$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, $40k - 50k, Others 其他行業, M04EJ

Guardforce (Macau) Limited 衛安(澳門)有限公司招聘

Guardforce macau jobscall.me recruitment ad 澳門招聘-01.jpg

Guardforce 衛安(澳門)有限公司於 1990 年在澳門成立,是澳門第一家持有由澳門政府簽發的保安牌照公司,提供押運、電子保安及保安員服務,致力保障商戶以及個人客戶的財產和人身安全。我們擁有精銳的團隊,借助先進科技,提供高規格服務,服務政府機構、各大銀行、零售商、企業及社會大眾,被譽為澳門首屈一指的專業保安專家。

Guardforce 衛安(澳門)有限公司將員工視為公司最寶貴的資源。隨著公司的業務不斷擴展,公司亦會為員工提供定期在職培訓和 創造寶貴的晉升機會。


Senior HR Officer

主要職責 Job Responsibilities

  • To be responsible for the local and overseas hiring and related work permit procedures

  • To manage the onboard and exit procedures

  • To assist on the monthly payroll calculation

  • To ensure the data in the HR system and personnel record is up-to-date

  • To assist on prepare regular HR reports

  • To assist on organizing staff activities and training programs

  • To assist on ad hoc assignments and projects whenever necessary

條件要求 Job Requirements

  • Diploma holder in Human Resources Management or relevant discipline is preferred

  • At least 3 years HR supervisory experience

  • Good command in spoken & written English and Chinese, including Mandarin & Cantonese

  • Proficient in MS office

  • Able to work under pressure

  • Good team spirit and communication skills

現金點算員 NPC Clerk

主要職責 Job Responsibilities

  • 按公司系統處理紙幣及硬幣點算, 並結算當日總金額

    Counting of cash and coins, and to record the daily transactions in accordance to company procedures

  • 按公司指引更新倉存數據

    Update stock data according to company procedures

  • 需執行其他指派的工作

    Perform any other duties assigned from time to time

  • 必要時需提零錢箱等重物

    May need to carry heavy items such as cash boxes etc.

  • 需輪更工作

    Shift work required

條件要求 Job Requirements

  • 初中畢業或以上學歷

    Junior high school graduation or above

  • 懂電腦基本操作優先

    Knowledge in Computer is an advantage

  • 俱收銀相關工作經驗者優先

    Experience in Cashier service is an advantage

  • 操流利的廣東話,懂英語者優先

    Fluent in Chinese, Basic English is an advantage

控制中心主任 Control Officer

主要職責 Job Responsibilities

  • 與各部門溝通和協助日常營運

    To communicate with different department for internal operational needs

  • 接聽並記錄保安部服務熱線

    To receive and record requests for 'On-Call services"

  • 審查並安排所有保安員的每月更表。 確保充分和公平地安排人手和休息時間,同時滿足客戶的要求

    To review and schedule the monthly roster and daily deployment of all Security Officers. Ensure the manpower and rest days are scheduled adequately and fairly while meeting clients’ requirements

  • 確保在所有正常崗位和特別活動中準確部署保安員

    To ensure the accuracy on the deployment of Security Officers in all regular posts and special events

  • 颱風期間和/或任何特殊場合與值班保安員聯絡

    To liaise with Security Officers on the duty time during typhoon period and/or any special occasions

  • 如有需要,應迅速採取行動應對人手短缺

    To take prompt actions on manpower shortage whenever necessary

  • 執行經理指派的特別項目或行動

    To participate on special projects and/or operations whenever assigned by the Manager

  • 需輪班工作

    Shift work required

條件要求 Job Requirements

  • 符合澳門治安警察局申請保安員工作證的資格

    Able to obtain the Security Guard ID Card issued by Macau Police Department

  • 高中畢業或以上學歷

    Secondary school graduation or above

  • 熟練使用MS office

    Proficiency in application of Microsoft Word, Excel etc.

  • 具2年或以上相關工作經驗優先

    Two years or above related working experience is preferred

  • 良好的廣東話、英語和普通話書寫和口語能力

    Good command of written and spoken English and Chinese

Sales Officer


  • Achieve and exceed sales targets by continuously identifying new business opportunities and maintaining existing clients

  • Drive sales & achieve the monthly sales targets set by the Company

  • Conduct research and prepare reports on market trends and competitors' activities

  • Material sourcing and preparing quotations for clients

  • Expedite the resolution of customer problems and complaints to maximize satisfaction

  • Keep abreast of best practices and promotional trends

  • Perform any other duties assigned from time to time

Job Requirements

  • Degree holder or above

  • At least 1 to 2 years sales experience, worked in Security Personnel or Property Management industry preferable

  • Proficient in Microsoft Office

  • Fluent in spoken and written English, Chinese and Mandarin

  • Excellent communication and presentation skills

  • Able to work under pressure and meet tight deadlines

  • Able to handle projects independently

  • Strong organizational and time-management skills

巡更主任 Patrol Officer

主要職責 Job Responsibilities

  • 負責巡查各保安員的崗位及工作狀況

    Patrolling and inspecting each post and working situation

  • 按照公司安排,運送文件或保安員到指定地方

    Deliver documents or drive security officer to designated places as company requested

  • 向主管匯報一切異常或意外事故

    Report any abnormal cases or accident to superior

  • 與同事和部門協調有關工作安排事宜

    Coordinate with colleagues and department about the scheduling matters

  • 需外勤工作及駕駛

    Outside work and driving are required

  • 需輪班工作

    Shift work required

條件要求 Job Requirements

  • 符合澳門治安警察局申請保安員工作證的資格

    Able to obtain the Security Guard ID Card issued by Macau Police Department

  • 高中畢業或以上學歷

    Secondary school graduation or above

  • 需持有澳門輕型汔車駕駛執照

    Must possess a valid Macau driving license (Automobile)

  • 具2年或以上相關工作經驗優先

    Two years or above related working experience is an advantage

  • 良好的廣東話、英語和普通話能力

    Good Command of Cantonese, English and Mandrian

解款車司機 Driver

主要職責 Job Responsibilities

  • 駕駛車輛押送現金及貴重物品, 不需要搬運物品

  • 按照主管編排的路線進行押送服務

  • 保持車輛日常清潔, 記錄出車事宜

  • 對工作積極主動,有責任心和具團隊精神

條件要求 Job Requirements

  • 小學畢業或以上學歷

  • 誠實、勤奮可靠

  • 必需持有澳門重型貨車(C)駕駛執照

  • 操流利的廣東話,略懂英語者優先考慮

  • 具重型貨車工作經驗優先考慮

  • 具良好駕駛經驗,熟悉澳門街道者優先考慮

  • 需輪班工作

押運隊長 Crew Commander

主要職責 Job Responsibilities

  • 負責領導押運隊員

  • 提供押運服務

  • 執行公司的工作程序及按要求運送財物到指定目的地

  • 確保點算,包裝及鎖好客戶所交的財物

  • 在簽收收據前準確無誤地收集所有錢袋和箱子

  • 根據銀行客戶的營運要求為自動櫃員機補充現金

  • 遵守公司及客戶的標準營運程序

  • 需輪班工作

條件要求 Job Requirements

  • 符合澳門治安警察局申請保安員工作證的資格

  • 小學畢業或以上學歷

  • 具押運服務經驗者優先

  • 操流利的廣東話,懂基本英語和基本普通話

押運員 Cash in Transit Crew

主要職責 Job Responsibilities

  • 提供保安及押運服務

    Render security and cash in transit services

  • 執行公司的指令及按要求的指引運送財物

    Execute tasks in accordance to the company’s guidelines and requirements

  • 確保點算,包裝及鎖好客戶所交的財物

    Ensure to count; lock and seal all the consignments received from the clients accordingly

  • 確保客戶所交的財物在運送過程中完整無缺

    Ensure all consignments received from clients are delivered in a safety manner

  • 需輪班工作

    Shift work required

條件要求 Job Requirements

  • 小學畢業或以上學歷

    Primary school graduation or above

  • 俱押運服務經驗者優先

    Experience in Cash in Transit service is an advantage

  • 操流利廣東話,懂英語者優先

    Fluent in Chinese, Basic English is an advantage

保安員 Security Officer

主要職責 Job Responsibilities

  • 在指定的崗位為客戶提供保安等服務
    Provide security service for clients in assigned posts

  • 維持與客戶間的溝通
    Maintain good communication with all clients

  • 於崗位內維持公共秩序等
    Maintain the public order etc. in assigned posts

  • 按照主管指示進行巡邏視察
    Conduct regular inspection in the assigned area as directed by your Supervisor

  • 需輪班工作
    Shift work required

條件要求 Job Requirements

  • 小學程度或以上學歷

    Primary school graduate or above

  • 具保安經驗者優先

    Experience in Security Service experience is an advantage

  • 操流利的廣東話,懂英語者優先

    Fluent in Chinese, Basic English is an advantage

電子及保安系統維修員 Technician

主要職責 Job Responsibilities

  • 按公司要求到特定地點進行電子安防系統的安裝、設置、檢查、維護等相關工作

    Conduct system inspection, maintenance, set up, debugging and installation as planned

  • 為客戶提供現場或遙距的電子安防系統修護服務

    Support on-site / off-site hardware &/or software troubleshooting and recovery action

  • 協助開發與項目相關的電子安防系統設備,並對其進行測量及調試

    Support the search and test for related products and equipment

  • 確保各現行項目及電子安防系統符合相關的質量和安全標準

    Ensure that the project meets the required quality and safety standards

  • 需緊急出勤

    Emergency maintenance required

條件要求 Job Requirements

  • 初中畢業或以上學歷

    Junior high school graduation or above

  • 1年或以上相關經驗

    At least one year related working experience

  • 熟練使用MS Office、中文輸入法

    Familiar with Microsoft Office, Chinese input method

  • 熟悉弱電, 門禁及網絡安裝維修相關知識優先

    Knowledge in ELV construction, access control, network installation and maintenance is an advantage

  • 熟悉AutoCAD者優先

    Familiar with AutoCAD is an advantage

  • 持有澳門駕駛執照優先

    Holder of Macau driving license is an advantage

  • 操流利的廣東話,懂基本英語和基本普通話者優先

    Fluent in Cantonese. Basic English and Mandrian is an advantage

衛晉 (澳門) 有限公司 GuardSolutions (Macau) Limited


主要職責 Job Responsibilities

  • 熟練掌握閉路電視系統、門禁系統、廣播系統、網絡系統、電話系統的原理及維護方法

  • 按公司要求到特定地點進行安裝、設置、檢查、維護等相關工作

  • 能夠獨立處理各種系統故障,並進行有效的維護和保養

  • 須緊急出勤

  • 需執行其他指派的工作

條件要求 Job Requirements

  • 初中畢業或以上學歷

  • 1年或以上相關弱電工程或項目經驗

  • 熟練使用MS Office、中文輸入法

  • 熟悉電子機械/電氣自動化更佳

  • 持有澳門駕駛執照優先

  • 操流利的廣東話,懂基本英語和基本普通話者優先

電子及保安系統維修員 Technician

主要職責 Job Responsibilities

  • 按公司要求到特定地點進行電子安防系統的安裝、設置、檢查、維護等相關工作

    Conduct system inspection, maintenance, set up, debugging and installation as planned

  • 為客戶提供現場或遙距的電子安防系統修護服務

    Support on-site / off-site hardware &/or software troubleshooting and recovery action

  • 協助開發與項目相關的電子安防系統設備,並對其進行測量及調試

    Support the search and test for related products and equipment

  • 確保各現行項目及電子安防系統符合相關的質量和安全標準

    Ensure that the project meets the required quality and safety standards

  • 需緊急出勤

    Emergency maintenance required

條件要求 Job Requirements

  • 初中畢業或以上學歷

    Junior high school graduation or above

  • 1年或以上相關經驗

    At least one year related working experience

  • 熟練使用MS Office、中文輸入法

    Familiar with Microsoft Office, Chinese input method

  • 熟悉弱電, 門禁及網絡安裝維修相關知識優先

    Knowledge in ELV construction, access control, network installation and maintenance is an advantage

  • 熟悉AutoCAD者優先

    Familiar with AutoCAD is an advantage

  • 持有澳門駕駛執照優先

    Holder of Macau driving license is an advantage

  • 操流利的廣東話,懂基本英語和基本普通話者優先

    Fluent in Cantonese. Basic English and Mandrian is an advantage


  1. 親臨澳門慕拉士大馬路激成工業大廈三期二樓 N 室人力資源部 填妥職位申請表

  2. 電郵至 recruit@guardforce.com.mo,請註明應徵職位。

  3. 如欲了解詳情,可致電人力資源部 6335 5152 查詢。

如有任何疑問,可致電人力資源部 6335 5152 查詢。
