$10k - 20k, JSCM16R1, Retail 零售業, $20k - 30k, Design 設計, M05AJ

DFA Macau Limited 澳門招聘


Sales Associate 店務員

  • 積極主動、自信、具備良好的溝通能力及銷售技巧

  • 介紹品牌理念,協助推廣及銷售商品

  • 提供商品的相關信息,解答顧客的疑問及提供建議

  • 負責商品陳列、貨品存管及收銀等工作


  • Plan and develop merchandising strategies that balance customers' expectations and company's objectives

  • Analyse sales figures, customers’ reactions and market trends to anticipate product needs and plan product ranges/stock

  • Collaborate with suppliers, distributors and analysts to negotiate prices, quantities and time-scales

  • University graduate

  • Good presentation, interpersonal and communications skills

  • Good command of written and spoken English and Chinese

Staff Benefits:

  • 勤工獎金

  • 年終花紅

  • 公積金

  • 進修津貼

  • 在職培訓

  • 完善醫療福利

  • 員工購物優惠

  • 每月8天休假

  • 最多12天有薪年假


Interested parties, please send resume with expected salary to: careersatmacau@yahoo.com.hk