$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, JSCM16R1, Retail 零售業, M06CJ

Chanel Limitada 澳門招聘


Company Overview

Chanel is a world leader in creating, manufacturing and distributing luxury products, including Ready-to-Wear, Accessories, Fragrances, Makeup, Skincare, Jewellery and Watches. Founded by Gabrielle Chanel in 1910, the House remains dedicated to quality craftsmanship and offering high-end creations. At present, Chanel employs more than 32,000 people worldwide.

As an independent company, its core values are grounded in:

  • Exceptional creation and client experience

  • Nurturing human potential

  • Having a positive impact – on people, the environment and communities around the world.

As part of this, the House promotes arts, culture and creativity, while investing significantly in key areas including research & development, sustainability, and innovation.

Chanel is dedicated to creating the conditions for people to perform at their best, building on their strengths and enabling them to benefit from new opportunities. It offers a unique working environment where people are given time to understand the brand, the business, and develop their personal motivations. This means everyone can grow, continue to be inspired and feel included, now and in the future. The company fosters true collaboration and respect for all, grounded in the belief that diversity is essential to the success of the organisation and its people.

Chanel remains committed to rewarding people competitively, as well as offering initiatives such as wellbeing programmes, learning and development opportunities, and parental leave for all parents globally.

Watches and Fine Jewellery

1. Head of Boutique

▶ Details: Job Description


1. Deputy Head of Boutique

▶ Details: Job Description


Interested parties please visit CAREERS @ CHANEL to apply


Send detailed resume & expected salary to Human Resources Department by email to recruitment.mo@chanel.com


$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, JSCM16R2, Retail 零售業, M06CJ

Alexander Mcqueen 澳門招聘


Sales Associate 店舖銷售員


  • 向客人提供詳細的貨品介紹以及優質的服務

  • 努力完成銷售指標

  • 提供高素質的售後服務以確保客戶的滿意度

  • 認真仔細地核對每天銷售及庫存商品的帳目

  • 確保貨品安全,避免貨品失竊及其他損失情況的發生


  • 高中或中專以上

  • 至少兩年以上時裝零售銷售工作經驗,有奢侈品行業經驗者優先

  • 工作認真並有良好的氣質及親和力

  • 反應靈敏及具備良好的溝通能力

有意者請到 https://kering.wd3.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/AMQ/job/ALEXANDER-MCQUEEN-Sales-Associate--Londoner-_R131373 或透過電子郵件發送給我們:career@alexandermcqueen.com 提交詳細的個人簡歷及個人資訊。


$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, Design 設計, M06CJ

XYZ Design Spatial Co. Ltd. 澳門招聘








  • 設計把控能力強及有自我藝術見解

  • 有組織管理協調能力,能帶領團隊,完成整個項目工作

  • 統籌整個項目後續工作並推進(對接施工圖深化部門、對接軟裝設計部門等)

  • 能解決施工現場問題

  • 熟悉室內設計與Office相關軟件(AutoCAD、SketchUP、3D Max、Photoshop、PowerPoint、Excel等)







  • 協助設計總監處理一般事務

  • 熟悉室內設計的原則和概念

  • 懂得使用室內設計軟件和工具,例如AutoCAD、SketchUp、3D Max、Photoshop、PowerPoint、Excel等

  • 能夠清晰地表達和傳達設計概念,並能夠與客戶、供應商和其他團隊成員進行有效的溝通





請將 CV、作品及薪金要求發送至 info@xyzspatial.mo

$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, IT 資訊科技, Urgent Hiring 急聘職位, M06CJ

E-task Information Technology Co., Ltd. 意達資訊科技工程澳門招聘

etask macau macau jobscall.me recruitment ad 澳門招聘-01.jpg

E-task is a Macau-based Extra Low Voltage solutions provider with more than 10 years experience across Asia.

The company motto is “ Things We Do, We Do Well ”.

Recognized as one of the few Macau-based company being able to offer a full spectrum of ELV solutions, E-Task continues to deliver high quality, value-formoney, tailored services that meet and exceed our Client’s expectation sufficing both ad-hoc and long-term needs.


Engineer – IT Support Service


  • Provide on-site end-user technical support

  • Support network infrastructure and application

  • Conduct device hardware/software installation and configuration such as PC, POS, NAS, WIFI and other system

  • Assisting in warehouse maintenance and inventory

  • Daily duty summary report to management


  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science / Electronic Engineering or related field

  • At least 1 year experience in IT support

  • Knowledge on using Microsoft Windows, Mac and Database

  • Good communication skills and problem solving

  • Holder of Safety Card

  • Experience in server/network equipment maintenance is a plus

  • Macau ID holder

Technician – CCTV / Security


  • Provide on-site technical support

  • Installing, maintaining, repairing, and replacing security cameras, computer networks, and other equipment used in video surveillance systems

  • Monitoring the operation of security equipment for malfunctions or other problems


  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science / Electronic Engineering or related field

  • At least 2 years working experience in CCTV / Security Systems field

  • Knowledge on using Microsoft Windows, Mac and Database

  • Good communication skill, outgoing and self-motivated

  • Holder of Safety Card

  • Macau ID holder

Engineer - Mobile Phone System


  • Provide on-site end-user tech support

  • Completing site surveys to troubleshoot for existing systems with inadequate coverage

  • Report findings to the management

  • Assisting in warehouse maintenance and inventory

  • Provide regular monthly system maintenance report and summary


  • Bachelor’s degree in Telecommunication / Computer Science / Electronic Engineering or related field

  • At least 1 year relevant working experience on IT support / radio infrastructure or base station related works, fresh graduates will also be considered

  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills

  • Good command of spoken & written English and Chinese

  • Macau ID holder


以上職位只限澳門居民申請,薪酬視乎相關學歷和工作經驗而定。有意者請將履歷連同相、要求待遇發送至 rec@e-taskinfo.com


$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, Marketing 市場行銷及傳播, Government 政府及公共事業機構, M06CJ



中國檢驗認證集團澳門有限公司隸屬中檢集團。中檢集團是經國務院批准成立,原由國家認證認可監督管理委員會直屬管理,轉隸到國家國資委直屬管理的一級公司。 中國檢驗認證集團澳門有限公司於2004年9月成立,是原國家質檢總局在澳門當地唯一授權開展有關檢驗檢疫業務的檢查機構;是以“檢驗檢疫、鑒定測試、認證服務、咨詢服務”為主業的獨立第三方檢驗認證機構。




薪酬:月薪 $15,000 - $25,000(具體面議)


  • 負責公司的體檢業務市場推廣和宣傳,制定並實施市場營銷計劃,協助公司實現營銷目標,提升公司品牌知名度,並負責公司線上和線下活動的策劃和執行。


  • 負責公司體檢業務市場推廣和宣傳的策略和執行,包括但不僅限於:製作和發佈廣告、市場調研、品牌建設、本地醫療資源合作等。

  • 策劃公司線上和線下活動,包括但不僅限於:網絡營銷、線下活動等。

  • 瞭解澳門本地醫療市場情況,收集並分析客戶需求,為公司提供合適的體檢服務和建議,提升公司核心競爭力。

  • 制定並實施市場營銷計劃,協助公司實現營銷目標,並負責監督和調整市場營銷活動的效果。


工作時間:週一至週五 9 點至 17 點


有意申請以上職位者,請將個人履歷電郵至 hr@mo.ccic.com 進行申請。

$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, Others 其他行業, M06CJ


歡迎畢業生申請!有工作經驗者薪酬水平 RMB20,000+

$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, Freelance 兼職, JSCM16R1, Retail 零售業, Marketing 市場行銷及傳播, JSCMPT3, Design 設計, HR 人力資源, M06CJ


中免集團於 2019 年成立中免集團澳門一人有限公司。經營的店舖名為「澳門上葡京店」「CDF Macau Grand Lisboa Palace Shop」,是中免集團在海外開設的最大市內店

$20k - 30k, $10k - 20k, Construction 建築業, M06CJ




  • 具大專及以上學歷,園林景觀、園藝、森林等相關專業或相關專業資格,或具本澳發出的初級綠化技工証明,3年及以上園林相關經驗。

  • 跟進各項綠化工作的日常管理,協調及指導駐區工人的工作安排及流程,需經常巡查區內情況等。負責向公司及客戶等進行日常工作匯報,處理公司安排相關的協調工作及文書工作。

  • 具有較強的人際交往能力、溝通表達能力、執行能力和良好的責任心;

  • 有提供專業技術服務的意識和態度;重視團隊合作,有公平公正的專業處事態度;優良的抗壓能力,勇於接受挑戰,對新事物和觀點有較高的接受度;

  • 熟悉電腦操作及電腦軟件如AutoCad,PDF,MS-Office,等

  • 必須外勤工作, 可駕駛電單車或私家車。

  • 中英文聽、說、讀、寫良好,優先考慮。


  • 有綠化工程經驗,或者地盤管理經驗。跟進各項綠化工作的日常管理,協調及指導駐區工人的工作安排及流程,需經常巡查區內情況等。

  • 負責向公司及客戶等進行日常工作匯報,處理公司安排相關的協調工作及文書工作。

  • 中英文良好。

綠化員/樹木護理員 - 多名

  • 月薪8500起,工作地點:澳門區/離島區,經驗不拘,需刻苦耐勞。

  • 持有建造業職安卡優先考慮,詳細面議。


有意者請自備履歷及作品集電郵至landscape.dept@greentech.com.mo 或致電 2857 2634 查詢

APPLY NOW 快速預約面試:

$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, Education 教育, M06CJ


教育機構招聘 macau jobscall.me recruitment ad 澳門招聘-01.jpg


  1. 全職中學老師

  2. 全職小學老師

  3. 全職英文老師

  4. 全職幼稚園老師


  • 執行本中心分配的教學任務,負責學生的補習工作;

  • 遵照本教育集團的教育發展規劃,積極參與優化教學方案、課程研發、教研活動等工作;

  • 落實班主任工作,積極與學生和家長溝通,切實關懷、輔導學生提高學習成績,鞏固教學成果、營造良好的學習氛圍;

  • 配合本中心開展教學行政事務、學生紀律、事故防範等管理工作;

  • 根據本中心和所屬崗位的要求組織計畫大型活動,比如開放日等活動的開展;

  • 完成上級交辦的其他事項。


  • 持有澳門身份證

  • 持有相應學科畢業

  • 熟悉教學並有相關授課經驗

  • 抗壓能力強、溝通能力強、講解能力強;對教育有熱誠,能聽讀寫流利中英文及普通話,具備良好的溝通和工作協調能力

  • 具有良好的職業道德和進取精神,熱愛教育行業,擅於與學生和家長溝通,有責任心和親和力,能勝任班主任工作者優先

  • 口語流利,發音標準,具備良好的語言表達能力和溝通能力,具有優秀的課堂管理和把控能力

  • 懂電腦應用操作及中英文輸入法

  • 不抗拒基督文化及理念

5. 市場拓展部文員


  • 負責招待學生及家長

  • 客戶的開發與維護 制定相關的營銷策略

  • 基本文書寫作工作及文件整理歸檔工作

  • 主管委派的任務

  • 收生業務推廣工作


  • 女性,持有澳門居民身份證

  • 流利廣東話

  • 服從上級工作安排,性格開朗,笑臉迎人,有禮貌,健談,喜歡小朋友 責任心強 能夠高效完成工作

  • 懂電腦應用操作及中英文輸入法

6. 人事行政文員


  • 負責一般文書資料處理及歸檔工作

  • 對接政府部門

  • 負責對人員進行日常招聘、入職離職、考勤和社保等工作

  • 薪酬、休假計算及薪資相關文件製作;

  • 草擬政府書信、信函、內部通告等;

  • 各類人事表格制作;

  • 一般行政事務處理以及偶爾外勤工作;

  • 完成主管交辦事項及部門後勤支援工作。


  • 女性,持有澳門居民身份證

  • 要求熟悉勞工法,人力資源相關專業畢業

  • 要有1到3年以上全職人事工作經驗

  • 懂電腦應用操作及中英文輸入法

7. 行政文員


  • 負責一般文書資料處理及歸檔工作。

  • 協助處理庶務性行政工作。

  • 簡單設計工作(至少會一種設計工具:AI、PS、Canva或其他設計工具)

  • 協助活動舉辦

  • 與内部部門或外部機構客戶洽談

  • 主管交辦的其他事項。


  • 持有澳門身份證

  • 抗壓能力強、溝通能力及公關能力強,對工作有熱誠

  • 能聽讀寫流利中英文及普通話,具備良好的溝通和工作協調能力

  • 懂電腦應用操作及中英文輸入法


1. 全職 / 兼職英文老師


  • 根據公司安排的課表上堂

  • 根據公司要求準備教學内容、課後跟進及與家長溝通

  • 根據公司要求協助其他事務


  • 英文能力良好 (在英語環境中長大優先)

  • 懂得劍橋英語、雅思英語、英語拼讀寫技巧的教學

  • 優秀的英語水平,參加過雅思考試並獲取高分者優先

  • 能活躍課堂氣氛,能讓學生專注學習並學習到專業的英語技能

  • 能聽懂廣東話者優先

2. 兼職烹飪興趣班導師


  • 有教導兒童烹飪興趣班經驗

3. 兼職幼兒及小學藝術班導師


  • 美術專業,有教導兒童藝術興趣班經驗

4. 兼職幼小學科興趣班導師


  • 有幼教經驗,有愛心,會控制小朋友秩序


以上崗位薪金面議,有意申請者可將個人簡歷通過電郵傳送至 hrinfo1818@gmail.com,請注明申請職位。

招聘熱綫:6319 3668

APPLY NOW 快速預約面試:

$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, Hotel 酒店業, CS 客戶服務, M06CJ





如有疑問請致電:8590 8063

APPLY NOW 快速預約面試:

$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, Hotel 酒店業, M06CJ

CityViva 城悅酒店澳門招聘





前台部 Front Office

  • 客戶關係專員 Guest Relations Specialist

  • 訂房服務專員 Reservations Specialist

管家部 Housekeeping

  • 助理樓層主任 Assistant Floor Supervisor

  • 房口服務員 Room Attendant

  • 布草房服務員 Linen Room Attendant

  • 櫃台咨詢聯絡員 - 管家服務 Service Coordinator – Housekeeping

工程部 Engineering

  • 經理 – 工程部 Manager - Engineering

  • 工程技工 Technician

人力資源部 Human Resources

  • 主任 - 人力資源部 Supervisor - Human Resources

  • 助理 - 人力資源部 Assistant - Human Resources


本酒店為員工提供優厚薪酬及福利,包括膳食、有薪假期、醫療保險及晉升機會。 如對上述職位有意者請將履歷、近照及期望薪金電郵至 careers@cityviva.com.mo

閣下亦可致電 8291 0203 與人力資源部查詢有關詳情。



$10k - 20k, Construction 建築業, M06CJ

駿旺建築工程有限公司 (JWC) 澳門招聘


駿旺建築工程有限公司(JWC) 於2006年在澳門成立,建基於過去眾多的工程經驗,駿旺已發展成全面的服務提供者,提供一站式的建造及與設施相關服務。駿旺的業務涵蓋項目設計及管理、樓宇發展、土木工程、機電工程、室內設計及裝修和設施管理服務。



職責 : 一般工料數量測量員工作,包括與客戶面談、到現場測量及記錄工料數量、於辦公室處理後續文件。 (需要外勤)

資歷:專上教育:文憑/證書; 2年經驗; 良好粵語; 一般英語; 懂讀寫中文; 懂讀寫英文; 懂Microsoft Office; 懂AutoCAD; 懂中英文電腦操作; 具有基本電腦操作知識; 有相關工作經驗優先


職責:進行工程測量工作, 協助審核工程和維修工程的帳目, 繪圖 , 地盤度數,間中需戶外工作

資歷:專上教育:文憑/證書; 1年經驗; 良好粵語; 一般英語; 懂讀寫中文; 懂讀寫英文; 懂電腦文書處理; 懂Microsoft Office; 懂MS Outlook; 懂MS Excel; 懂AutoCAD






要求:三年以上相関工作經驗,懂得CCP,VRV 等運作與維護。具備組織領導能力,有靈活頭腦,反應敏捷,有高度服从力。有經驗者優先。



  • 主要負責工程 / 保養項目的文書工作

  • 協助上司監督工程符合規格

  • 協助上司準備工程檔案, 與各部門和工程 / 保養場所之間的內部協調

  • 與內部和外部各方合作, 組織、執行及完成各項項目所需的工序環節

  • 根據工程進度,協助跟進訂貨、生產、送料進度,定期更新出入單據紀錄

  • 日常文書工作


  • 大學畢業

  • 流利廣東話,良好中、英文書寫及會話能力

  • 積極進取、細心

  • 具團隊精神

  • 組織良好,能夠獨立工作, 並能承受壓力,能於時間緊迫及壓力下工作

  • 熟悉 Microsoft Office 程式應用及中英文文書處理




$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, Construction 建築業, M06CJ

BaoZheng Construction Co. Ltd. 寶正建設有限公司招聘

寶正建設 macau jobscall.me recruitment ad 澳門招聘-01-2.jpg

寶正建設有限公司的前身為 - 寶山建設有限公司。公司創立于二零零五年,多年來主要致力從事於發展高檔裝飾及翻新工程項目建設,負責參與的工程項目涵蓋了本澳各大型娛樂場酒店項目。

BaoZheng construction Co. Ltd. Forenamed as Baoshan construction Co., LTD. was founded in the year 2005. Over the years the company was mainly engaged in committed to the development of high-grade adornment and renovation project construction. It is responsible for participation in the projects covers the Macao every large-scale casino hotel project.



  • 工程項目的投標,包括拆除、新建工程項目、A&A工程、豪華裝修項目和保養維護合同;

  • 與分包商和供應商的協調。

  • 在合同前和合同後品質保證工程和成本控制與客戶、顧問、分包商、供應商和內部項目人員就商業事務進行聯絡;


  • 有能力獨立工作,處理以下內容:

  • 協助項目投標;

  • 協調分判商、供應商、業主等各方面的溝通;

  • 協助公司的成本控制工作;

  • 處理業主方面的工程後加項目及相關準備工作;

  • 有裝修工程及相關經驗者優先考慮;

  • 至少5年工料測量員經驗,其中有3年分判商工作經驗;

  • 經驗欠缺者,可考慮為助理工料測量員;

  • 熟練操作MS Office軟件;

  • 良好的書寫和英文表達能力

  • 薪金面議


有意者請把個人履歷、聯絡方式及待遇要求電郵至 windy.lei@bzcc.com.mo

Interested parties please email your resume, contact details and salary requirements to windy.lei@bzcc.com.mo .

招聘熱線:Windy Lei - 2852 6992

$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, Construction 建築業, M06CJ



天惟國際最早成立於1992 ,是一家源自澳門的綜合性設計服務機構。公司在澳門及中國廣東均設有公司,擁有眾多建築師、室內外環境設計師等高級技術人員,專業技術力量雄厚。具有澳門政府認可資格及中國建築甲級設計資質。











Employment Status: Full Time



Position Duties:

  • Design and Coordination Specialist for Project Lifecycle.

  • Prepare and submit project proposals, reports, or presentations.

  • Perform architectural/environmental design and create detailed drawings.

  • Act as a coordinator throughout the project cycle, collaborating with various professionals.

  • Review and assess any limiting factors or constraints that may impact project implementation, particularly regulations, environmental impacts, and budget.

  • Liaise with suppliers to ensure innovative, cost-effective, and feasible material and process applications.

  • Serve as the main point of contact for client feedback and address their concerns in your capacity as an architect.

  • Visit project sites and proposed locations, attending regular client meetings.



  • 從項目的概念和初步設計,到設計文件,直到項目施工階段的設計變更;

  • 準備和提交方案書、報告或提案。

  • 進行建築/環境設計和繪製詳細圖紙,

  • 在整個項目週期中作為協調人與各種專業人士進行協調;

  • 審查和審查任何可能對項目實施造成不利影響的限制因素和因素,尤其是法規、環境影響和項目預算

  • 與各個供應商聯絡,確保材料和工藝運用符合創新性,合理性和可行性。

  • 以建筑师身份对接并处理客户意見。

  • 前往項目現場和擬建地點,並定期參加客戶會議

Job Requirements:

  • Bachelor’s degree in architecture, Environmental Art, or a related field. Master’s degree is a plus.

  • Strong architectural knowledge and aesthetic foundation.

  • Minimum of 3 years of experience in architectural design, public construction projects working experience is preferred.

  • Registered Architect in D.S.S.C.U. (Professional Registration "D.S.S.C.U." of Macau) or equivalent qualifications.

  • Familiarity with Macau's building regulations and codes.

  • Excellent verbal, written, and reading skills in both English and Chinese.

  • Proficiency in software tools such as CAD, Photoshop (PS), Adobe Illustrator (AI), SketchUp (SU), Autodesk Revit (ArchCAD), and Trimble Tekla (Tekla Structures).

  • Ability to create architectural and interior 3D renderings.


  • 建築學、環境藝術或相近的專業;

  • 良好的建築學素養和審美基礎;

  • 三年以上建築設計工作經驗,有公共工程項目經驗者優先;

  • 工務局註冊建築師(澳門專業註冊“D.S.S.C.U.”)或同等資格;

  • 熟悉澳門建築法例;

  • 良好的中文和英文口頭表達、寫作、閱讀能力;

  • 軟件技能:Cad、PS、AI、SU、天正、Archcad;

  • 能繪製建築及室內三維效果圖。

Working Location: Macau


Salary: Negotiable


Working hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00-18:00


Company Benefits: Employees’ Compensation Insurance, Obligatory Holidays, Company Holidays, Annual Leave, Sick Leave, Marriage Leave, Paternity Leave, etc..


Application 申請方式:

Please submit your detailed resume to adm@planwish.com

請將個人履歷電郵至 adm@planwish.com

$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, Investment 投資, Marketing 市場行銷及傳播, Bank 銀行業, GM 綜合管理, M06CJ

A&P Investment Fund Management 澳門招聘


A&P成立於2023年,作為澳門首家獲許可開設的投資基金管理公司,我們一直致力於制定本地基金行業標準,凝聚和培養本地優秀人才,憑籍豐厚的專業知識 , 為本地客戶提供高品質財富增值服務。

我們一向秉持著公司創始人所倡導的“安全、穩健、戰略性”三大核心理念:以資本保值為優先,研究和資訊技術為基礎 ,恪守嚴格的價值分析和資產分配原則,在保障資本安全下聚焦於穩定妥善的戰略投資,努力投入到風險管理最理想的回報組合。

Founded in 2023, A&P is establishing the standards of the Fund Industry in Macau by being the first licensed Investment Fund Management Company, contributing to our vision of local talent managing our own financial solutions.

Our core principles emanate always from our philosophy expounded by the founders for Safe, Sound, and Strategic: Prioritizing capital preservation, we focus on sound and strategic investments based on rigorous value analysis and capital allocation principles, for once security of capital is ensured, we then channel our efforts into the best risk-return profiles.

Data Scientist

Department: Investment Research and Intelligence

Job Description: The Data Scientist will collaborate with fundamental and technical analysts to deliver data-driven insights that enhance our investment decision-making process.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Collaborate with investment teams to understand their data and analysis needs.

  • Extract, pre-process, and clean data from a variety of sources, ensuring its reliability and accuracy.

  • Implement and validate predictive models; continuously monitor and refine them as needed.

  • Conduct exploratory data analysis to identify trends, anomalies, and patterns relevant for investment decision-making through statistical techniques.

  • Integrate data science models into investment systems and platforms.

  • Generate data visualizations and reports to explain findings clearly to non-technical stakeholders.

  • Stay updated with the latest data science techniques and best practices, especially those relevant to the finance sector.

  • Apply both frequentist and Bayesian methodologies in data analysis.

  • Utilize stochastic methods in modeling and analysis.

  • Work alongside senior analysts to implement advanced analytical methods.

  • Assist with general IT support at the office, ensuring that systems are operational and addressing technical issues.

Skills & Qualifications:

  • Language Proficiency: Fluency in English is a must.

  • Education:

    • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Data Science, Statistics, Mathematics, Finance, or a related quantitative field.

    • Modules or coursework related to Finance are a significant plus. A Master’s degree in a related field is also a plus.

  • Technical Proficiency:

    • Proficiency with data science tools and platforms like Python, R, SQL, MATLAB, and associated data science libraries (e.g., pandas, scikit-learn, TensorFlow).

    • Experience or familiarity with software tools like Oracle's Crystal Ball, or Lumivero's @Risk is a plus.

  • Data Management: Technical expertise regarding data models, database design development, data mining, and segmentation techniques.

  • Statistical Analysis:

    • Knowledge of statistics and experience using statistical packages for analyzing datasets (Excel, SPSS, SAS).

    • Proficiency in uncertainty and time series analysis.

    • Proficiency with both frequentist and Bayesian methodologies. o Experience with stochastic methods in modeling and analysis.

  • Machine Learning: Understanding of machine learning algorithms and principles.

  • Data Visualization: Proficiency with visualization tools like Tableau, PowerBI, Matplotlib, or Seaborn.

  • Domain Knowledge: Basic understanding of finance and investment principles. Experience in the finance sector is a plus.

  • Teamwork: Ability to work collaboratively with diverse teams, including technical and non-technical members.

  • Problem-solving: Analytical and critical thinking skills with a passion for solving complex problems.

  • Communication: Strong verbal and written communication skills to present findings and insights to stakeholders.

FX and Money Markets Trader 外匯及貨幣市場交易員

Job Responsibilities 崗位職責:

  • Execute trading operations in FX, money markets, and bonds, maintaining compliance with fund strategies and market regulations.

  • Analyze market trends, economic data, and financial news to identify trading opportunities and optimize portfolio performance.

  • Collaborate with fund managers to devise and implement effective trading strategies, ensuring alignment with the fund’s financial objectives.

  • Prepare comprehensive reports on trading activities, market analysis, and portfolio performance for review by senior management periodically.

  • 執行外匯、貨幣市場及債券的交易操作,確保交易遵守基金策略和市場監管要求。

  • 分析市場趨勢、經濟數據和財經新聞,辨識交易機會並優化投資組合表現。

  • 與基金經理協作,共同擬定和實施有效的交易策略,確保策略與基金的財務目標一致。

  • 定期撰寫關於交易活動、市場分析和投資組合表現的綜合報告,供高階管理層審閱。

Qualifications 任職要求:

  • Bachelor's degree or higher in Finance, Economics, or related fields. Certifications such as CFA or FRM are a plus.

  • At least two years of hands-on experience in trading FX, money markets, and bonds within a banking or financial institution setting.

  • Strong analytical and quantitative skills, with proficiency in using financial software and trading platforms.

  • Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written, with fluency in English, Cantonese, and Mandarin.

  • Proven superior decision-making skills in high-pressure environments, capable of managing multiple tasks simultaneously in a dynamic environment.

  • 擁有金融、經濟或相關領域的學士或以上學位。擁有如CFA或FRM等證書者優先。

  • 至少具備兩年在銀行或金融機構中從事外匯、貨幣市場和債券交易的實戰經驗。

  • 擁有卓越的數據分析能力,熟練使用金融軟件和交易系統。

  • 具備優秀的口語和書寫溝通能力,能流利使用英語、粵語和普通話。

  • 在高壓環境下具有出色的決策能力,能同時處理多項任務。

Media Planner 媒體策劃

Job Responsibilities 崗位職責:

  • Proactively develop and lead the implementation of comprehensive media strategies to enhance the company's public image across television, social media, and other communication channels.

  • Independently oversee the creation, curation, and proactive distribution of press releases, media kits, and other public relations materials, ensuring content aligns with brand identity.

  • Act as the company’s primary liaison with major media outlets, leveraging existing relationships and forging new ones to maintain the company's professional image.

  • Organize and coordinate social or launch events, ensuring top-level engagement and effective brand promotion.

  • 積極策劃及主導全面的媒體策略,提升公司在電視、社交媒體及其他溝通管道上的公眾形象。

  • 獨立監督新聞稿、媒體套件及其他公關材料的創建、策劃及分發,確保內容符合品牌形象。

  • 作為公司與媒體機構的主要聯繫人,利用現有關係並建立新的聯繫,保持公司形象的專業性。

  • 組織並協調社交或發佈會活動,確保高水平的互動和有效的品牌推廣效果。

Qualifications 任職要求:

  • Bachelor’s degree or higher in Communications, Marketing, Public Relations, or a related field.

  • At least two years of extensive direct experience in media management or public relations roles

  • Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written, with fluency in English, Cantonese, and Mandarin.

  • Proven ability to manage multiple projects independently in a fast-paced environment, demonstrating creative problem-solving skills.

  • 擁有傳播、市場營銷、公共關係或相關領域的學士或以上學位。

  • 具有至少兩年在媒體管理或公關崗位上的豐富工作經驗。

  • 具備優秀的口語和書寫溝通能力,能流利使用英語、粵語和普通話。

  • 能夠在快速迭代的環境中獨立管理多個項目,具備創新解決問題的能力。

Market and Business Development - Vice President/Assistant Vice President

市場及業務發展 - 副總裁/副總裁助理

Job Responsibilities 崗位職責:

  • Responsible for liaising branches for the sale of the fund, work along with co-workers to ensure productive trust relationships with distributors and clients.

  • Follow and achieve department’s sales goals on a monthly, quarterly, and yearly basis, should stay up-to-date with product features and maintain a high standard for the company's image.

  • Self-motivated, have deep knowledge of the investment industry, and have excellent persuasive skills.

  • Proactively develop and sustain collaborations with industry leaders, corporate executives, and other key stakeholders.

  • 負責聯絡分行銷售基金,與同事合作,確保與分銷商和客戶建立富有成效的信任關係。

  • 按月、季、年度監控並實現銷售目標,同時關注產品更新,維護公司的高標準形象。

  • 積極主動,對投資行業有深入瞭解,並具備出色的說服技巧。

  • 積極發展並持續維護與業界領袖、企業高層和其他重要人士的合作。

Qualifications 任職要求:

  • Bachelor’s degree or higher in finance, business, or a related field is required.

  • Outstanding personal image and effective communication skills.

  • At least two years of experience in banking industry is highly valued.

  • Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written, with fluency in English, Cantonese, and Mandarin.

  • 擁有金融、商業或相關專業的學士或以上學位。

  • 具有良好的個人形象和有效的溝通技巧。

  • 擁有至少兩年銀行業工作經驗者優先。

  • 具備優秀的口語和書寫溝通能力,能流利使用英語、粵語和普通話。

Receptionist 前台接待

Job Responsibilities 崗位職責:

  • Provide support to colleagues to help the office run efficiently.

  • Professionally handle incoming calls and effectively deliver important documents to partners.

  • Coordinate schedules for meetings and appointments.

  • Manage files and documents effectively and maintain office records.

  • 為公司同事提供支持,幫助辦公室高效運轉。

  • 專業地處理來電及有效地配送重要文件至合作伙伴。

  • 協調會議及工作日程。

  • 有效管理文件和文檔,維護辦公室記錄。

Qualifications 任職要求:

  • Holding a valid motorcycle license is a must for documents delivery.

  • Ability to manage tasks efficiently.

  • Effective in spoken and written communication, with fluency in Cantonese and Mandarin.

  • 需要持有效電單車執照,以迅速配送文件。

  • 能夠高效地管理並完成任務。

  • 口頭和書面表達能力清晰,粵語及普通話流利。

Benefits 員工福利

Annual Leave, Sick Leave, Public and Bank Holidays, SSF, i.e.


申請方式 Application:

有意申請者請將最新中英文履歷發送至 info@apfund.morecruitment@apfund.mo

Interest parties please send your most recent CV(Both Chinese and English) to: info@apfund.mo and recruitment@apfund.mo