$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, $40k - 50k, JSCMPT2, CS 客戶服務, GM 綜合管理, Gaming & Entertainment 博彩及娛樂, Admin 行政, M05AJ

Shun Tak Group 信德集團澳門招聘


Human Resources Officer (Compensation & Benefits)

Job Responsibilities:

  • Prepares and calculates payroll timely, accurately and appropriately, including but not limited to standard deductions, pension fund and taxes, often against tight deadlines;

  • Prepares social security fund and pension fund documents for submission;

  • Prepares Macau Professional Tax reports for submission quarterly and annually;

  • Answer staff enquiries concerning individual salary and deduction, leave and benefits entitlement;

  • Handle staff insurance claims, premium payments and resolves work injury cases;

  • Prepares periodic HR reports, including payroll, leave, work injury etc. and other reports as required;

  • Other HR administration work including personal files update and HR expenses claims and reimbursements.

Job Requirements:

  • Bachelor degree in Business Administration / Human Resources Management or related discipline;

  • Minimum 2 years solid experience in Compensation & Benefits, especially in payroll calculation;

  • Fluent in spoken and written English and Chinese;

  • Good communication and presentation skills;

  • Experience in using HRMS is must;

  • Well versed with Macau Labour Relations Law, knowledge in China Labour Law is an advantage.



  • 負責電腦網絡技術的管理及支援;

  • 對PC及OA軟件、E-mail系統、Internet、Intranet、系統軟硬件等進行技術支援;

  • 執行新硬件和軟件的研發工作;

  • 向集團旗下公司提供技術支援;

  • 協助上級對技術人員進行監督。


  • 持有資訊科技本科或以上相關學歷;

  • 至少5 年以上 IT 網絡、系統基礎架構和安全的相關經驗;

  • 熟悉 MS Windows 操作系統, MS Office、Windows Server 和 VMWare 平台、互聯網安全軟件等;

  • 熟悉Microsoft Active Directory、SQL Server、Exchange Server、Firewall、VPN、LAN switch、MDM軟件的管理。

Network Analyst


  • Perform computer network technical support and management tasks independently;

  • Perform technical support to PC, related peripherals and OA software, E-mail system, Internet, Intranet, STHL websites, user application systems, system software and hardware at disaster recovery site independently;

  • Perform hardware and software administration tasks;

  • Assist superior in technical staff supervision;

  • Perform research and development task on new hardware and software;

  • Provide technical support to Group's related 3rd party companies as and where required;

  • Assist in performing IT and administration and department administration tasks;


  • Degree holders in Computer Studies/ Information Technology or related disciplines;

  • 5 years relevant experience in IT networking, system infrastructure & security;

  • Hands on experience in supporting MS Windows OS and MS Office, Windows Server and VMWare platforms, Internet security software;

  • Familiar with the administration of Microsoft Active Directory, SQL Server, Exchange Server, Firewall, VPN, LAN switch, MDM software;

  • Knowledge of desktop software deployment tools, cloud solution, backup solution, VC software and SAN storage an advantage;

  • Team player, proactive, self-motivated to look for solutions, work independently, good communication skills, problem solving and interpersonal skill;

  • Proficiency in written and spoken English and Cantonese.

We offer long-term career prospects and competitive remuneration packages to the right candidates. Interested parties should send the detailed resume with expected salary to The Group Human Resources, 398 Alameda Dr. Carlos D’Assumpcao Edificio CNAC, 11 andar, NAPE, Macau or email to recruitmacau@shuntakgroup.com or contact (853) 8296 3263 for inquiries. 

All applications received will be used exclusively for employment purpose only.

我們提供有競爭力的薪酬待遇和長遠的職業前景。請將詳細的履歷郵寄至澳門新口岸宋玉生廣場 398 號中航大廈 11 樓集團人力資源部,或電郵至 recruitmacau@shuntakgroup.com 或致電 (853) 8296 3263 查詢。




  • 處理日常收銀結賬及銷售工作;

  • 協助經理並確保店鋪整體運作正常,以達到公司標準規定;

  • 向客戶推介銷售產品、促銷優惠及活動以鼓勵銷售;

  • 協助經理完成每月盤點工作及日常工作記錄。


  • 中學畢業或以上學歷;

  • 有1-3年零售工作經驗;

  • 有玩具零售店舖工作經驗者優先;

  • 良好的客戶服務及溝通技巧;

  • 能操流利廣東話,基本國語和英語的能力;

  • 需輪班工作及於各分店工作。

We offer long-term career prospects and competitive remuneration packages to the right candidates. Interested parties should send the detailed resume with expected salary to The Group Human Resources, 398 Alameda Dr. Carlos D’Assumpcao Edificio CNAC, 11 andar, NAPE, Macau or email to recruitmacau@shuntakgroup.com or contact (853) 8296 3263 for inquiries. 

All applications received will be used exclusively for employment purpose only.

我們提供有競爭力的薪酬待遇和長遠的職業前景。請將詳細的履歷郵寄至澳門新口岸宋玉生廣場 398 號中航大廈 11 樓集團人力資源部,或電郵至 recruitmacau@shuntakgroup.com 或致電 (853) 8296 3263 查詢。



Senior Marketing Executive / Marketing Executive (CRM)

Job Responsibilities:

  • Manage the VIP Lounge in One Central, supervise and support the team to provide excellent customer services to tenants and VIP customers;

  • To train and coach individual team members, monitor the team’s daily operations;

  • Answer VIP customers’ enquiries and handle complaints in a professional manner;

  • Handle administrative work such as data entry, customers’ invoice registration and redemption;

  • Assist Marketing team in the execution of marketing activities including development of marketing collaterals and coordination of marketing promotions;

  • Prepare marketing collaterals, assist in the logistic of the inventory control such as shopping vouchers, gifts, leaflets and raffle tickets;

  • Maintain the accuracy of customer database.

Job Requirements:

Bachelor degree in Hospitality/ Marketing related;

  • Minimum 3 years in customer relations or loyalty marketing experience or related interests in mall industry;

  • Less experience will be considered as Marketing Executive;

  • Good command of spoken and written Mandarin, Cantonese and English;

  • Self-motivated, aggressive and hardworking;

  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office.

管業服務員 II (商場物業助理)


  • 負責商場內的客戶服務工作、處理客戶投訴;

  • 負責確保物業設施妥善保養、跟進物業設施的保養問題;

  • 監督服務供應商的表現;


  • 高中或以上學歷;

  • 具物業管理或客戶服務經驗;

  • 能夠獨立工作,良好的人際關係及溝通技巧。

We offer long-term career prospects and competitive remuneration packages to the right candidates. Interested parties should send the detailed resume with expected salary to The Group Human Resources, 398 Alameda Dr. Carlos D’Assumpcao Edificio CNAC, 11 andar, NAPE, Macau or email to recruitmacau@shuntakgroup.com or contact (853) 8296 3263 for inquiries. 

All applications received will be used exclusively for employment purpose only.

我們提供有競爭力的薪酬待遇和長遠的職業前景。請將詳細的履歷郵寄至澳門新口岸宋玉生廣場 398 號中航大廈 11 樓集團人力資源部,或電郵至 recruitmacau@shuntakgroup.com 或致電 (853) 8296 3263 查詢。





  • 協助經理並確保店鋪整體運作正常,包括收銀結賬及銷售、人事管理等工作;

  • 負責完成每月盤點工作及日常工作記錄;

  • 培訓員工及編排人手以協助達成銷售目標;

  • 監督員工嚴格遵守食品安全和衛生要求。


  • 至少具有3年或以上餐飲經驗,有管理經驗者優先考慮;

  • 具有雪糕零售經驗者會作優先考慮;

  • 主動積極,有責任心,獨立工作,熱誠有禮,具團隊精神及良好溝通技巧

  • 能操流利廣東話,基本國語和英語的能力;

  • 需輪班工作及於各分店工作。



  • 處理日常收銀結賬及銷售工作;

  • 協助經理並確保店鋪整體運作正常,包括所有冰點質素以達到公司標準規定;

  • 及時檢查並向經理報告庫存及配料狀況以進行補貨;

  • 向客戶推介銷售產品、促銷優惠及活動以鼓勵銷售;

  • 協助經理完成每月盤點工作及日常工作記錄。


  • 至少具有1年或以上餐飲經驗;

  • 具有雪糕零售經驗者會作優先考慮;

  • 良好的客戶服務及溝通技巧;

  • 能操流利廣東話,基本國語和英語的能力;

  • 需輪班工作及於各分店工作。




  • 負責處理店舖日常食品銷售及收銀

  • 提供優質顧客服務及推廣有關產品

  • 協助進行盤點工作


  • 至少具有1年食品銷售經驗;

  • 具有雪糕零售經驗者會作優先考慮;

  • 良好的客戶服務及溝通技巧;

  • 能操流利廣東話,基本國語和英語的能力;

  • 需於週末及公眾假期上班;

  • 需輪班工作。

We offer long-term career prospects and competitive remuneration packages to the right candidates. Interested parties should send the detailed resume with expected salary to The Group Human Resources, 398 Alameda Dr. Carlos D’Assumpcao Edificio CNAC, 11 andar, NAPE, Macau or email to recruitmacau@shuntakgroup.com or contact (853) 8296 3263 for inquiries. 

All applications received will be used exclusively for employment purpose only.

我們提供有競爭力的薪酬待遇和長遠的職業前景。請將詳細的履歷郵寄至澳門新口岸宋玉生廣場 398 號中航大廈 11 樓集團人力資源部,或電郵至 recruitmacau@shuntakgroup.com 或致電 (853) 8296 3263 查詢。



洗衣主管 / 洗衣助理主管


  • 中學程度或以上;

  • 五年或以上洗衣及相關管理經驗。


  • 監察駐場運作情況,保持工作過程暢順;

  • 向員工推行培訓,確保員工依照安全及健康的程序工作,並達到本公司的質量標準;

  • 確保洗衣設備及洗滌劑達到良好的質量以應付日常運作,並主動向上級提出有缺損及安全風險問題的設備;

  • 計劃及安排進行日常作業,並向上級匯報及檢討日常工作情況和員工表現。

We offer long-term career prospects and competitive remuneration packages to the right candidates. Please apply in confidence with your detailed resume stating your current and expected salary to send Email to pmhr_macau@shuntakgroup.com. All applications received will be used exclusively for employment purpose only.


Shun Tak Macau Services Limited macau jobscall.me recruitment ad 澳門招聘-01.jpg

清潔員 (全職/兼職)


  • 刻苦耐勞,體格強健;

  • 必須持有效澳門居民身份證。


  • 全職 - 8 小時工作,加班另計,有薪年假及有薪病假,在職培訓等

  • 兼職 - 彈性上班時間

有意者請於辦公時間內致電 2885 5735 與趙先生約見。



  • 小學程度或以上;

  • 有兩年或以上相關工作及管理經驗;

  • 對清潔化學用品及供應有認識;

  • 必須持有本地輕型汽車駕駛執照及有效澳門居民身份證。

有意者請於辦公時間內致電 2885 5735 與趙先生約見,或將履歷連同要求待遇,郵寄至澳門氹仔米尼奧街134號,或電郵至 pmhr_macau@shuntakgroup.com

Shun Tak Property And Facility Management Limited

Assistant Property & Facility Manager


  • Assist the Property & Facility Manager in overseeing the day-to-day operations of a designated property portfolio;

  • Supervise the daily operations of the Property Officer and other staff;

  • Monitor the performance of cleaning, security, and other maintenance contractors.

  • Oversee the repair and maintenance conditions of the properties;

  • Liaise with HMC and coordinate with others in provision and occupational health and safety;

  • Implement the company's environmental and quality work.


  • Diploma or above degree in property management or a related discipline. Holding MCIH / MRICS certificates will be an advantage;

  • 3-4 years of experience in property management, with 1-2 years at a supervisory level;

  • Knowledge of Macau's Building Management Ordinances will be an advantage;

  • Strong and effective leadership skills, with solid people and team management abilities;

  • Strong sense of self-discipline and responsibility;

  • Good command of written and spoken English and Chinese.

Senior Property Officer 高級物業主任


  • To be responsible for day-to-day operation of a designated property portfolio

  • To handle complaints and enquiries of the customer including but not limited to residents, contractors & visitors

  • To oversee the repair and maintenance conditions of the properties

  • To supervise the performance of cleaning, security and other maintenance contractors

  • Any other duties as assigned by Manager


  • Diploma or above.

  • Minimum 1 year relevant working experience in management of large scale commercial premises.

  • Good command of both spoken and written English and Chinese.

  • Possess hands-on experience in MS Office & Chinese Word Processing.

  • Customer-oriented and able to work under pressure.

  • Work independently and good communication skill.

Clubhouse Ambassador 會所大使


  • To assist in the day-to-day operation in the clubhouse, include function room and all outlet of clubhouse;

  • To answer occupants’ enquiries and handle their initial complaints;

  • To monitor the assigned contractors for carrying out their duties;

  • To maintain the tidiness and cleanliness of the clubhouse and report any irregularities and loss of item in all facilities;

  • Any other duties as assigned by superior.


  • Secondary school graduated or above;

  • With experience in club house / hotel industry will be an advantage;

  • Good command of both spoken and written English and Chinese;

  • Hands-on experience in MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint, etc.;

  • Pleasant and good interpersonal skill.



  • 中學程度或以上;

  • 具工程相關牌照及證書優先;

  • 具備兩年或以上樓宇修繕與維護的實際操作經驗。


  • 負責屋苑日常維修保養(如空調,水電系統等)。

Clubhouse Ambassador(Part Time) 會所大使 (兼職)


  • To assist in the day-to-day operation in the clubhouse, include function room and all outlet of clubhouse;

  • To answer occupants’ enquiries and handle their initial complaints;

  • To monitor the assigned contractors for carrying out their duties;

  • To maintain the tidiness and cleanliness of the clubhouse and report any irregularities and loss of item in all facilities;

  • Any other duties as assigned by superior.


  • Secondary school graduated or above;

  • With experience in club house / hotel industry will be an advantage;

  • Good command of both spoken and written English and Chinese;

  • Hands-on experience in MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint, etc.;

  • Pleasant and good interpersonal skill.

Customer Services Officer 客戶服務主任


  • To handle customers' enquiries, complaints and emergency cases;

  • To check and inspect all common areas;

  • To check the patrol report and submit to the management office;

  • To assist in monitoring the attendance of building management staff;

  • To follow the instructions of the management staff;

  • To handle enquiries and complaints;

  • Other duties as assigned by superior.


  • Secondary school graduated or above;

  • Minimum 1 years' relevant working experience;

  • Uniform and shift duty is required;

  • Independent and customer-oriented;

  • Good command in written & spoken English & Chinese.

We offer long-term career prospects and competitive remuneration packages to the right candidates. Interested parties should send the detailed resume with expected salary to The Group Human Resources, 398 Alameda Dr. Carlos D’Assumpcao Edificio CNAC, 11 andar, NAPE, Macau or email to recruitmacau@shuntakgroup.com or contact (853) 8296 3263 for inquiries. 

All applications received will be used exclusively for employment purpose only.

我們提供有競爭力的薪酬待遇和長遠的職業前景。請將詳細的履歷郵寄至澳門新口岸宋玉生廣場 398 號中航大廈 11 樓集團人力資源部,或電郵至 recruitmacau@shuntakgroup.com 或致電 (853) 8296 3263 查詢。



Managed by Shun Tak Management Services Group Limited, Macau Tower Convention & Entertainment Centre is more than just the region’s large-scale venue for high-end MICE events. It is also a leisure and tourism complex that anchors a unique venue for business and social events, an entertainment and recreation centre and up-market retail area.
We invite high caliber candidates to take up an exceptional career opportunity as:


Commercial Executive

Job Responsibilities:

  • Manage and coordinate with Travel Agents to ensure necessary arrangements are made in advance per their requirements;

  • Assist the team in achieving monthly, quarterly, and annual revenue goals;

  • Disseminate departmental messages both internally and externally, maintain open and clear interdepartmental communication;

  • Support team with calls when needed and deliver excellent customer service to our guests;

  • Support E-commerce team with event photography and promotions;

  • Complete and support special projects as assigned by the Commercial team;

  • Oversee the maintenance of the filing system and generate ad hoc reports for relevant departments.

Job Requirements:

  • Bachelor's Degree in Business, Hospitality, Marketing, or a related discipline;

  • Minimum 3-5 years of relevant experience, preferably in the hospitality industry;

  • Proficiency in MS Office and industry relevant software, knowledge of Delphi and Salesforce would be a plus;

  • Strong time management and communication skills;

  • Ability to work effectively in a team, dynamic, self-motivated, and detail-oriented;

  • Good command of both written and spoken English and Chinese.

Part Time Assistant

Global Tourism Economy Research Centre 世界旅遊經濟研究中心


  • Assist in arranging meetings and site visits for various Forum stakeholders during Forum preparation stage;

  • Assist in the back-end support during the preparation stage of the Forum and on-site support during Forum period;

  • Help follow up on post-Forum administrative tasks;

  • Assist in the research and database management of the Centre;

  • Assist in handling the administrative tasks of the Centre;


  • A good team player with strong communication and interpersonal skills;

  • Patient to work and receive training under pressure;

  • Have strong multi-tasking ability;

  • Proficient in Cantonese, English and Putonghua would be advantage.

Sales Manager

Job Responsibilities:

  • To assist the department head in developing the strategic business plan and achieving the set targets and goals for Macau Tower;

  • Implement action plans and achieve the monthly, quarterly, and annual sales budget stated in the strategic business plan;

  • Maintain and strengthen relationships with the existing customer base, ensuring repeat business and increasing business from the existing customer base;

  • Maintain a high level of exposure and penetration in target market segments through direct sales calls/visits and new prospecting cold calls;

  • Conduct daily sales activities with potential customers, plan frequent visits to corporate accounts, promote and negotiate with potential customers;

  • Liaise closely with the F&B/event coordinator and the Banquet Service Manager to ensure customers' events are handled professionally;

  • Send out proposals to customers and follow through until the contract is confirmed and payments are received;

  • Perform any related duties and special projects as assigned.

Job Requirements:

  • Possess a business degree or related professional qualification;

  • Have at least 2 years of experience at the managerial level in the MICE or related industry;

  • Good command of spoken and written Cantonese, English and Mandarin;

  • Possess technical sales skills;

  • Have experience in customer relationship management, managing and directing a sales team;

  • Relevant product and industry knowledge;

  • Exhibit a solid understanding of digital sales platforms;

  • Knowledge of Delphi and Salesforce would be a plus.

Assistant Sales Manager – Leisure

Job Responsibilities:

  • Develop and grow the assigned market/agents and ensure to achieve the sales goals set thru established strategic plans;

  • Prospect for new accounts and key accounts, and contract travel agents for Macau Tower;

  • Achieve individual monthly, quarterly, and annual revenue goals, and contribute to achieve team's monthly, quarterly, and annual revenue goals set by the organization;

  • Promote and negotiate with potential customers. Send out proposals to customers and follow through until the contract is secured. Conduct site inspections when necessary;

  • Ensure repeat accounts are reviewed regularly for production and renew/update contracts as needed;

  • Write up and implement a strategic plan to achieve sales goals and develop into new markets;

  • Grow the Macau Tower database with qualified potential travel agents, corporate clients, wholesale consultants, and any other customers with opportunities for Macau Tower;

  • Create awareness and actively sell/promote Macau Tower by conducting sales calls and participating in trade shows and other industry functions;

  • Attend meetings and report on sales information when necessary;

  • Perform any related duties and special projects as assigned.

Job Requirements:

  • Possess a business degree bachelor's degree, preferably in Business, Tourism, Hospitality, Marketing, or a related discipline;

  • Have a minimum of 3-5 years of experience in the Hospitality industry;

  • Be proactive and goal-oriented;

  • Possess excellent interpersonal and communication skills;

  • Good command of both spoken and written English, Cantonese and Mandarin;

  • Proficient in Microsoft Office;

  • Knowledge of Delphi and Salesforce would be a plus.

Assistant E-Commerce Manager

Job Responsibilities:

  • Manage Macau Tower's website content to ensure all information is up-to-date;

  • Support the development of strategy and digital materials to achieve the department's online sales goals;

  • Create and launch products on Macau Tower's direct online sales platform;

  • Work closely with web developers to ensure the website is built to drive sales and reservations, and provide an excellent user experience;

  • Cooperate in the creation of all necessary promotional materials, including written copies (in Chinese and English), images, and videos;

  • Assist in the creation and management of promotional campaigns across various channels, including PPC, SEO, EDM, social media, etc.;

  • Work closely with digital marketing agencies to acquire quality website traffic;

  • Analyze various data in order to deliver data-driven strategies to achieve the KPI targets;

  • Keep up-to-date with the latest e-commerce trends and technologies, and provide suggestions to senior management for better e-commerce results.

Job Requirements:

  • Possess a bachelor's degree in Digital Marketing or a related field.

  • Have at least 2 years of experience in a similar role.

  • Possess good quantitative skills with the ability to analyze web data and web design.

  • Demonstrate rich knowledge of digital advertisement channels such as PPC (Pay Per Click), social media, and display channels.

  • Have a good understanding of the digital landscape.

  • Be tri-lingual in Mandarin, English, and Cantonese.

  • Be willing to travel on business trips when needed.




  • 不論學歷

  • 需輪班工作

Senior Accountant

Job Responsibilities:

  • Prepare sales analysis report to highlight trends, issues and opportunities;

  • Handle AP and prepare month-end closing and analysis for Profit & Loss;

  • Review monthly financial performance of business to highlight major variances (compared with budget) and follow up explanations;

  • Prepare budgets, forecasts, consolidation and other management reports;

  • Assist in drafting Policies and Procedures, follow up operational contracts and handle administrative documents with different internal departments;

  • Support project analysis and ad hoc requests.

Job Requirements:

  • Bachelor Degree in Accountancy or related disciplines;

  • Minimum 5 years or above relevant accounting experience, preferably in hospitality industry, with minimum 2 years in supervisory level;

  • Hands on experience in handling financial reporting and budgeting;

  • Proficiency in MS Office and experience in Flex Accounting System preferred, with good analytical mind and data presentation skills;

  • Audit experience would be an advantage;

  • Good time management and communication skills;

  • Able to work independently, dynamic, self-motivated and detail-oriented;

  • Good command of both written and spoken English and Chinese.


Audio Visual Technician 影音設施技術員

Job Responsibilities:

  • To work closely with Senior Technician, Banquet Manager & Sales Manager to complete settings for every events and standby to control facilities;

  • Keep good communication with Sales team & Banquet Manager about event setups, special requirements and program rundown;

  • Follow the Event Order and fully understand the requirements about AV setups, lighting & sounds control, logistics & rundown to carry out the task accurately;

  • Maintain all AV equipment’s in good condition and function after using;

  • To quick response for any changes in operations and flexible in the job function to perform other reasonable duties to meet business demands and guest needs.

Job Requirements:

  • Secondary school graduated or above;

  • At least 3 years working experience in Audio Visual in the hospitality industry;

  • Good knowledge in functionality, settings and maintenance of AV equipment’s and lighting systems;

  • Strong teamwork spirits and delegation skills, and able to take initiatives;

  • Positive attitude and good interpersonal skills;

  • Good computer knowledge and English skills are required;

  • Able to work under work pressure or event overrun.

Stewarding Manager


  • To have a full working knowledge and capability to supervise, correct and demonstrate all duties and tasks to the standard set;

  • To ensure that the assigned steward areas are managed efficiently according to the established concept statement, providing a courteous, professional, efficient and flexible service;

  • To develop standard operation procedures which allows the stewarding department to operate at an acceptable cost and ensures that the monthly forecasted cost are achieved;

  • To be demanding and critical when it comes to operation standards;

  • To implement a flexible scheduling based on business patterns;

  • To ensure an effective payroll control through a flexible work force, maximize utilization of part time employees and close cooperation with other stewarding areas;

  • To identify training needs and plan training programs for the employees.


  • Minimum 3 years’ relevant experience in stewarding with 2 years at the managerial level, preferable in hospitality;

  • Good in management, leadership and inter personnel skills;

  • Strong sense of responsibility, self-motivated and able to work independently under pressure;

  • Good command of both written and spoken English and Chinese.



  • 提供優質的餐飲服務給客人


  • 至少有兩至三年或以上的餐飲服務工作經驗

  • 有責任心、熱誠

  • 操流利廣東話,懂英文及國語會話



  • 負責管理及確保布草房的日常運作順暢。

  • 確保洗衣承包商和供應商提供優質且符合公司標準的服務。

  • 監管布草房及洗衣使用情況的數據庫。

  • 掌握布草技術、各類紡織物品和洗滌用品性能,有必要時向部門員工作出有效的建議。

  • 有效地與其他部門進行溝通並建立良好的關係。


  • 中學畢業或以上程度。

  • 持有至少6年或以上酒店相關管理工作經驗;有製衣廠工作經驗者優先考慮。

  • 良好粵語、國語及基本英語。

  • 能操作基本電腦文書處理。

Director of Business Development & MICE Sales

Job Responsibilities:

  • Fully responsible for short & long term strategies to meet the sales goals and revenue of business development and MICE;

  • To prospect and implement action plans set forth in the MICE Sales Strategic Plan to secure new and repeat business for Macau Tower;

  • To generate new business with creative campaigns, telemarketing and other methods actively to ensure maximum revenue potential and Macau Tower events that will lead to visitations;

  • To provide best customer service to the clients with the team and increase customer loyalty and partnerships by cultivating long term relationships;

  • To understand, evaluate and analyze the industry and competitors with latest market conditions & economic trends. Provide feedback and advice to the General Manager – Commercial and determine best pricing strategy, marketing plans and identify business opportunities;

  • To prepare, implement, compile data for the strategic plan and proposals, sales budget & annual goals, monthly reports & forecasts and other reports as directed/required;

  • To monitor day to day activities & sales efforts of direct reports and teammates with specific responsibility for directing sales;

  • To evaluate and attend/assign attendant to major trade/travel functions and business sales trips, to generate a healthy ROI and growth of client database in potential market areas;

  • To develop concept presentations for new products, events and services including the budgeting, promotions of the events and getting annual calendar prepared;

  • To maintain and promote a team work environment with effective and clear communication amongst co-workers;

  • To work with Group Marketing and Corporate Communication for effective marketing and promotion activities.

Job Requirements:

  • Bachelor degree in Events, Tourism or Exhibition Management;

  • At least 10 years’ experience at managerial level in sales of hospitality/MICE related industry with good track record of achieving goals;

  • Self-motivated with strong time and leadership management skills, keen abilities to set and achieve priorities;

  • Strong problem-solving skills, ability to effectively manage multiple tasks simultaneously, delegate effectively, ability to remain positive and constructive under stress;

  • Knowledge of business and management principles involved in strategic planning, leadership technique, effective production methods, and coordination of people and resources;

  • Skilled in monitoring the performance of others or organizations to make improvements or take corrective action;

  • Good at computer skills and software, including Microsoft Word and Excel; Sales Force knowledge a plus;

  • Fluent in written and spoken English, Cantonese and Mandarin.

廚師 (西式廚房)


  • 確保所有食物的準備、烹飪、供應均符合標準規範

  • 確保他監督下的所有廚師都遵循標準化食譜和程序


  • 中三級或以上

  • 至少1年相關工作經驗

  • 服從安排,能夠獨立工作

一級廚師 (西式廚房)


  • 確保所有食物的準備、烹飪、供應均符合標準規範

  • 確保屬下所有廚師都遵循標準化食譜和程序

  • 完成主廚、副主廚交辦的其他職責


  • 中三級或以上

  • 至少3年相關工作經驗

  • 服從安排,能夠獨立工作

Senior Manager – Project

Global Tourism Economy Research Centre 世界旅遊經濟研究中心

Strategically based in Macao, the Global Tourism Economy Research Centre is an independent, non-profit international research organization with a special purview on tourism and travel development in Asia. Attuned to what is happening in the region through research and exchange platforms, the Center shares ideas with government bodies and travel and tourism-related stakeholders on how Asia’s development will positively impact the world. The Centre’s progressive and unique approach to aggregating and analyzing research from global authoritative bodies seeks to deliver solutions and advance ideas that will lead to the sustainable development of travel and tourism in the region and around the world.

Job Responsibilities:

  • Developing and implementing a strategic plan that aligns with the organization’s mission and goals, and ensures that the organization is well-positioned to achieve its objectives;

  • Overseeing the organization’s finances, including budgeting, forecasting, and financial reporting;

  • Ensuring that the organization is operating within its budget and that financial resources are being used effectively and efficiently;

  • Staff management: recruitment, hiring and managing staff, ensuring that they have the skills and resources they need to be successful, and providing regular feedback and coaching to help them grow and develop;

  • Building and maintaining strong relationships with the organization’s board of directors, ensuring that they are well-informed about the organization’s activities and progress, and working closely with them to provide governance and oversight.

Job Requirements:

  • Bachelor or master’s degree in relevant field such as business administration, non-profit management, or event management;

  • Minimum 5-10 years of experience in a leadership role in a non-profit organization;

  • Strong financial management skills, including budgeting, forecasting and financial;

  • Strong leadership skills, including the ability to motivate and inspire staff;

  • Excellent communication skills, both of written and verbal, and the ability to effectively communicate the organization’s mission, goals, and activities to a wide range of audiences.



  • 為賓客提供優質的餐飲服務

  • 以熱誠及有禮的態度接待賓客並端送食物及飲品


  • 至少一年餐飲工作經驗(具有宴會餐飲經驗者優先考慮)

  • 有團隊合作精神及對客戶服務工作有熱誠

  • 能同時處理多樣工作,主動及能獨立工作

  • 能操流利廣東話或普通話

We offer long-term career prospects and competitive remuneration packages to the right candidates. Interested parties should send the detailed resume with expected salary to The Group Human Resources, Macau Tower Convention & Entertainment Centre, Group Human Resources Department, Largo da Torre de Macau, Macau or email to recruitmacau@shuntakgroup.com or contact (853) 8988 8825 for inquiries.

All applications received will be used exclusively for employment purpose only.

我們提供有競爭力的薪酬待遇和長遠的職業前景。請將詳細的履歷郵寄至澳門觀光塔前地澳門旅遊塔會展娛樂中心集團人力資源部,或電郵至 recruitmacau@shuntakgroup.com 或致電 (853) 8988 8825 查詢。


Retail Officer (Leasing)


  • Coordinate with various departments on maintenance, daily operations, new projects and fit out including layout planning and design, technical requirements, property management and marketing plan in timely and efficient manner;

  • Handle leasing enquiry and tenancy negotiation issues including renewal and resolving tenant complaints;

  • Handling the leasing administration including proposals, offer letters, agreements and related documents;

  • Handle the collection of due fees and charges in accordance with the obligations under tenants' agreements in timely and efficient manner;

  • Ensure the timely and accurate preparation of reports;

  • Establish and foster positive business relationship with existing and potential tenants;

  • Other duties and responsibilities as assigned;

Job Requirements:

  • Bachelor degree or above;

  • 2 years working of experience in customer services sector;

  • Formal training in mall / property management/ retail disciplines would be an advantage;

  • Good command of English and Mandarin, both spoken and written;

  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office applications;

  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills with positive attitude.

Administration Assistant, Property Sales


  • To answer customer enquiries and perform quality after-sales services;

  • To prepare and process Sales & Purchase Contract (SPC) and related legal documents regarding property sales and agreement transfer;

  • To liaise with internal and external parties i.e. law firm for property transaction;

  • To execute research work on market trends.


  • Secondary school graduated or above;

  • Good command of written and spoken English and Chinese, Mandarin is an advantage;

  • Customer oriented with good interpersonal and communication skills;

  • Good PC knowledge and immediate available is preferred.

We offer long-term career prospects and competitive remuneration packages to the right candidates. Interested parties should send the detailed resume with expected salary to The Group Human Resources, 398 Alameda Dr. Carlos D’Assumpcao Edificio CNAC, 11 andar, NAPE, Macau or email to recruitmacau@shuntakgroup.com or contact (853) 8296 3263 for inquiries. 

All applications received will be used exclusively for employment purpose only.

我們提供有競爭力的薪酬待遇和長遠的職業前景。請將詳細的履歷郵寄至澳門新口岸宋玉生廣場 398 號中航大廈 11 樓集團人力資源部,或電郵至 recruitmacau@shuntakgroup.com 或致電 (853) 8296 3263 查詢。
