日期: 2025年03月20日
地點: 澳門威尼斯人卡布里會議廳
日期: 2025年03月20日
地點: 澳門威尼斯人卡布里會議廳
$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, Gaming & Entertainment 博彩及娛樂, Hotel 酒店業, F-JSCM1, M06CJ
金沙中國是澳門最大的綜合度假村經營商,於路氹金光大道上設有澳門威尼斯人®、澳門百利宮®、澳門巴黎人,以及澳門倫敦人® 等物業項目,同時擁有及經營位於澳門半島的澳門金沙酒店。公司旗下的各綜合度假村集合多樣化的娛樂消閒、商務設施及客運業務,包括大型會議及展覽場地、各式餐廳食肆、購物中心、於金光綜藝館、倫敦人綜藝館、威尼斯人劇場、巴黎人劇場、倫敦人劇場及金沙劇場舉行的世界級娛樂表演,以及來往港澳的金光飛航高速渡輪服務,堅定並持續地為建設澳門成為世界旅遊休閒中心貢獻力量。
Sands China is the largest operator of integrated resorts in Macao. The company’s integrated resorts on the Cotai Strip comprise The Venetian® Macao, The Plaza® Macao, The Parisian Macao and The Londoner® Macao. The company also owns and operates Sands® Macao on the Macao peninsula. Sands China’s portfolio features a diversified mix of leisure and business attractions and transportation operations, including large meeting and convention facilities; a wide range of restaurants; shopping malls; world-class entertainment at the Cotai Arena, The Londoner Arena, The Venetian Theatre, The Parisian Theatre, the Londoner Theatre and the Sands Theatre; and a high-speed Cotai Water Jet ferry service between Hong Kong and Macao. The company’s Cotai Strip portfolio has the goal of contributing to Macao’s transformation into a world centre of tourism and leisure.
Sands China is the largest private employer in Macao, and has been committed to providing its Team Members with various benefits and harmonious workplaces. The company continually cultivates talent for the integrated resort industry in Macao and the Greater Bay Area through its diversified talent development programmes. For more information, please visit the Overview of Sands China Ltd.’s Diversified Human Resources Initiatives.
代客泊車服務部 – 營運助理 Valet - Operation Assistant
活動策劃及推廣部 - 經理 / 高級經理 Special Events & Promotions - Loyalty Marketing Manager / Senior Manager
活動策劃及推廣部 - 專員 Special Events & Promotions - Executive
電話銷售部 - 電話推廣員 Telesales - Telemarketer
採購部 - 高級經理 Procurement & Supply Chain - Senior Manager
採購部 - 高級專員 Procurement & Supply Chain - Senior Officer
採購經理 Merchandising Manager
採購副經理 Merchandising Assistant Manager
場館技術經理(影音系統) Manager(Audio)
高級技術員 Senior Technician
技術員 Technician
御匾會餐飲服務經理II Paiza Food & Beverage Manager II
餐飲服務主管 Food & Beverage - Lead
餐飲服務員 Food & Beverage - Server
廚師 Food & Beverage - Cook
收銀員 Food & Beverage - Cashier
管事主任 (餐飲清潔) Food & Beverage - Steward Supervisor
管事員 (餐飲清潔) Food & Beverage - Steward
保安員 Officer
電子商務部 - 高級經理 Ecommerce - Senior Manager
電子商務部 - 經理 Ecommerce - Manager (OTA)
電子商務部 - 兼職員工 Ecommerce - Part Timer Worker
市場發展部 - 經理 Market Development - Manager (Lifestyle Partnership & Communications)
商場管理部 (零售市場推廣) - 經理 / 副經理 Mall Management (Retail Marketing) - Manager / Assistant Manager (Data Analysis)
娛樂場行政部 - 博彩效益優化高級分析師 Casino Administration - Gaming Optimization & Analytics Senior Analyst
企業傳訊及社會事務部 - 編輯經理 Corporate Communications & Community Affairs - Editorial Manager
市場研究及策略部 - 兼職員工 Market Research & Insights - Part Time Worker
財務部 - 兼職員工 Finance - Part Time Worker
前台部 - 賓客關係專員 Front Office - Guest Relations Officer
前台部 - 專職管家 Front Office - Butler
項目經理 Project Manager
經理 (酒店組) Manager (Hotel)
高級技術員 (電力組) Senior Technician (Electrical)
高級技術員 (供排水系統組) Senior Technician (Plumbing & Drainage)
主管 Head
主管 Head
主任 Supervisor
查詢熱線:8118 6293
歡迎透過電郵發送個人履歷至 sclcareer@sands.com.mo,請註明申請職位。