
$30k - 40k, $20k - 30k, $10k - 20k, GM 綜合管理, Hotel 酒店業, Marketing 市場行銷及傳播

Grand Hyatt 澳門君悅酒店招聘


【Inviting Talents】

Grand Hyatt Macau provides comprehensive training for our associates and career development opportunities. If you are interested in joining the Hyatt’s family, please forward your resume to

Follow us on Instagram and WeChat:
Instagram: grandhyattmacau
WeChat: 澳门君悦酒店

#GrandHyattMacau #GrandHyatt #澳門君悅酒店 #GoGrand




[ 8 月 2 日 ] Grand Hyatt 澳門君悅酒店招聘日


【招聘日 Recruitment Day】

加入澳門君悅酒店,展現您的才華! 歡迎親臨8月2日招聘日參加即場面試,是次招聘活動對象僅限澳門居民。如有查詢,請於辦公時間內致電人力資源部 8868 1311查詢。

Join our Recruitment Day on Aug 2 with on-site interviews available to showcase your talents at Grand Hyatt Macau. This event is for Macau residents only. For more information, please reach us at 8868 1311.

日期: 2024年8月2日

時間: 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM/ 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM

地點: 二樓,沙龍廳 伍 Level 2, Salon V


*Interested candidates please bring along with your resident identity card copy, resume and a recent photo.
