Rider Levett Bucknall Macau Limited 利比澳門有限公司

$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, Construction 建築業, Urgent Hiring 急聘職位, M07AJ

Rider Levett Bucknall Macau Limited 利比澳門有限公司招聘


利比是一家全球領先的工料測量顧問公司,於 1962 年在香港成立。隨著香港經濟不斷發展,經過多年積極經營,公司的規模已擴展至全球,在美洲、亞洲、大洋州、歐洲、中東、非洲、大洋洲、歐洲、中東、非洲各地擁有超過 120 個辦事處。


如欲了解公司資訊,請登入 https://www.rlb.com/


  • 帶薪年假 | 帶薪病假 | 政府假期 | 有薪(侍)產假 | 醫療保險

  • 在職培訓 | 培訓津貼 | 模擬考試工作坊 | 年終花紅

Senior Quantity Surveyors / Quantity Surveyors

Requirements 職位要求:

  • Candidates must have a degree or diploma in Quantity Surveying, Building Studies / Building Services Engineering / Electrical / Mechanical / or related disciplines.

  • Applicants with minimum 3 years working experience are preferred.

  • Applicants are able to work independently.

  • Applicants for senior position are expected to have the ability to lead and manage teams.

  • Good command of spoken and written English and Chinese.

  • Good inter-personal and communication skills.

  • Holding Macau ID is preferable.

Working Hours 工作時間:

  • Monday to Friday 0900 - 1800

Salary 薪酬待遇:

  • Negotiable


有意者請將個人履歷表、相關學歷及過往工作證明 (如有)

電郵至:macau.hr@mo.rlb.com (請註明申請職位)

或致電:(853) 2875 3088

地址:澳門新口岸宋玉生廣場 398 號中航大厦 9 樓 I - J 座
