Supervisor 主任級別

$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, M03BJ, Government 政府及公共事業機構, TL 交通運輸與物流

TCM 澳巴招聘


澳巴 TCM 澳門公共汽車股份有限公司招聘


  • 全職月薪最高可達$22,000 (未計加班)

  • 持D2牌

  • 每年均有職級晉升機會


  • 高中程度,溝通能力良好

  • 富責任感,廣東話流利

  • 需輪班及戶外工作


有意者請於辦公時間致電 2875 5210 內線8 與人事部聯絡或將個人履歷電郵到 或 親臨 澳門亞馬喇土腰(關閘馬路)101-105-A號太平工業大廈(第一期)9樓B單位 面洽。



$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, Gaming & Entertainment 博彩及娛樂, Hotel 酒店業, F-JSCM1, M06CJ

SANDS CHINA 金沙中國澳門招聘


金沙中國是澳門最大的綜合度假村經營商,於路氹金光大道上設有澳門威尼斯人®、澳門百利宮®、澳門巴黎人,以及澳門倫敦人® 等物業項目,同時擁有及經營位於澳門半島的澳門金沙酒店。公司旗下的各綜合度假村集合多樣化的娛樂消閒、商務設施及客運業務,包括大型會議及展覽場地、各式餐廳食肆、購物中心、於金光綜藝館、倫敦人綜藝館、威尼斯人劇場、巴黎人劇場、倫敦人劇場及金沙劇場舉行的世界級娛樂表演,以及來往港澳的金光飛航高速渡輪服務,堅定並持續地為建設澳門成為世界旅遊休閒中心貢獻力量。


Sands China is the largest operator of integrated resorts in Macao. The company’s integrated resorts on the Cotai Strip comprise The Venetian® Macao, The Plaza® Macao, The Parisian Macao and The Londoner® Macao. The company also owns and operates Sands® Macao on the Macao peninsula. Sands China’s portfolio features a diversified mix of leisure and business attractions and transportation operations, including large meeting and convention facilities; a wide range of restaurants; shopping malls; world-class entertainment at the Cotai Arena, The Londoner Arena, The Venetian Theatre, The Parisian Theatre, the Londoner Theatre and the Sands Theatre; and a high-speed Cotai Water Jet ferry service between Hong Kong and Macao. The company’s Cotai Strip portfolio has the goal of contributing to Macao’s transformation into a world centre of tourism and leisure.

Sands China is the largest private employer in Macao, and has been committed to providing its Team Members with various benefits and harmonious workplaces. The company continually cultivates talent for the integrated resort industry in Macao and the Greater Bay Area through its diversified talent development programmes. For more information, please visit the Overview of Sands China Ltd.’s Diversified Human Resources Initiatives.


客運統籌 Transportation

  • 代客泊車服務部 – 營運助理 Valet - Operation Assistant

娛樂場營銷 Casino Marketing

  • 活動策劃及推廣部 - 經理 / 高級經理 Special Events & Promotions - Loyalty Marketing Manager / Senior Manager

  • 活動策劃及推廣部 - 專員 Special Events & Promotions - Executive

  • 電話銷售部 - 電話推廣員 Telesales - Telemarketer

採購及供應鏈管理 Procurement & Supply Chain

  • 採購部 - 高級經理 Procurement & Supply Chain - Senior Manager

  • 採購部 - 高級專員 Procurement & Supply Chain - Senior Officer

零售部 Retail Operations

  • 採購經理 Merchandising Manager

  • 採購副經理 Merchandising Assistant Manager

娛樂統籌部 Entertainment

  • 場館技術經理(影音系統) Manager(Audio)

  • 高級技術員 Senior Technician

  • 技術員 Technician

餐飲 Food & Beverage

  • 御匾會餐飲服務經理II Paiza Food & Beverage Manager II

    餐飲服務主管 Food & Beverage - Lead

    餐飲服務員 Food & Beverage - Server

    廚師 Food & Beverage - Cook

    收銀員 Food & Beverage - Cashier

    管事主任 (餐飲清潔) Food & Beverage - Steward Supervisor

    管事員 (餐飲清潔) Food & Beverage - Steward

保安 Security

  • 保安員 Officer

行政範疇 Administration

  • 電子商務部 - 高級經理 Ecommerce - Senior Manager

  • 電子商務部 - 經理 Ecommerce - Manager (OTA)

  • 電子商務部 - 兼職員工 Ecommerce - Part Timer Worker

  • 市場發展部 - 經理 Market Development - Manager (Lifestyle Partnership & Communications)

  • 商場管理部 (零售市場推廣) - 經理 / 副經理 Mall Management (Retail Marketing) - Manager / Assistant Manager (Data Analysis)

  • 娛樂場行政部 - 博彩效益優化高級分析師 Casino Administration - Gaming Optimization & Analytics Senior Analyst

  • 企業傳訊及社會事務部 - 編輯經理 Corporate Communications & Community Affairs - Editorial Manager

  • 市場研究及策略部 - 兼職員工 Market Research & Insights - Part Time Worker

  • 財務部 - 兼職員工 Finance - Part Time Worker

酒店營運 Hotel Operations

  • 前台部 - 賓客關係專員 Front Office - Guest Relations Officer

  • 前台部 - 專職管家 Front Office - Butler

資產與設施管理部 Asset & Facilities Management

  • 項目經理 Project Manager

  • 經理 (酒店組) Manager (Hotel)

  • 高級技術員 (電力組) Senior Technician (Electrical)

  • 高級技術員 (供排水系統組) Senior Technician (Plumbing & Drainage)

管家部公共區域 Housekeeping Public Area

  • 主管 Head

管家部 Housekeeping

  • 主管 Head

  • 主任 Supervisor

APPLY NOW 快速申請職位:

查詢熱線:8118 6293


$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, Others 其他行業, Gaming & Entertainment 博彩及娛樂


TRAVEL AGENCY macau recruitment ad 澳門招聘-01.jpg

① 旅行社技術主管

  • 須具旅遊局技術主管資格

② 業務員

③ 接待員

④ 接線




$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, $40k - 50k, Bank 銀行業, IT 資訊科技

Tai Fung Bank 大豐銀行招聘



[ 招聘職位 ]

  1. 運營操作中心主管

  2. 業務主管/團隊主管(企業信貸/金融機構)

  3. 業務經理/客戶經理(網絡金融/零售/貿易融資/信貸/金融機構)

  4. 跨境金融業務經理

  5. 結構融資客戶經理

  6. 資金結算經理/副經理

  7. 信用審批經理

  8. 交易銀行業務主管

  9. 交易銀行產品經理

  10. 交易銀行業務經理助理

  11. 會計主任(系統維護)

  12. 會計主任

  13. 高級會計主任

  14. 信用卡業務運營人員

  15. 業務合規專員

  16. 風險分析員

  17. 櫃檯綜合服務專員/文員

  18. 數據分析員

  19. 經濟分析員

  20. 資訊技術員(信息安全/開放平台)

  21. 數字資產管理分析員(服務分析/數據管理)

  22. 基礎設施團隊網絡高級管理員

  23. 保安主任

[ 申請辦法 ]




Medical 醫療, $10k - 20k, $20k - 30k







  • 機電工程類全日制本科畢業,具工學學士學位;

  • 熟悉掌握計算機相關軟件操作(Office, AutoCAD等)或機電自動化控制系統工程;

  • 具5年或以上醫院、酒店類設施、工程團隊管理經驗;

  • 持本澳居民身份證者優先考慮。


  • 規劃院內建築、機電水氣、附屬設備的維護保養方案,帶領工程部成員保障醫院工程及設施正常運作,以滿足醫院業務發展的需要;

  • 提出建築更新、改造,設施更換計劃和工程預算;

  • 編制工作計劃,負責組織、安排部門的各項工作落實執行;

  • 組織編制、修訂工程管理規章制度和工作規程;

  • 制訂工程部組織架構,並按照人事條例做好本部門員工招聘、評核、離退等人員管理工作。


  • 8小時工作制、試用期後每周5天半工作、每年18天年假、有雙糧、加班津貼(相當於一個月薪酬)、有薪病假、醫療福利、退休公積金等





$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, Freelance 兼職, F&B 餐飲業, M03AJ, JSCMPT5

喜盈樓 / 喜記香港避風塘澳門招聘



① 廚房部:

  • 廚師,廚師助理,雜工多名

② 樓面部:

  • 餐廳主任,餐廳部長,高級侍應,傳菜員,咨客,收銀員。


  • 清潔多名


地址:氹仔新濠天地 1 樓 / 氹仔新濠天地 2 樓


以上職位兼職均可,兼職時薪為澳門幣 60/小時


有意者請將履歷及期望薪金電郵,標題註明 “應徵職位-由 提供”。

或於辦公時間致電 2875 3482 查詢。

$10k - 20k, Education 教育, Admin 行政




  1. 素質保證處 高級督導

  2. 財務處 高級行政主任

  3. 人力資源處 行政主任

  4. 司機(中國内地及澳門駕照)





Retail 零售業, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, $40k - 50k, $10k - 20k, $50k - 100k, JSCM16R4

Burberry 澳門招聘

burberry from jobscallme 澳門第一招聘平台-01-2.jpg

Founded in 1856 by Thomas Burberry, Burberry is a global luxury brand with a distinctly British attitude. We are a global business with an extensive network of both owned and franchised stores across EMEIA, Asia Pacific and Americas. We are digital pioneers, and innovative technology underpins every aspect of our business, from product design to distribution and marketing. We believe that modern luxury means being socially and environmentally responsible; this mindset is core to our business and key to our long-term success.

Client Advisor


City: Macau

Location: MO


At Burberry, we believe creativity opens spaces. Our purpose is to unlock the power of imagination to push boundaries and open new possibilities for our people, our customers and our communities. This is the core belief that has guided Burberry since it was founded in 1856 and is central to how we operate as a company today.

We aim to provide an environment for creative minds from different backgrounds to thrive, bringing a wide range of skills and experiences to everything we do. As a purposeful, values-driven brand, we are committed to being a force for good in the world as well, creating the next generation of sustainable luxury for customers, driving industry change and championing our communities.


The Client Advisor builds relationships with Burberry’s new and existing clients, delivering a personalised and elevated experience with commercial success.

Reporting to the store management, the Client advisor will inspire our clients by conveying passion for the brand, fashion and luxury products.

As an expert in client engagement and service, the client advisor demonstrates a high level of knowledge in styling and selling.



  • Meet and exceed individual and store sales and other commercial KPIs

  • Through storytelling and passion for the brand, inspire our clients creating desire and love for Burberry with every client interaction

  • Provide a luxury service and demonstrate knowledge and expertise in product, fashion and styling

  • Follow the Client journey to elevate the Client experience in the store: Ensure a great initial impression; discover your client, be a product and styling expert and close the sale to maintain the relationship with the client.

  • Be efficient in following-up and delivering after-sales services to our clients

  • Contribute to the daily operations of the store, by maintaining high luxury standards in both front and back of house, including appropriate level of product and replenishment, support with inventory management, markdowns and stockroom maintenance when required

  • Follow company policies, guidelines, and procedures. Use visual techniques to maintain visual standards according to Burberry guidelines

  • Foster team work and a positive work climate


  • Build meaningful relationships with Clients

  • Work by appointment to provide a personalised service and build relationships with our clients to promote loyalty and incremental purchases.

  • Capture new luxury clients to grow the individual and store client book with a commercial objective mindset

  • Drive retention of clients ensuring volume and spend by contacting them regularly and ensuring the appropriate follow up on sales or clients requests


  • A proven track record in delivering sales and exceeding targets

  • Previous experience in Clientelling

  • A strong interest in fashion, art and culture

  • Strong product knowledge and good understanding of store retail operations

  • Understanding of competitor products

  • Experience in working as part of a team

  • Fluent in local language; English proficiency is desirable

  • Other language knowledge is desirable

  • Demonstrates Confidence, Curiosity, Conviction, and Care

  • Enjoys being part of a team

  • Energetic, Pro-active and self-motivated

  • Detail-oriented and creative with a passion for selling

  • Assertive with impeccable presentation and communication skills when dealing with clients and colleagues at all levels

  • Results driven and commercial mindset

  • Flexible, collaborative and adaptable approach to work


  • Individual sales performance and KPI’s (Appointments, UPT, ATV & AUR)

  • Service targets (Guest Experience, Net promoter score)

  • New client acquisition (conversion and retention)

  • Number of appointments held on a monthly basis


  • Burberry is an Equal Opportunities Employer and as such, treats all applications equally and recruits purely on the basis of skills and experience.




$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, TL 交通運輸與物流, Government 政府及公共事業機構




Engineering / Wayside System Maintenance

1. Assistant Maintenance Manager - Guideway & Power

> 職位詳情

2. Technical Officer - Power Transmission & Distribution

> 職位詳情

3. Technical Officer - Guideway

> 職位詳情

4. Technician - Signal & Communications

> 職位詳情

5. Technician - Power Transmission & Distribution

> 職位詳情

6. Technician

> 職位詳情

申請方式 Application:

We offer an attractive remuneration package and excellent career prospects to the right candidate, interested parties are invited to apply our job openings via For any inquiries, please contact us at 8506 0800 or




logo-the shilla-01.jpg



  • 在團隊合作環境中每月達到個人銷售目標;

  • 負責收銀管理和銷售交易

  • 確保收集和結算以不同貨幣或付款方式(例如現金,信用卡或電子付款

  • 提供優質的客戶服務以增強客戶體驗

  • 協助商店的日常運營

  • 根據分配協助執行臨時職責


  • 至少一年零售經驗,涉及多個類別(香水和化妝品,高級時裝,煙酒,一般商品)

  • 出色的溝通和人際交往能力

  • 積極主動並樂於學習

  • 有良好的團隊合作精神

  • 輪班工作

  • 良好溝通技巧 (包括廣東話、英語及國語),具有其他語言能力者優先

如有任何疑問,可致電或 Whatsapp/ Wechat (853) 6545 3708 與殷小姐聯絡

Sales Assistant


The Sales Assistant is responsible to optimize the sales of our products (Perfumes & Cosmetics, Liquor & Tobacco and General Merchandise) through selling, sharing of your product knowledge, and excellent customer service.


  • Achieve individual sales targets on a monthly basis in a teamwork environment;

  • Responsible for cashier management and sales transactions

  • Ensure accuracy in the collection and settlement of payments in different currencies or modes of payment such as vouchers, cash, credit cards or e-payments.

  • Provide excellent customer service to enhance customer experience;

  • Support daily operations of the store including but not limited to cashiering, VM, stock management;

  • Assist in ad-hoc duties as per assigned.


  • At least 1 year of retail sales experience within an array of categories (Perfumes & Cosmetics, Liquor & Tobacco, General Merchandise)

  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills;

  • Strong customer service mentality, proactive and willing to learn;

  • Dependable and a good team player;

  • Able to perform retail operational hours which includes weekend and public holidays;

  • Fluent in spoken Cantonese, English and Mandarin. Other language skills would be a plus;

  • Able and comfortable to work in the Macau International Airport. 


Interested parties please send full resume to

Should you have any enquiries and interview appointment, please contact +852 5261 8009 and +853 6545 3708 (Crystal/ Vivienne)  by WhatsApp. 

Macau International Airport 澳門國際機場


Reporting to the Store Manager, the Store Supervisor will maximize sales, optimize operations and coach/lead the retail team in the designated stores under their responsibility.


  • Assist Store Manager to drive retail sales performance ensuring target KPIs are met

  • Ensure the store assigned is fit for business (cleanliness, lighting, lay out, promotional displays. digital screens, etc.). and counters are aligned with brand specifications.

  • Ensure that aisles are cleared, safe and accessible for our customers at any time.

  • You will ensure that product allocation is according each brand strategy and seasonal calendar and ensure timely product replenishment.

  • Work closely with our Customer Service team on ensuring an excellent customer experience

  • Work with Merchandising and Marketing teams to plan/adapt product display and assortment to daily, monthly and seasonal promotions, special events and needs.

  • Help and support the stock control procedures (reports, stock take, etc).

  • Help to produce the relevant information and data to run and optimize the business (reports and feedback).

  • Act as a leader on the sales floor, coach and facilitate the team to provide excellent experience sales service.

  • Revise the operations looking for ways to improve efficiency and maximizing revenue.

  • Support cashiering team with basic and urgent issues like refunds, exchanges, void tickets, queues management, etc;

  • Manage the development of the staff assigned to your stores (sales, skills, customer service, and product knowledge).

  • Assess your team members’ performance on a timely basis and support their career plan.

  • Perform any ad hoc duties as per assigned


  • 4 years of related work experience in retail operations, preferably in a Retail environment (experience in Travel Retail is a plus).

  • High school level at least required

  • Results driven with excellent customer service

  • Self-starter with strong business acumen, result-oriented with strong leadership skills able to lead and coach a large number of sales staff

  • Demonstrated ability to build effective teams and motivate employees.

  • Outgoing, dependable, pro-active team player with good communications and interpersonal skills

  • Good organizing and management skills with good time management

  • Good command in Cantonese, English and Mandarin

  • Able and comfortable to work in Macau International Airport


Interested parties please send full resume to

Should you have any enquiries and interview appointment, please contact +852 5261 8009 and +853 6545 3708 (Crystal/ Vivienne)  by WhatsApp. 

$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, Retail 零售業


合成香水中心 macau recruitment ad 澳門招聘-01.jpg


  • 具兩年以上銷售香水化粧品主管經驗

  • 薪優佣高

有意興趣者,請將履歷和要求待遇電郵至,標題註明 “應徵職位-由 提供”。


  • 銷售香水、化粧品

  • 具工作經驗,流利廣東話、普通話,略懂英語

  • 專人培訓,薪優佣高

有意者請到板樟堂巷 8 號填妥表格安排面試或致電 2831 2270 約見。

Fortuna Jet 財神航空澳門招聘

Fortuna Jet 財神航空 macau recruitment ad 澳門招聘-01.jpg

Fortuna Jet

Fortuna Jet is a premium private jet operator incorporated in Macau. 

Cabin Crew

Job Duties

  • Co-ordinating with and performing duties as assigned by the pilot in command and Administration Manager

  • Providing excellent customer service to passengers

  • Planning menus and ordering catering

  • Cleaning, restocking and maintaining order and cleanliness in the cabin at all times


  • Macau ID Holder

  • Minimum 3 years private jet or commercial airline First / Business Class experience  

  • Strong knowledge of Gastronomy: Food and Beverage

  • Pleasant personality, self-motivated with strong communication and inter-personal skills

  • Strong proficiency in written & spoken English and Chinese

  • Willing to work flexible hours


Operations Coordinator 

Job Duties

  • Interfacing with service provides regarding trip planning requirements

  • Preparing trip folders for pilot in command before flight

  • Coordinating trip logistics for flight crew and passengers throughout the flights

  • Scheduling flight crew to ensure compliance with company and FAA regulations regarding currency

  • Coordinating crew training to best accommodate flight schedule

  • Maintaining passenger profiles to ensure accurate and current information

  • Providing administrative support to the office


  • Macau ID Holder

  • Preference will be given to those with tertiary education or equivalent experience

  • Good command of written & spoken English and Chinese

  • Excellent computer skill and able to prioritise work orders with strong communication skill

  • Strong sense of responsibilities, detail-oriented and well orgainised

  • Willing to work on shift duty


We offer attractive remuneration package and excellent fringe benefits including Medical Scheme and Annual Leave to the right candidates.

Please apply with full resume together with present and expected salary, contact telephone number and availability to

Retail 零售業, $10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, $40k - 50k, Freelance 兼職

Ferragamo Retail Macau Ltd 澳門招聘


Part Time Sales Assistant Job Description:

  • Provide good service to our customer
  • Handle customer enquiries
  • Any other ad hoc duties as assigned by superior
  • Requirements:
  • Good interpersonal and communication skills
  • Pleasant, outgoing and customer-oriented
  • Good command of spoken English, Mandarin and Cantonese


Sales Assistant


  • Minimum 2 years of relevant experience in retail industry, with Luxury experience will be an advantage
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills
  • Customer-focused, pleasant, outgoing and passionate in fashion industry
  • Good command of spoken English and Chinese (Cantonese and Mandarin)
  • Candidates with less experience will be considered for Sales Assistant position



Main Responsibilities:

  • Assist to manage the daily running of shop and maintain the highest standard of shop environment
  • Lead and motivate the sales team to deliver quality customer service and achieve sales target
  • Oversee VIP Program and various promotion program

Professional  Requirements:

  • Bachelor’s Degree or above in any disciplines
  • Minimum 3-5 years of relevant management experience in luxury retail industry
  • Excellent command of spoken and written English and Chinese (Cantonese and Mandarin)

Personal Requirements:

  • Strong interpersonal skills and business acumen
  • Excellent supervisory skill
  • Self-motivated, customer-focused and task-oriented


We offer attractive remuneration package, on-the-job training and career advancement opportunity to the right candidate.  Interested parties, please send your full resume with date of availability, latest and expected salary to (please state in the email subject “job position - source from”)



*Personal data collected is solely for recruitment-related purposes and will be treated in strictest confidence.

Retail 零售業, $30k - 40k, $20k - 30k, $10k - 20k



幽默、俏皮、精緻、實用是kate spade new york 的特色。隨著我們品牌的發展, kate spade new york 優雅多采的生活態度體現於各式產品﹒ 包括手袋、服裝、首飾、鞋履、文具、眼鏡、家居用品等,滲透生活各個層面。

時至今日, kate spade new york 分店遍及全美國,全球超過400個銷售點,廣佈世界各地。無論在香港或密芝根州,我們同樣親切熱誠,為您提供滿意服務。









  • 在職培訓及良好晉升機會
  • 年終酬金
  • 每月八天例假
  • 門診及住院醫療福利
  • 員工折扣優惠



Retail 零售業, $40k - 50k, $30k - 40k, $20k - 30k, $10k - 20k



Boutique Manager


  • The right candidate should be the Chopard Ambassador and to lead a team to great performances in the short and long term (turnover, profitability, development of client database and image for Chopard). He/she:-
  • is ultimately responsible for a perfect up keeping of the boutique at all times
  • is a key person for client acquisition. He/she should lead the efforts of the team to acquire new clients, not only by converting the walk-in clients, but also by following a tactic of client acquisition outside the boutique
  • is ultimately the person in charge of the stock
  • must organizes a formal weekly meeting for the purpose of giving objectives, sharing information and fostering team spirit
  • is a coach for all its team and need to take care of the recruitment, staff evaluation and development of the team
  • might be requested to travel for seminars or to visit clients and attend functions to entertain its clients
  • must ensure reports on market intelligence on other boutiques and boutiques staff


  • 8 years' luxury retail experience with at least 3 years in management level
  • Excellent customer relations management skill with solid client base
  • Sound knowledge in watch industry is a definite asset
  • Strong business sense of retail service, passion in retail operations
  • Sales-driven and able to work under pressure
  • Mature, excellent leadership and interpersonal skills
  • Knowledge of computer applications
  • Good command in both written and spoken English and Mandarin
  • Less experience will be considedered as Assistant Boutique Manager
  • Non-macau resident will also be considered


Boutique Supervisor


  • Ÿ  Assist the Manager to oversee the day-to-day boutique operations
  • Ÿ  Lead and motivate the team to achieve the sales target
  • Ÿ  Acquire new client database and build client loyalty
  • Ÿ  Ensure the team comply with company policies and  procedures
  • Ÿ  Prepare weekly / monthly reports 


  • Ÿ  5 years' luxury retail experience with at least 2 years in supervisory level
  • Ÿ  Sound knowledge in watch industry is a definite asset
  • Ÿ  Good leadership, people management and communication skills
  • Ÿ  Proactive, mature and able to work under pressure
  • Ÿ  Good Command in both written and spoken English and Mandarin


營業員 Sales Associate


We offer:
- 8 days monthly day off            
- 15 days Annual Leave
- Guarantee Commission          
- Monthly & Special Incentives          
- 13th month Salary
- Professional Training              
- Education Subsidy                          
- Staff Purchase Privileges
- Medical, Dental & Life Benefits
- Excellent Career Development

Interested parties please send your full resume with salary expectation to

Welcome to visit our website to learn more about us!


Retail 零售業, $40k - 50k, $30k - 40k, $20k - 30k, $10k - 20k




(1) 分行經理/主任

- 3~5年零售管理經驗
- 具珠寶金行或高級消費品零售管理經驗優先

(2) 銷售員

- 1年或以上前線零售或客服經驗,具珠寶金行或高級消費品零售經驗優先
- 本業經驗較高者,可考慮應徵更高職位

(3) 出納員

- 1年或以上零售店舖收銀經驗
- 熟悉電腦操作(包括中、英文輸入)

(4) 店務助理 (非銷售工作)

- 一年或以上相關經驗




有興趣者歡迎致電招聘熱線 (853) 2835 5350,或循以下途徑提交履歷:
Whatsapp (852) 9708 0152
傳真 (852) 2991 0318
