【❤️攝影者福音】美國專業攝影師協會限時免費開放 - 超過 1,100 個線上課程!



國際攝影組織「美國專業攝影師協會(PPA)」亦免費開放 PPA 網上攝影教學平台中所有網上課程,去幫助有需要的人士,即使在家中也能提升自身的謀生技能,免費開放為期兩個星期。

值得留意的是,PPA 教學平台上合共免費開放超過 1,100 個線上課程。除了不同範疇的攝影技巧之外,更有商業類的相關課程,以提供更全面的業務訓練。


資料來源:Professional Photographers of America


Unlock all of PPA's Education

Make the most of your downtime; over the next few weeks we are unlocking all of our education. 

Times are tough - we need to be at our best. More kindness. More patience. More giving.  And we at PPA want to pitch in to make things a little easier. What better way to spend your time at home than preparing your business for when things kick back into high gear?

That’s why PPA is opening ALL of our online education to ALL photographers and small business owners worldwide for the next two weeks.

All you need to do is create a free account to access over 1,100+ online classes. If you already have a PPA account, login to access all of PPA's education. 


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