degree holder in Computer Science, Information System or equivalent

  • Fluency in spoken / written English and Chinese

  • To work on 24 hour shift basis

  • Knowledge in business analysis and system development

  • Knowledge in programming language such as Java, C, Unix Shell Script, PLSQL/SQL , database in Oracle and/or MS SQL server

  • One year working experience in system and application support/development environment is an advantage

  • Skill in writing technical documents and specifications is an advantage

Senior IT Specialist, Enterprise Security (Ref No: 165)

Job Description:

  • Assist in development of information security policy and procedures

  • Develop information and network systems security solutions

  • Perform security risk analysis on required products and services

  • Perform system and network security appraisals

  • Perform security incident response, investigation and compliance review

  • Perform administration on security devices

  • To manage of user accounts and access rights

  • Assist in change control management

  • Assist in management of disaster recovery plan in order to achieve ISO27001


  • Degree in Computer Science, Information Security or equivalent

  • Fluency in spoken/written Chinese and English

  • Two years experience in administration of IT infrastructure or in information security

  • Experience in administration of security products like Firewall, IPS, SIEM, vulnerability assessment tool

  • Knowledge in programming languages such as Python or JSON

  • Holder of CISSP/CISA security certificates will be advantageous

  • Good communication and analytical skills

Technician, Data Network Development (Ref No: 585)

Job Description:

  • Assisting in the design and development of IP network architectures and solutions

  • Supporting the implementation and configuration of IP Network equipment such as routers, switches, firewalls, and other network devices

  • Assisting in the planning and execution of IP network infrastructure upgrades and expansions

  • Collaborating with network engineers and cross-functional teams to define network requirements and contribute to network planning

  • Assisting in troubleshooting network issues and conducting root cause analysis

  • Analyzing network performance monitoring and optimization activities

  • Assisting in documenting network configurations, processes, and procedures

  • Keeping abreast with industry standards, emerging technologies and best practices of IP networking

  • Executing new IP network equipment acceptance and validation


  • Degree holder in Telecommunications, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science or related discipline

  • Fluency in spoken / written English & Chinese

  • General knowledge of IP networking principles, protocols, and technologies

  • Basic knowledge of routing protocols (such as OSPF, BGP), VLANs, VPNs, and other networking

  • Basic knowledge of TCP/IP and IP addressing

  • Good communication and good team spirit to collaborate effectively with cross-functional teams

  • Progressive learning attitude to cope with an ongoing changing environment and keeping abreast with technology trends

Technician, Mobile and Fixed Network Development (Ref No: 586)

Job Description:

  • Assisting in the development and deployment of mobile 5G network and fixed network architectures and solutions

  • Supporting the research and analysis of emerging technologies, industry trends and customer requirements for mobile and fixed network services

  • Assisting in the implementation of mobile network and fixed network service strategies

  • Supporting in service integration and delivery

  • Monitoring and analyzing service performance metrics, identifying areas for improvement

  • Assisting in the documentation and reporting of service development activities

  • Keeping abreast with industry standards, regulations, and best practices of mobile and fixed network technologies and solutions


  • Bachelor holder in Telecommunications / Electrical Engineering / Computer Science or related discipline

  • Fluency in spoken / written English & Chinese

  • General understanding of IP network technology and routing protocols (OSPF, BGP)

  • Good analytical and problem-solving skills to assist in assessing market needs and identifying service opportunities.

  • Basic project management skills to support service development

  • General knowledge with mobile network technologies is a definite advantage

  • Good ability to adapt to new technology in fast speed

  • Good communication and team spirit

  • Progressive learning attitude to cope with an ongoing changing environment and keeping abreast with technology trends

Assistant Service Engineer, Airport O&M (Ref No: 555)

Job Description:

  • To carry out preventive and corrective maintenance for Airport Systems in the core areas of aviation communication, navigation, surveillance, IT & security.

  • To ensure all the maintenance works are carried out in accordance to the defined procedures

  • To coordinate the maintenance related matters with customer's representatives

  • To provide efficient response to the enquires from both internal and external customers regarding system status

  • To perform timely update of system maintenance processes

  • To carry out ad hoc installation works


  • Degree holder in Electronics / Communications / IT or related engineering disciplines

  • Fluency in both spoken/written English & Chinese

  • Mandatory to work on shift basis

  • Able to work at height

  • Holder of light vehicle driving license; Holder of heavy vehicle driving license is a definite advantage

  • 1 to 2 years of experience in providing helpdesk services is a definite advantage

  • Good customer service concept and communication skill

  • To provide non-office hour support and emergency call-out when necessary

Technician, Network Operations (Radio Network O&M) (Ref No: 493)

Job Description:

  • To manage the Radio Access Network (RAN) operation and site administration

  • To prepare data information for new site implementation

  • To manage RAN inventory

  • To provide support services for network incident issues

  • To support special event operation and provide monitoring services during the event

  • To provide emergency call-out and non-office hour support


  • Degree holder in Telecommunications or equivalent

  • Fluency in spoken/written English & Chinese

  • Fluency in Putonghua will be advantageous

  • Holder of light vehicle driving license

  • 2 year working experience in handling radio network optimization

客戶服務主任,零售及中小企銷售發展 (Ref. 10)


  • 於銷售店內為客戶提供服務及推廣公司產品

  • 收集客戶意見及把客戶諮詢轉為推廣機會

  • 提出建議以改進銷售店運作及業務

  • 支援店內行政工作


  • 中學程度或以上

  • 能操及書寫流利中英文

  • 有客戶服務經驗為佳

  • 良好人際關係及溝通技巧

  • 具基本電腦知識

  • 具電子及資訊產品潮流觸覺

客戶服務主任,聯繫中心運作及管理 (Ref. 282)


  • 於以專業態度接聽客戶來電及解問查詢,提供高效率的服務

  • 準確瞭解客戶需求並給予適當的解答及指引

  • 運用系統快速查詢相關訊息及資料,為客戶提供所需的產品及服務

  • 以專業及適當態度處理客戶投訴

  • 透過熱線電話推銷公司的產品及服務


  • 中學畢業, 大專或以上學歷為佳

  • 能操流利廣東話及普通話

  • 能以英語與客戶對答優先考慮

  • 勤懇, 有禮, 良好溝通及表達能力

  • 懂電腦文書處理及中文輸入法

  • 具備良好中文書寫能力

  • 輪班工作

  • 具備熱線服務工作經驗 (尤以電訊業)者優先考慮

  • 對智能客服範疇有認知或熟識者優先考慮

客戶服務主任,客戶服務供應 (光纖安裝及保養) (Ref. 401)


  • 為客戶提供光纖到戶服務包括安裝,維修及保養工作

  • 為客戶提供高速寬頻,固網電話及專線之安裝及維修服務


  • 中學程度或以上

  • 能操流利廣東話,略懂英語及普通話更佳

  • 具2年或以上為客戶提供光纖及寬頻接駁,安裝及維修服務經驗

  • 良好電腦安裝及維修經驗,熟識路由器設定及電腦軟件

  • 具基本工業安全知識

  • 良好客戶服務態度

  • 持輕型私家車或重型電單車駕駛執照

**Applications will be treated in strict confidence and information will be used for recruitment purpose only.

$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, Investment 投資, M04DJ








  • 持澳門身份證 (歡迎新移民)

  • 高中畢業

  • 有獨立處事能力、有責任心、處事成熟、具良好人際技巧

  • 有兩年相關工作經驗優先


  • 年終獎金

  • 醫療福利、退休金等

  • 良好晉升機會



查詢電話: +853 6211 1208



  • 持澳門身份證 (歡迎新移民)

  • 大學學位

  • 有獨立處事能力、有責任心、處事成熟、具良好人際技巧

  • 最少一年工作經驗

  • 從事前線銷售、銀行、旅遊業及中小企創業人士優先


  • 無上限佣金、年終獎金

  • 考取國際認可專業資格

  • 公司贊助年度旅行

  • 醫療福利、退休金等

  • 良好晉升機會



查詢電話: +853 6211 1208



  • 持澳門身份證 (歡迎新移民)

  • 大學學位或中五畢業(必須有工作經驗)

  • 愛生活、有活力、對未來有想法

  • 想用有限的時間創造最大的價值


  • 無上限佣金、年終獎金

  • 考取國際認可專業資格

  • 公司贊助年度旅行

  • 醫療福利、退休金等

  • 良好晉升機會



查詢電話: +853 6211 1208

$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, $40k - 50k, Freelance 兼職, I-JSCM1, JSCMPT1, Others 其他行業, Retail 零售業, Bank 銀行業, JSCM16R4, Urgent Hiring 急聘職位, Marketing 市場行銷及傳播, M06AJ

Manpower 澳門招聘

每日更新職缺 !

$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, Admin 行政, JSCM16R4, M07CJ, Retail 零售業





  • 高中以上學歷,3年以上工程跟進工作經驗優先;

  • 有效傳達客戶的需求及意願,協調及跟進業務的執行進度;

  • 性格主動積極、反應敏捷及獨立思考能力;

  • 良好的溝通能力,人際關係和團隊合作精神﹔

  • 對内及對外郵件往來之收發、回覆和文書歸檔等工作。


  • 星期一至星期五(5天工作)、醫療福利;

  • 底薪+高佣金;

  • 我們會提供結構完善全方位培訓,公平良好的內部晉升機會及不定期舉辦員工活動。

申請方式 :




  • 協助總經理處理公司日常事務,包括各類文書處理、分析報告、簽核文件整理及發送、並負責追蹤執行狀況;

  • 協助總經理全面深化推動各項工作的進展等;

  • 協助總經理處理有關公司營運及業務方面工作;

  • 協助總經理做好外賓接待、行程安排工作,陪同總經理參加各類會議、商務隨行。


  • 中、英文書寫及表達能力強;

  • 本科以上學歷,有良好的職業經歷及綜合素質;

  • 具三年以上貿易、銷售或公司管理經驗優先;

  • 具有良好的商務禮儀素質,形象端莊得體,綜合素質好;

  • 具有較強的組織、協調、溝通能力及人際交往能力;



  • 主要負責銷售公司產品,完成銷售目標﹔

  • 編制銷售報表,定期向上級匯報銷售情況;

  • 跟進销售流程,包括報價、方案、合同擬定及簽署、產品交付及收款 等;

  • 收集分析市場和客戶數據,提升公司產品及服務質素;

  • 負責內外部協調, 提供優質的售前及售後服務;

  • 定期拜訪客戶,進行客戶維護,與客戶建立良好合作關係,有效傳達客戶的需求及意願,協調及跟進業務的執行進度等。


  • 3年以上銷售經驗,有工程或項目工作經驗優先。

  • 熟悉銷售跟進流程及批發銷售經驗優先;

  • 積極主動、反應敏捷及獨立思考能力;

  • 優秀的溝通能力,人際關係和團隊合作精神﹔


  • 提供具市場競爭力薪酬待遇、福利待遇豐厚、團體醫療、每周五天工作、有薪年假;

  • 我們會提供結構完善全方位培訓,公平良好的內部晉升機會及不定期舉辦員工活動。



$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, JSCMPT3, Others 其他行業, M07AJ






  • 負責公司空間運營行政工作;

  • 負責維護客戶關係,聯絡和協調,解決客戶空間內服務需求;

  • 負責在自媒體號(FB, IG, 微信公眾號)及網站文案撰寫及發佈;

  • 負責為客戶或公司策劃項目及活動作執行及推動。


  • 工作經驗:兩年以上工作經驗,需具有行政,活動協調工作經驗;

  • 學歷要求:大專或以上;

  • 技能及個人能力要求:

  • 具有獨力工作能力;

  • 具良好理解力,溝通協調能力,執行力;

  • 性格開朗,責任心強,具有服務工作態度,主動積極;

  • 熟練office應用及繪畫圖軟件;


  • 在職培訓;

  • 工作表現獎勵,業績獎勵,花紅獎勵;

  • 提供有薪假期10天起,有薪病假7天;

  • 薪金面談,請在求職信內說明薪金要求。


歡迎有熱情和有志於社團機構服務之應屆畢業生投職。 歡迎固定時間內兼職崗位申請


  • 負責協會會員,架構成員之聯絡,協調各邀請活動之出席聯絡工作。

  • 負責會務之會員大會(一年一次),理監事等會議(一月一次)準備。

  • 負責活動自媒體運營(FB, IG, 微信公眾號,網站)文案撰寫及發佈。

  • 負責社團舉辧之各活動執行及推動工作。


  • 工作經驗:兩年或以上工作經驗且具有活動策劃和秘書工作經驗 。

  • 學歷:大專或以上學歷;


  • 具有獨力工作能力;

  • 熟練OFFICE 應用;

  • 具良好理解力,溝通協調能力,執行力;

  • 學習能力強,有良好的抗壓力;

  • 性格開朗,責任心強,工作態度好,主動積極;


  • 在職培訓;

  • 工作表現獎勵;

  • 提供有薪假期10天起,有薪病假7天;

  • 薪金面談。薪金面談,請在求職信內說明薪金要求。



  • 項目開發及策劃,企劃案撰寫及提案;

  • 按規劃推進項目各環節工作


  • 工作經驗: 兩年或以上工作經驗,需具有策劃,會展,展示設計經驗,具有獨立執行能力。

  • 學歷:大專或以上學歷


  • 熟練OFFICE 應用;懂AI, Photoshop, 影片剪接等多媒體應用軟件加分

  • 具良好理解力,良好溝通協調能力,執行力;

  • 學習能力強,邏輯性強,有良好的抗壓力;

  • 性格開朗、責任心強、工作態度好,主動積極的服務態度;

  • 接受出差大灣區工作,接受項目執行需求引起的加班工作;

  • 接受周六輪班工作


  • 項目獎勵,項目分紅,工作表現獎勵;年終分紅,

  • 提供在職培訓;

  • 提供有薪假期10天起,有薪病假7天

  • 底薪MOP15,000起,按經驗再面談 (請在求職信內說明薪金要求)



  • 跨部門溝通協調;

  • 合作策劃案撰寫與提案;

  • 專案項目執行與推動;

  • 各社交平台的文案撰寫和圖片製作;


  • 工作經驗:一年以上工作經驗,需具有與工作內容相關的工作經驗;

  • 學歷要求:大專或大學或以上;


  • 熟悉簡報及繪圖軟體應用;

  • 具獨立工作能力,細心且擅溝通協調;

  • 性格開朗,責任心強,工作態度好,主動積極;

  • 接受出差大灣區工作,接受項目執行需求引起的加班工作;

  • 接受周六輪班工作


  • 項目獎勵,工作表現獎勵,花紅獎勵;

  • 提供有薪假期10天起,有薪病假7天;

  • 薪金面談。請在求職信內說明薪金要求。



$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, M03AJ



秘書長 一名


  • 執行會員大會決議通過的年度工作計劃及控制預算;

  • 執行管理委員會決議交辦的所有工作,並定期向管理委員會主席提交工作報告;

  • 制訂學會的年度工作報告、翌年工作計劃及預算;

  • 組織策劃所有學會培訓活動,包括課程及講座;

  • 安排及分配學會人員的工作;

  • 對外聯絡及磋商合作,尤其是引入澳門金融業發展所需的培訓課程及專業資格考試;

  • 代表學會參加公開活動;

  • 學會尚需的其他行政管理工作。


  • 為澳門特別行政區居民;

  • 學士學位或以上學歷;

  • 至少八年的相關工作經驗;

  • 卓越的人際及溝通技巧

  • 良好的中英文書寫能力及粤語和普通話會話能力

  • 良好的管理及分析能力;

  • 能獨立策劃和盡責執行職務;

  • 熟悉微軟辦公室(MS Office)應用程式和中文文書處理。

優先條件 :

  • 曾於金融機構擔任管理職務;

  • 擁有碩士學位或金融方面的專業資格;


  • 每月薪酬視乎學歷及經驗而定,受聘人享有十四個月薪酬(包括假期津貼)、十五日有薪年假、醫療保險、公積金等保障。


應聘者應透過電郵方式於 2024 年 6 月 23 前將申請信、詳細履歷(包含現時及期望薪酬)、身分證明文件副本、畢業證書及相關證書等證明文件發送至


應聘者向本會提交的個人資料僅供是次招聘用途,及享有第 8/2005 號法律《個人資料保護法》資料當事人的權利。



$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, M03AJ, Admin 行政





  • 大學畢業或以上,具有工作經驗優先;

  • 具較強的分析能力,文字表達及報告撰寫能力;

  • 有責任心,良好人際關係及對法律行業有興趣人士;





$10k - 20k, Admin 行政, M03BJ, NGO 社會企業及非牟利機構




  • 社團會務工作,籌辦推廣活動和不同工作項目的安排落實等。


  • 大學或以上畢業

  • 具良好中文書寫能力

  • 具良好溝通能力、具責任心、積極主動、能獨立工作及團隊合作精神

  • 具處理及應對問題技巧

  • 有電單車牌或社團工作經驗優先



$10k - 20k, NGO 社會企業及非牟利機構





  • 撰寫申請表、講話稿、新聞稿及各類文書

  • 統籌、組織、協調活動和會議

  • 對外聯絡和公關工作,發展及聯繫會員


  • 有社團秘書工作經驗者優先

  • 具良好寫作和溝通水平

  • 態度認真嚴謹,具抗壓能力、有耐性及責任心

  • 策劃、組織及活動項開展、撰寫活動計劃書、新聞稿、活動報告



